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Image Comments 15 Dec 06:18
joined Sep 21, 2015

I couldn't get what was the brown stick in the bottom... my mind went full lewd

joined Sep 21, 2015

This Yoshimaru doujins makes me want to watch the anime... but I now that all this won't be canon so I don't wanna break my heart watching it, because I already have a mindset of how I think they personalities should be like, and how are their voices should be (based on other characters that have similar personalities).

Edit: Seriously why the fuck did I do it!! even though I knew I shouldn't... first thing: her voice is too mature, I imagined her with a tsundere voice so it felt out of character (even thought I can't say that because her "personality" that I made in my mind isn't canon xD)... it's like ALL the Love Live! doujins... the fanworks are amazing but the anime is plain and doesn't suit my tastes. And Hanamaru should have had a "Ara ara" voice... like Mami in Madomagi.

last edited at Dec 15, 2016 4:17AM

joined Sep 21, 2015

Even if she's not resisting.. even if at the end she says it's alright... her face looked like she didn't want it and killed the mood for me (rapey) xD

last edited at Dec 15, 2016 3:53AM

joined Sep 21, 2015

I can't stand people that smoke near other people, and I absolutely hate people who talk someone into smooking too... just drop dead! really, if you wanna die do it alone don't take other people with you.

In this case I'm sure Sensei was just joking, she didn't say it seriously... but all people arround the world that would seriously offer cigarrettes/drugs/alcohol to other people with a smile on their faces make me sick.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Their boobs are too big! Well this was a cute one, I could feel the love :3 the main point is how it feels to make the girl you love feel good, I think that it's so satisfying that you feel satisfied yourself even without being touched. That's why I don't hate doujins that have an only one-way sex, because if they both are happy and feel good that way then it's all good.

Beloved L discussion 13 Dec 16:34
joined Sep 21, 2015

Wei Wei please don't be an ass... think more about her feelings ._.

I think I need make more zoom in each chapter I read xD but it's sooo beautiful ;//;

There's a resize button that makes the image large.

last edited at Dec 13, 2016 4:36PM

joined Sep 21, 2015

I have a dream... That one day, one of the chapters I've worked on will actually be well recieved... ;p

I thank you sincerely... no matter how bitter the story is, we need more spice to balance the sweetness of the many happy ending series that we have. It's refleshing at some point... but our feelings of empathy wish they would have ended happily ever after :c

joined Sep 21, 2015

Suzu-chan used "sex appeal".

It's not very effective...

Sensei fled!

last edited at Dec 10, 2016 4:20AM

joined Sep 21, 2015

Onee-chan is such a player... if she's just fooling arround this needs a aaangst tag

Again, I could be wrong and she could be a great person (the other girl in page 18 could only be her ex-girlfriend?)... but after reading Unripe Fruit I can expect the worst case scenario.

last edited at Dec 10, 2016 4:27AM

joined Sep 21, 2015


joined Sep 21, 2015

You know I would respect the hell out of this series if they go the hardcore realistic depressing route. Like someones' bottled up emotions expload causing an incident that breaks up the group or they somehow keep this balancing act going until they graduate. Than they drift apart after several years. Than in the last chapter they get together for some school reunion and it reveals that they each found a different way to cope for their messed up love triangle. Like one found a decent guy and preoccupied herself with raising a family, another just kinda broke down and took to sleeping with every woman under the sun, and the last one buried her feelings in work.

I will pray so that nothing that crosses your mind ever happens.

joined Sep 21, 2015

That moment you know you're screwed... he opened his eyes so wide lmao xD

joined Sep 21, 2015

Dark souls LMAO

joined Sep 21, 2015


joined Sep 21, 2015

Mami... I feel you...

joined Sep 21, 2015

Lets wait for the rapey sequel xD

joined Sep 21, 2015

This is great, made my day and it's only 1am. Mezashi is the best.

2:21am JerryCops logs his full agreement

5:27am, and this was the best way to finish my day! For me the day starts when I've slept and waken up.

Image Comments 02 Dec 01:50
joined Sep 21, 2015


joined Sep 21, 2015

What the hell can't there be a normal doujin from this author? Is s/he Dowman Sayman 2 or what?

joined Sep 21, 2015

A tomboy is the kind of kid who runs around, climbs trees, gets dirty and covered with leaves, rides bicycles no hands and stuff. So in that sense even if Nadeshiko has masculine qualities, she's not "tomboyish".

Tsukasa is a tomboy and Nadeshiko is a prince xD

I really need more series with reverse GB I say reverse as in the "reverse" harem there are too few series (worth watching/reading) with a tomboy/prince-like girl :c and too many brainless/hentai/ecchi series with guys turning into hot oppai girls that the first thing they do is touch themselves xD I gotta have more shoujo ai in my life.
Like, I must have re-watched RxJ, Ouran, even Sailor moon for Michiru and Haruka and other few series lots of times because there're no more than those... say whatever series comes to mind and I'm sure I've already read/watched it.

last edited at Nov 30, 2016 2:15AM

joined Sep 21, 2015

Well... his siscon (a.k.a. inferiority complex, or too much admiration for his sister) will be cured by the power of yaoi lmao XD

joined Sep 21, 2015

I stopped breathing uncounciously while reading it... it felt really suffocating, it must have been painful...

What a hell of a fetish does she have? This is not hot at all is like getting turned on at a drugged/drunken girl, that's pretty sick if you ask me xD

last edited at Nov 29, 2016 9:01PM

joined Sep 21, 2015

10/10 would watch it if it was a thing

joined Sep 21, 2015

The eyes looked anywhere but at the book, it was poorly drawn

Bad End discussion 26 Nov 01:40
joined Sep 21, 2015

Lmao I hope we don't need to tag more doujins with this... Happy End had the worst ending possible.