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Yurigurashi discussion 07 Jan 00:29
joined Mar 29, 2017

I love adult yuri, married with a small child is the best. The adult life tag needs more attention

For real. It's a complaint I have about anime and manga in general that it's so rare to see adult leads. This manga was particularly cute.

Its down to the old rule of storytelling. Ask is this the most interesting part of a characters life if not then why are you writing about it. In Japan and most other places around the world once you get out of school your life becomes very very boring. As such you need to do something to make it interesting or at the very least entertaining.

Just working off raw cute will only get you so far and being funny gets more and more difficult the longer the series goes on. A good example of how to do domestic stuff right is dragon maid where its funny weird and interesting. Its a shame because adult stories done well can be amazing.

joined Mar 29, 2017

NTR end confirmed.

Friendly reminder that in a love triangle there are 5 ways to go.
1 A+B
2 A+C
3 B+C
4 A+B+C
5 A

joined Mar 29, 2017

This is was a very interesting story, I can tell that the idea of synchronised bodies is a cool idea.

Mira's works are great. But if I have to choose mine most favourite work by Mira, it definitely will be Kiss Me! Vampire Girls.

Yes, agree 1000000%. Though my most favorites are kiss me! Vampire girls and corruption’s finale.

I loved the story and the concept behind it, reminds me of Sense8. Mira could easily turn this into a series featuring different characters each time

Actually, I enjoyed Earth Girls the best.

Something about August Monster makes me go back to it more and more. Its the inevatibility and how it slowly creeps in reminds me of some fond and not so fond memories. But i guess i'm just the exact type of person to like that kind of a story.

joined Mar 29, 2017

This first chapter kinda feels like it's rushing to introduce the premise. If you think of it as an actual situation it'd be quite unbelievable

How so? I agree that the chapter was too short, but nothing seems too outlandish to happen in real life. I mean, it does seem silly for them to bully the loner girl like that over just drawing manga, but high schoolers can be jerks like that. Plus it seemed that she was already unpopular before this happened.

I got bullied for being korean if anything its tame. One of them even went as far as attacking me with a chair because I refused to do his work for him.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Once she come to terms with being an otaku means she needs humanity things will get interesting.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Cats are primarily meat eaters. Liking fish is a special trait of Japanese cats.

Uhh... What?
My cat almost goes insane whenever I open a can of tuna or cook fish.
I also never saw a cat that doesn't like fish...


My aunt had a cat that hated fish and all seafood but would absolutely destroy almost anything else. Watching a cat devour a steak like a wolf is equally funny as it is scary.

Citrus + discussion 19 Dec 03:38
joined Mar 29, 2017

Hopefully mel will be an actual character rafher then a plot device I alwase found her intresting. Like how and why she ended up as a walkong husk beyond daddy issues.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Holy shit that teacher, what a total piece of shit. Like... Fujishiro shouldn't have hit him and all but he really fucking earned it anyways. The craziest part is that was actually pretty believable. There are teachers who behave like this guy, uncommon as they may be, and in the circumstances there I totally believe Fujishiro would get that pissed. I would have gotten that pissed if someone said that to my close friend. Especially a teacher saying it to a student. That's fucked up no matter what the rules say about makeup.

Indeed had a teacher like this in my roomates highschool basically acted like a tyrant. He bullied students and threatened unfair gradeing for thoes he didnt like. I wont share why he got fired and eventually behind bars but lets say its safe to assume his asshole is being streached as we speak.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I kinda assumed it would be incest but suprised it wasnt.

joined Mar 29, 2017

As a former delinquent, Everytime I see the tag, I get a surge of serotonin in my system.
It's just true love, nothing special. :'v

As a current one I can say meh needs more violence and sharp objects.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I don't forsee any issues here.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Uhhhhh ok then.

For! discussion 10 Dec 18:00
joined Mar 29, 2017


Yuri Moyou discussion 10 Dec 06:12
joined Mar 29, 2017

On one hand takeing advantage of a drunk is kinda shitty on the other she was drunk.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I cant fathom how they managed to end up in this situation and we can read their minds.

joined Mar 29, 2017

“Treatment plan for a new drug”? That could either be very good or very bad...

I'm predicting a lot of Angst and fear of death.

They... They wouldn´t kill the adorable loli, would they? They wouldn´t be this much of a massive continental cuntsaurs would they?

If the mangaka needs to add drama just because, is more likely it'll be in the form of the new drug just failing. Otherwise, they'd basically need to restart the manga with PoV shifted to the doctor and a different mood, which will lose a lot of old readers without a guarantee of getting new ones.

So many things end happy these days. Cant a boy just enjoy a story where the world ends in nuclear fallout.

Image Comments 07 Dec 06:49
joined Mar 29, 2017

The more you learn about nier the more fucked your brain gets. Also funnfact nier automata is a spinoff of a spinoff of a spinoff because squareenix just loves to make their lore nuts go insane.

Liberty discussion 07 Dec 06:46
joined Mar 29, 2017

You've gotta be brain dead to agree to a contract like that. Hopefully it isn't as serious as it seems.

It is not like it has any legal power (unless japan has weird laws I guess) but yeah probably a sign to find a new crush.

Depending on how its worded among several other factors. Basically she signed a eula guidelines of what is and is not allowed and a basic punishment in this case probly being slaped. Will it hold up in court? No probly not.

Image Comments 07 Dec 02:31
joined Mar 29, 2017

Hmmm yes who programed the robots to have a sex drive.


joined Mar 29, 2017

This was so sweet! and I loved the artstyle, I wish I could capture "uncute" expressions in such a way.

Btw, maybe it's because I'm an artist and I love it when people give me stuff, but giving small, cute gifts to people is also a way of showing them your love (?) the senior artist is gay as fuck, giving the girl you like tickets to go to art expos just like that is really gay tbh
Aoba's super short bangs look weird, but you're not an art/design student until you messily cut your own hair soo

So thats why my friend hands out soap to her models.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Well, I tried to make a Twitter account but the moment I did it was instantly locked and Twitter demanded I fill in a captcha and give them my phone number. Like, you want my bank details while you're at it?

Thats so that they can send you an automated text if you forget your password or your account is activated in a spot where you aren't normaly. By design your phone number is just a number you can get information thru it but its like your name but thats about the extent unless your carrier just hands that info out. Also it makes things more secure because now they can go thru your carrier rather then an email and email servers are kinda shit. Also your email leads to your ip adress and that leads into your actual adress. Oh shit this isnt a tech fourm..... tits.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Hm, wouldn't it make more sense to start a career as musician? 30y old idol sounds depressing.

Mimorin (Umi's VA, 32) and Soramaru (Nico's, almost 29) are still going strong doing the idol thing. I'm glad for slightly-older idols.

I mean asian women look young untill they hit like 60.

joined Mar 29, 2017

I don't say this ending is bad, but I think that the story must be end with some huge explosion, Like asteroid fall from the sky, or nuclear explosion, 1 ton TNT explode at the same time

So fallout 5?

joined Mar 29, 2017

How can you find something annoying and cute at the same time...I think irritation sort of sucks the appeal out of something by definition...

People intentionally keep cats as pets.
There you go.

Or children.

Dogs, small pigs, chicken, some friends, inlaws, ect.

joined Mar 29, 2017

As per the standard ritual they missed it by that much.