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WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 15:26
joined Mar 17, 2016

whoa! they sure like to exploit you!

Yeah.. But good thing I like what I do, so it gives me some resilience. Also I rarely get sick. ^ ^

Lol yeah I don't usually get sick, but if I do I get really sick

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 15:10
joined Mar 17, 2016

Good job Fay! it looks great! ^.^

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 12:54
joined Mar 17, 2016

What about those times when you ask someone how they are doing, they answer and ask you back, and then you go "fine, and you?". Awkward silence guaranteed.

Lmao that is very true but I just said "hey" and then awkward silence and then he goes "okay!" however that is better than last week when I failed horribly at my greeting on the phone and the other person asked if I was going to be okay to make it through the day lol

I was at an appointment with one patient once and it had been a terrible week with work, projects and shifts. So I was pretty much striving to focus on it. I asked if the patient had a fever and he answered, but I didn't pay attention. So I repeated the question and noted the answer. 5 min later I asked again about fever. xD (I know this is actually pretty awful since I'm dealing with someone's health).

Hahahaha that is awesome XD I'm not in health but I still do that all the time whenever I talk to people on the phone, but to be fair they give me so much information at once and apparently it's rude to tell them to stop talking for a moment so I can note everything XD but I have to flip back and forth between screens and make detailed notes because if anything gets pulled for a court case I need to make sure I've got all my facts.

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 12:34
joined Mar 17, 2016

My god, 24h shift? That sounds brutal! Can you at least take a nap in between?

It depends. Sometimes I can take a nap and rest 1 or 2 hours. The worst part of it is that I have to work on Monday during the day. But you get used to this kind of life eventually.

What about those times when you ask someone how they are doing, they answer and ask you back, and then you go "fine, and you?". Awkward silence guaranteed.

Lmao that is very true but I just said "hey" and then awkward silence and then he goes "okay!" however that is better than last week when I failed horribly at my greeting on the phone and the other person asked if I was going to be okay to make it through the day lol

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 12:16
joined Mar 17, 2016

You know it's gonna be a crazy day when you answer the phone at work and someone says "hey how are you?" and you are so distracted with other things you just say "hey" and then there is awkward silence until you realize that you were asked a question... lol

Oh a 24hr shift sounds horrible... Hopefully you can take a nap at least lol

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 10:14
joined Mar 17, 2016


What are you up to these days?

Ugh just boring work and home life stuff lol but hopefully everything will calm back down ^.^

That is great news!!! I'm so glad that Su is getting better and showing so much progress!

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 09:44
joined Mar 17, 2016

Hi mvl and Rainy :D
Ugh I need coffee....

Hey KitKat ^.^

last edited at Apr 21, 2016 9:44AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 09:34
joined Mar 17, 2016

Hello!! ^.^

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 01:05
joined Mar 17, 2016

Lin, please tell Su not to spare any details in her report :P

Have fun at work!! Tell Su hi! And that she needs to hurry up and get her butt back in this thread... will that bring the butt topic back?

Shawty got them apple bottom jeans, boots with the furrrrr, the whole club was lookin' at herrr... This butt related song popped into my head and I'm blaming you, ramadamallama >__< she hit the floor, next thing you know, shawty got LOW LOW LOW LOW... ugh this isn't going to go away for at least a couple days.

Hahahahahahahaha! XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 Apr 00:51
joined Mar 17, 2016

Okay, so I'm in for one Hell of a day today. Dunno when or even if I'll be able to be here again today. xD So that's why I'm saying it now already: I'm gonna visit Su tomorrow. If you guys have stuff you want me to say to her, shoot. ^_^
Welp. Off to work I go! /whoooosh/

Have fun at work!! Tell Su hi! And that she needs to hurry up and get her butt back in this thread... will that bring the butt topic back?

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Apr 14:47
joined Mar 17, 2016

You can't run! Just surrender now before Azai returns and tries to hire you as one of her pervy understudy kohai. xD

I know hahahaha okay then go TeamShameless!! XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Apr 14:41
joined Mar 17, 2016

I just burnt my dinner. This day can barely get any worse. =_= Anyway. Hey Llama! I think you missed some nice butt talks yesterday. xD

Also, you are so a member of TeamShameless! Don't you dare deny it! xD

Lmao I know I can't believe I missed the butt talks! XD
Looks like I can't runaway from TeamShameless hahahaha

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Apr 14:11
joined Mar 17, 2016

Good morning everyone! ^.^

Here comes the Llamaa

Sup Newp

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 Apr 14:05
joined Mar 17, 2016

Good morning everyone! ^.^

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 14:59
joined Mar 17, 2016

Yourself. xD And Llama.

Wait whaaat?? Hahahahahaha XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 12:20
joined Mar 17, 2016

I was just scolded by my aunt at work because I didn't read the full email she sent out XD

did she scold you badly? :<

Lol no she just used my full name XD she asked if I got the email she sent out and I told her I did but I only read the first sentence hahahaha

U are so naughty.. butt pats

Lmao XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 12:03
joined Mar 17, 2016

I was just scolded by my aunt at work because I didn't read the full email she sent out XD

did she scold you badly? :<

Lol no she just used my full name XD she asked if I got the email she sent out and I told her I did but I only read the first sentence hahahaha

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 11:57
joined Mar 17, 2016

I was just scolded by my aunt at work because I didn't read the full email she sent out XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 10:37
joined Mar 17, 2016

All this butt talk... I'm pretty sure I'm not the only pervy understudy here.

You will always be our pervy understudy senpai. So you don't have to be worried about someone taking over your crown xD

Good. Great to know I have many pervy understudy kohai. (¬‿¬)

I'm not one of them though. mvl and Rainy is your kohai. XD
And maybe Fay HAHAHAAHAA

KittoKatto the butt maniac is definitely one of my kohai.

Teach her your ways Azai

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 10:34
joined Mar 17, 2016

Babe, I'll just make it up to you next time~~
I'm sure you're gonna love it lol

Oooohh yeaahh ;)

B-but I thought you slipped and fell again last night ???

I slipped when I went to pick something up and I put my hand on a tote, the tote moved and I fell. That was before I went into the kitchen and saw the ice lol

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 10:24
joined Mar 17, 2016

All this butt talk... I'm pretty sure I'm not the only pervy understudy here.

I think Rainy could give you a run for your money XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 10:24
joined Mar 17, 2016

Sorry babe. Today's a bit impossible. Got a nasty hangover xD

Lmao that is so your own fault and now my butt is going to suffer because of it?? XD

It's definitely a sight to see how you fell on your butt. Wish I've seen that xD

Well I avoided it last night lol I walked into the kitchen and there were like 10 ice cubes on the ground, apparently my cousin had trouble getting the ice into his water bottle so he just left them there....

I would take the oil or the lotion hahahaha never spit lmao

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 10:14
joined Mar 17, 2016

I still owe GraciousLlama that one hell of a butt massage.

No more delay then... just do it today...
Faster is better...

Btw, i made it as a joke when Llama fell on her butt. but i was quite serious actually..
There were times that i didnt careful enough and fell from my motorcycle on my butt..
As it wasnt really hurt, i just left it be... but it became a problem..

Yeah KittoKatto do it today!
And lmao I'll never be able to forget the time I fell on my butt XD

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 10:07
joined Mar 17, 2016

I still owe GraciousLlama that one hell of a butt massage.

Yes... yes you do. I'm waiting for that ;)

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 09:46
joined Mar 17, 2016

Why thank you? Hahaha I guess I feel sparkly XD

Hi Lin! :D