@Anon99 Evil plans have been postponed in light of cake. MMM... cake... XD
Blackkitty What is the name of that bug? It looks similar to the ones I see around here called "silverfish". Those guys scare the hell out of me. Mostly because I pretty tired when I see them and then think I'm seeing things and sometimes I miss identify them as baby cockroaches. Spooking me even more.
Honestly, I hate most of the bugs around here: Cockroaches (the size of the palm of my hand, gifted with the power of flight. Never knew those guys could fly until I saw it happen o_O), Brown Recluses, Black Widows, Brown Widows. Luckily, most of them are preventable with some good old bug poison and a clean house. But then there's still those evil bastards. They're harmless, but they still get me to leap a yard backwards.
Just to end on a better note, I have a story from my childhood about a glass door. I was with my family on vacation at the beach so we stayed at a condo. It was late at night and my mother was out on the balcony separated from the main room by the sliding glass door. Like the idiot I was back then, I knew the door was there, but I couldn't really see if it was open or closed. So I walked straight smack into the glass and my mother watched the whole thing and started laughing at me. In retrospect, I could've looked for the door handle's location or try the air around the glass door before walking through.