Forum › Posts by Blackkitty

joined Feb 3, 2015

Yeah but O'Sullivan supports Corbyn so he's automatically superior

I know... O'Sullivan is prodigious and rebellious ^^ but sadly he wasn't able to make it to the semifinals ;_;

Oh I see how it is ;___;

...... Dx.....

Wait wha =.=

What what? >_>

Btw Happy Birthday to your granddad! May he be safe and sound for many more years :)

What is the title of the movie?

last edited at May 2, 2017 12:11PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

Yeey, it's May already! And what a fitting beginning of the month - Selby is a third-time winner of the World Championship ^_^

#7 Choclatecakelover x Blackkitty**

Why am I on that list?
My posts are even fewer then those of Choco...

P.s. Back in the day when Galich was a regular here, I thought she was a perfect match for Choco^^

last edited at May 2, 2017 4:24AM

joined Feb 3, 2015


Hi hi! ^__^

How are you doing? You seem lively ^^

Of course I could do better than that! But I always thought the zombie thing was kinda fitting...
Oh, but wait a minute... Didn't you always say that you liked them...? O_O
Sneaky little kitty, you! (´⊙ω⊙`)ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ

Me, sneaky?! No way... usually I am the one ending up being surrounded by sneaky characters ^^"
I remember saying that I really like the hippie zombie ^_^ so don't cry, you will ruin your new makeup ;p xD

....and I thought that only people in my country switch off their brains when voting... unfortunately doesn't look like that anymore.

Anyway, some music:

joined Feb 3, 2015

Hello Kitty ヾ(^∇^)

Hey there, Anon-Senpai!

I like your new look^^
I knew can do better than your previous avi...!!! ^_^

joined Feb 3, 2015

I was surprised when someone at work actually managed to get on my nerves today^^
Instruments never get old ^_^

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Neko-Sista

Hey sista from another mister! >w< feels like i haven't spoken to you in aaagggeess so popped in here to check on da fam and say hi ahah XD very nice chill song @A@ ! Here my song llol

Meow!! ^_^ hey there, my purring talanted sista! yes, indeed, I haven't heard of you for ages^^ you busy little kitten!

But from what I can see... you are doing well miss! ;) Glad to hear you and your BFF got reunited at last :) Hope you will enjoy a splendid time with her on that exotic island under the gentle touch of a sunray and the refreshing carress of a breeze ^^
do you have equally exotic half-naked ladies serving you cocktails on the beach? xD

well, as far I'm concerned, nothing really happens ^^ just work... and unusually hot weather... like it's been like well over 20 degrees these days... ^^ But I managed to keep my nice pale outlook xD

I feel you, but politics are way to hard for me to follow in general =^ㅎ ⋏ ㅎ^=

nothing good comes out from following politics ;) which reminds me that I'm still in the mood for chill dreamy tunes to make my mind go astray, that and the chill recommendations I've heard so far^^

joined Feb 3, 2015

Ohh, so I voted for a new parliament today... but what's the point when everyone else seems to have lost the power to reason chosing​ the same trash..

Whatever... chill-out time ^^

Kitty and politics is a definite no-no^^

last edited at Mar 26, 2017 4:48PM

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ they are actually serious beause they concluded that they can't teach me anything good xD so I've been offered a cigarette every other day

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon

My idiocy marks the beginning of spring..? (・o・)
I had no idea! ;)

Your idiocy matches perfectly the madness that spring is ^^

Still think that you're the real poet around here reading comments like that! ^^

Not really ^^...

But since I couldn't help reading your reply to Galich... Hmm, would you share some of your paintings with us, if you feel comfortable with it? ^^ I bet you are also good friends with colors :)

Kako Yuri

Um.... so Nevri brought me here. What is this about if you mind?

Welcome to the thread!

last edited at Mar 24, 2017 10:58AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ hey Sista !
My bro uses sometimes his car as a storage room for his old stuff... Ive tried telling him that it's better to throw away old things, but he is stubborn xD ^^"

About your uni friend ... if you ever consider participating in a gag, I wouldn't mind paying to see you dance swing ^^ It would be funny!! ^_^ xD

Since I am the only of all the three people who don't smoke at work, my co-workers sweard to covert me to the dark side ^^"

last edited at Mar 24, 2017 10:39AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon

This actually totally got me in the mood for a stupid rhyme again! (ʃƪˆ▿ˆ)

yeey!!! ^_^ welcome back Anon! I missed your verses! Spring has indeed arrived!

But you are not a buzzing bee.. your slightly infused with darkness rhymes resemble the chirping of a nightingale, and are a good omen of better peaceful times ahead for the thread ^^

Besides kitty who posted a message a few pages ago

...and I thought my innocent message just got buried among the gravestones of drama xD

@ Galich

hi there you clumsy little sista, you!
I see how your eloquence and lenghty posts haven't been affected by your temporary leave xd

Anyway, I also missed everyone else^^ even PKMN Ranger who tried deleting the traces of their presence^^"
Hope everyone is doing good with life :)

last edited at Mar 23, 2017 9:07AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

yeey, where I live it's springtime at las! ^_^ Hopefully now we can expect more light, colors, and birdsongs ^^
Now I feel like going out for a walk..

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ oh, I am sure Anon is somewhere near watching over us^^

joined Feb 3, 2015

Hi guys ^_^
Hope you guys all are doing well!
it's been a lazy Saturday so far for me^^

here is another piano piece for you :)

@ Anon-sama

… and I always thought that you didn't like horror movies... ;)!^^

What did you say to her after that? ^^
I hope something to totally freak her out... ;)

I glared at her saying: "Better not make me angry for real next time" xD ..and than I just started laughing...
but I doubt that my co-workers will manage to make me angry... they faild even when they lied to me saying that I had to do a certain job because the manager had asked earlier for it..

last edited at Feb 11, 2017 10:11AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

What's more relaxing than tidying up around with some piano music playing as an accompaniment to it ^_^

joined Feb 3, 2015

Neko I don't know what you are taking but do you mind sharing some with your purring sista, meow^^
I am getting really sleepy ^^"

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ thank goodness I have the perfect eyesight...^^"
Oh, but does that mean I am even worse...I don't need any equipment to scare people off xD

And I don't read works with that kind of tag, but the ending seems a bit off ?

@ Anon Zombie onee-chan

Thank you for your advice!

I don't mind switching off my mind and enjoying Milla playing her role, I guess! She was the reason that made it possible for me to digest the first 2 episodes^^
now I must get serious and catch up on all the other parts!

last edited at Feb 4, 2017 11:19AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

A female co-worker of mine always says that I look at her in a mean/funny way when I actually couldn't be more indifferent to her. And I usually don't talk to her much probably because I don't talk excessively to anyone at work^^
So today she told me during the break: " you stare at me as if you were to tear me into pieces" o.O

I wonder if it is a coincidence that another female co-worker never showed up when she was supposed to help me with a certain job just before we all could go home... so I had to do it by myself and it took a while...
Oh, what a shame that I would never be bothered enough to show her my angry looking eyes xD

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ sis
Sleep well! And enjoy your days off^^

It's official,I hate the auto correct...I meant to write coconuts, not cocoa ... Stupid thing xD

Anyway, I know what you mean, 3D sucks.. and it's usually more expensive....

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Older Sis Looks delicious.. I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation myself to be honest ^ ^

You shouldnt worry about no time for cinema, I "didn't have the time" for 5 years.

Also, I do think it's a good thing you stick to yuri forums and not Instagram ^^

LittleSis <3

don't tell anyone...==cocoa is my weak spot xD==

once in a while it's nice to ruin your diet with a ok-ish movie^^
I personally can't wait to see Emma in "Beuty and the Beast" yeey!

I do have an instagram account... but there I keep just a few photos of kittens xD
but I agree with you!

@ Ishi

Welcome to the Cafe! :)

and cake was lovely!^^

last edited at Feb 3, 2017 9:14AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

hehhe, Welcome to Booby Cafe! ^_^

It's annoying how I'm kinda busy so I can't go to the cinema, at least not this week... ^^"

Anyway, I was thinking of posting something positive so here we go... a sweet temptation I wasn't able to resist the other day(RIP my diet xD) a vanilla flavoured tea yeey
and people usually post those on instagram... I do it on yuri forums..

joined Feb 3, 2015

Meow ;)

joined Feb 3, 2015

^ me too, I like piano and instrumental music. So thank you! ^_^
Also thank you everyone, I do enjoy your songs when I need some extra colors to make my day more appetising!

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon

With the occasional break here and there...

What matters is that you are still here^^ unfortunately you aren't that much inconsistent xD

To be or not to be... Well... I've been somehow ;)
As lacking and aimless as ever (•͡.•͡)

Hmm, sounds familiar actually ;)
I guess you will live...

Been to the movies yesterday to bring an end to the Resident Evil film series ^^

Is it a good movie? I wanted to watch it and enjoy the beauties playing in there, but I realised that I haven't seen all the movies, so firstly I will have to catch up.... ^^"

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Choco
Are you alright now? I mean your cold^^
Because of that stupid cold weather colds have the nasty habit to repeat themselves :(

Every time I think to comment I realise my life is kinda boring and I can't be bothered to find a way to latch on to a convo xD

Oh, but you will be among fellow boring creatures here ^_^

@ Anon

Consistency... I don't even know what that is... (ヾノ•᷅ ༬•᷄ )

Oh, but you've been consistent enough to enliven the place for 7 months.

You shouldn't take food from strangers in general! Not just apples ;)

You have a point, probably.

So how have you been lately? ^^

last edited at Jan 28, 2017 5:57AM