Forum › Posts by DrMario

joined Aug 1, 2014

Er.. So, is there a new thread on 4chan for Virgins Empire since the last one got archived ? ( the one who started with a cover of Senpai & Kouhai and ended with chapter 123 link )

It expired before someone could make a new one and link to it but there is a new one. Just click on 'catalog' to get an overview of all active threads and look for it.

joined Aug 1, 2014

"The truth is... I'm also in love with you"

...this is not how I wanted things to go. -_-
This manga was so good before.

last edited at Dec 16, 2015 5:29AM

joined Aug 1, 2014

The correct file for chapter 44 is up now. You may want to re-download, depending on how much you care.

Oh that's good to hear. I only asked originally because last time a volume got finished there was like a full 6 month or longer break until the next update (I may be exaggerating the time since I barely remember but it was a while lol). Glad to hear, that I won't have to wait in anticipation for too long. Really been enjoying these much more consistent updates.

Well, this is a different team working on it.

Now a question...Can we expect anything good in the yuri/relationship departments...? No details necessary but a yes or no and if its coming soon or in like 20 or 30 chapters would be appreciated...I just want to know just how long we're gonna have to deal with the mangaka dragging out some of these relationships that should've been dealt with already lol.

There is some development but for the most part expect more of the same.

I think we're probably going to get yanked around for a little while considering there are 3 more volumes to go. Plenty of space to get teased.
At least there is Mari x Yuu to keep us interested, that power dynamic. Phew. Getting a little warm in here.

There are actually 5 more volumes to go a this point and there is no end in sight.

last edited at Dec 10, 2015 5:53PM

joined Aug 1, 2014

Chapter 44 got released prematurely >:-(
The file will probably be updated in a bit with some corrections.

We have raws for all the chapters that have been released and translations for the next 3 volumes. It's mostly a matter of editing at this point.

joined Aug 1, 2014

Why are the eyes of the bento character pixelated?

joined Aug 1, 2014


When quoting someone, it would be nice if it showed who I was quoting, as is usual in most forums.

Something like this:

EvilDevil wrote:

Transistor Teaset
scanlator fixed ch 13, there were some minor errors

That is the best you can get

That's nice. But the quoting thing in that script will not change anyone else's quotes, only mine, right? In that case its usefulness is pretty limited. It's unreasonable to expect every user to download a userscript. If you want to make quotes and nested quotes more readable you'd need to change the forum logic for everyone.

last edited at Nov 19, 2015 11:29AM

joined Aug 1, 2014

When quoting someone, it would be nice if it showed who I was quoting, as is usual in most forums.

Something like this:

EvilDevil wrote:

Transistor Teaset
scanlator fixed ch 13, there were some minor errors

last edited at Nov 19, 2015 6:59AM

joined Aug 1, 2014

Aw... No really 'thank you'. :-) I already posted on 4chan. I'm quite a no-brainer with Japanese characters and I just inserted your translations based on my intuition. I already did Chapter 40... I just need to clean up the effects and change the fonts. Man... Never knew this was tricky haha. Where shall I contact you DrMario?

You can post in the thread or shoot me a mail at
By the way, please use the translations from the google drive folder as they are the ones up to date. If you're a native English speaker feel free to change them up too, if anything feels unnatural.

last edited at Nov 19, 2015 6:48AM

joined Aug 1, 2014

Oh my G*d at Chapter 40. Are you just doing the translations and someone else typesetting the chapters? I would be willing to typeset a chapter or 2. Though I have never typesetted anything before but I'm good with Photoshop. Thank you very much for the raw links and for translating DrMario!

Yes, someone else is typesetting it. If you want to have a go at a chapter claim it in this thread Also post there when you're done for QC purposes before releasing.

I should also add "Thank you" and "I can give you some pointers or whatever if you have any questions".

joined Aug 1, 2014

Oh my G*d at Chapter 40. Are you just doing the translations and someone else typesetting the chapters? I would be willing to typeset a chapter or 2. Though I have never typesetted anything before but I'm good with Photoshop. Thank you very much for the raw links and for translating DrMario!

Yes, someone else is typesetting it. If you want to have a go at a chapter claim it in this thread Also post there when you're done for QC purposes before releasing.

joined Aug 1, 2014

I have a question though DrMario, what's Asami-senpai's fullname? Since I can't find any reliable source about the series and I don't know how to read kanji haha. (And since she's my best girl.)

Her name is Asami Shizuka. Or Asamizu Shizuka. Both readings are possible and I don't remember seeing her name written in kana anywhere.

Also, are Mahiru and Mahiro actual twins ? Oo Thought they had different surname and were just friends pushing the whole "look alike" too far ? confused

They seem to be unrelated but for the longest time I thought they were twins whose parents got divorced, hence the different surname. I mean, the similarity is uncanny. I still don't know for sure.

last edited at Nov 11, 2015 10:07AM

joined Aug 1, 2014

Hmmmm Missed opportunity for the cliche.... to mix real alchool and see what happens with those girls I WANT THEM TO TAKE A STEP FURTHER!

No worries. I'm from the future and I'm here to say "they will take the big one" \o/

Chie x Ai FTW <3

Can we please not spoil in this thread?

joined Aug 1, 2014

For those of you who aren't up to speed this is the current situation:
There are 8 Volumes out in Japan, 6 in Germany and 2(?) in Italy. The current chapter count is 119 with a new one every two weeks (posted on this website:
Collected official raws from 61 onward can be found here:'_Empire
Someone posted raws for volume 3 bought from the Japanese kindle store (which was trickier to buy from than you'd expect) and I'm doing my best translating it. Hopefully we will get the other volumes too and pump out these chapters quickly. The guy or girl who donated the raws is also the one doing the editing, I think.
You can find a couple more assorted raws here:
And all of the scripts I've written here:

last edited at Nov 2, 2015 8:05PM

joined Aug 1, 2014

Vote for your favorite characters and pairings:

My first survey, I hope I didn't screw anything up.

joined Aug 1, 2014

It would be nice if the navigation bar (the thing to the left of the actual pages) would scroll down when you read a manga normally, so you can see your position at a glance. Basically it would always try to keep your current page centered in the bar thingy. I admit, this isn't a very important feature, probably, but it would be convenient.

Their Story discussion 04 Aug 06:17
joined Aug 1, 2014

Why does the update begin with page 53? It's only been 51 pages till now.

joined Aug 1, 2014

In the meantime, it may be easier/useful to learn your user id, if you just want to find your posts.

How does that work? What's my user id and what do I do with it? Simply putting my username in the search-box doesn't do anything and I honestly can't think of anything else.

joined Aug 1, 2014

I also want to request another thing. There doesn't seem to be a convenient way to find your own posts. When I want to go to my posts (e.g. to see if someone replied) I have to find a post I remember making and then click on the link under the avatar there to find the rest. What a detour! It'd be nice to have this functionality on your profile page.

DrMario, where is your avatar from?

It's from Sweet Blue Flowers.

last edited at Jul 24, 2015 5:19PM

joined Aug 1, 2014

I think the resize button in the top right corner should take care of that.

edit: okay, so it doesn't always resize properly

If the resolution is too large in general, then normally, you would resize it, yes. (Still, not an excuse for bad controls!) But not for spreads. I want to read them in the same resolution as the rest. I don't have a problem with scrolling the occasional spread in principle, if it's implemented well.

last edited at Jul 24, 2015 5:11PM

joined Aug 1, 2014

I think the controls for large images are poorly designed. Usually I use the left/right arrow keys to flip through the pages. If a page is larger than the screen (usually because it's a spread), the keys are used for scrolling. However, and this is the problem, once the edge is reached, the reader immediately flips to the next page. That is super annoying. My suggested solution would be this:
If the user keeps holding the arrow key the scrolling simply stops at the edge. If he then lets go of the key and afterwards presses the direction while already at the end, the reader flips to the next or previous page.

last edited at Jul 23, 2015 4:55AM

joined Aug 1, 2014

The first link is dead but I translated the second one along with some other chapters and posted the script in this thread:

The translation is done from the official German release so it's probably not 100% faithful to the original but if you need more Virgin's Empire then go and check it out.

joined Aug 1, 2014

Who's teaching particle physics in elementary school? Geez.

Ayame 14 discussion 29 Mar 08:22
joined Aug 1, 2014

Illicit sexual relations are forbidden by school regulations? That's gonna be a problem when Ayame bangs all of her friends.

Eh, "illicit x is forbidden" is a tautology anyway.

A chapter called "Nipple Time" with no nipples?!

Ugh, I got cranked so hard.

I need to know where you got your avatar from. Do you have a link to the full image?

It's from a love life doujin called "Maki-chan Kawaii Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko!"

last edited at Mar 29, 2015 8:23AM

joined Aug 1, 2014

I have no fucking idea what just happened.

Yup, that's how I feel as well.
Also, I physically cannot read the letter, the English is too painful.

Image Comments 19 Feb 03:57
joined Aug 1, 2014

In the thumbnail it looked like enormous nipples...