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joined Mar 24, 2014

Nooooes, no Muppo-chan... :(

That really upset me

Image Comments 26 Jul 20:42
joined Mar 24, 2014

I think actually know these characters, though its been awhile and the creator has done a lot of rewrites so I may not be correct about a lot of this. The tomboy is named Erika Feng (Feng is pronounced as "Fung" as in "Feng Shui") while the dark skinned girl is name Espoir. They live in a futuristic post-cyberpunk version of Hong Kong, with Erika (or "Eri") being an HK native and Espoir being a French-Algerian immigrant. Eri is a courier for sensitive and often illegal packages (cause in futuristic China the government has cracked down on the internet so hard that sensitive information now needs to be moved physically else it gets censored) while I can't remember what Espoir does (can't even remember if she knows what Eri does is illegal).

Also, those scars come from different places. The small ones on Eri's back come from fights, while the large one on her back, plus another one on her nose which isn't visible in this image come from a car crash. She could have them healed with the advanced medical technology in the setting but prefers not to.

Also also, tomboys is best boys.

last edited at Jul 27, 2017 7:37AM

joined Mar 24, 2014

Mochi is going to surpass Mira as the Yuri Author Queen at this rate.

The "Queen of Yuri" is Morinaga Milk.

Thats a very peculiar way of spelling Minakata Sunao.

That's not how you say Takano Saku

You don't know how to write Ratana Satis

You mean Ooshima Tomo >8)

That's not how you spell Takemiya Jin

Dynasty commentors, I'm happy for you, I'mma let you finish, but Morishima Akiko is the greatest yuri manga-ka of all time.

What have I done....

Look, can we all agree that Mochi is about to surpass SOMEONE as Queen of Yuri?

Image Comments 14 Jul 00:33
joined Mar 24, 2014

Fuck everyone who is okay with this shit. I never liked incest before but this? How dare you sir, how fucking dare you.

last edited at Jul 14, 2017 11:58PM

joined Mar 24, 2014

I'm the type that makes people uncomfortable.

I feel bad, because on the one hand it sucks that Japan is so conservative with LGBT issues compared to many of its allies, but on the other hand I love the dorama that it brings.

Actually Japan was never against LGBT people. After the Americans took over that stigma was created. Japan is also one of the most accepting country's in sex or kings.

Its actually a fair bit more complex than that and to say homophobia in Japan was a creation Americans or Westerners in general is complete bullshit barely worthy of a response.
See, the Japanese tend to only be accepting of same sex encounters, not relationships. Japan is supremely conservative and has very strict gender roles, so while a fling or a teenage relationship might be acceptable, serious relationships are not and attempting to maintain a same-sex relationship beyond your youth is viewed as childish and something that you need to be "cured" of.
A strong emphasis on marrying and producing children only furthers this distaste for homosexuality and adds a layer of discomfort for asexuals as well
Said conservatism towards gender role also means transsexuals are right out. Hell even tomboyishness is often viewed as freaky or unusual, enough that tomboys, no matter how good looking, nice or all around wonderful human beings they may be, are frequently viewed as undesirable and odd for not conforming.

Non of this has anything to do with Americans or westerners in general. All of this has been a part of Japanese culture for hundreds of years, which is why it is so hard to get the Japanese population as a whole to change, cause unlike in the US, where the core of reactionary homophobic movements is often (but not always) some sort religious fundamentalism dogma, in Japan it is simply the way things are. Its not some small but vocal group who want to "kill all the queers" but is a universal and accepted idea homosexuality is simply a phase that is grown out of and if not, then it should be cured, because in Japan men act one way and women act another and deviating in any way from this is grounds for punishment or at the very least "justifiable" discrimination.

TL;DR Japan isn't "not homophobic" and "not conservative" and homophobia is not something that Japan imported from the west.

joined Mar 24, 2014

I get the feeling there is going to be some drama latter on...

joined Mar 24, 2014

I wouldn't go to America these days, even if I was paid for it. That country is fucking scary.

As a Canadian living near the US border, you have no idea.

joined Mar 24, 2014

YO SERIOUSLY WHO WOULD SAY NO WHEN THEY HAVE A CHANCE TO GO AMERICA. This happens a lot in manga but in real life you wouldn't give a shit about your school and friends if you can study in a foreign country

nope. Just nope -.-

and "America" is a continent, just for the record.

America isn't a continent, its two continents, as North America and South America are located on separate continental plates. Thus "America" is usually used to refer to the USA, since its the largest country with that word in its name. "The Americas" would be more accurate for the western hemisphere as a whole, which is what I believe you are referring to.

Yurucamp discussion 04 Jul 05:39
joined Mar 24, 2014

I can't understand why Borshch is written with "t" in English.

Slavic languages don't use any "t" in its name.

That's because "borscht" is the Yiddish spelling. Borshch was introduced to the western (and thus English speaking) world by Ashkenazim who hailed from the Russian Empire and were fleeing the pogroms. Ergo, the Yiddish spelling predominates.

joined Mar 24, 2014

But studies the wrong stuff



Image Comments 11 Jun 07:35
joined Mar 24, 2014

This made me giggle way too much.

Image Comments 03 Jun 22:52
joined Mar 24, 2014

Yeah but Korra was sweating pretty hard even before that so I feel my point still stands.

Image Comments 02 Jun 22:17
joined Mar 24, 2014

Considering how strong Korra is, Asami must be heavier than she looks for Korra to find carrying her that exhausting. Either that or Asami made Korra carry her for a very long time.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Oh my....

Oh my....

Oh my.....

Oh my......

Oh my....

Oh Goodness...

Oh yuri goddess..

Alright, no, look, I already did the C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER thing, now you can't do it too, you can't break a combo twice.

last edited at May 26, 2017 7:19AM

joined Mar 24, 2014

Seriously though, this series is fantastic. Only two chapters and already I'm hooked.

joined Mar 24, 2014

^ All this zealotry is why I chose to follow the perfectly secular spiritual philosophy of Nanohaism. >__>

Yeah but you gotta be in good shape to practice Nanohaism, since you have to be able to beat friendship into people. where is the problem? You get friendships and good physical shape in the same package. ^^

The problem is I'm lazy.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Oh my....

Oh my....

Oh my.....

Oh my......

Oh my....

Oh Goodness...

Image Comments 26 May 06:44
joined Mar 24, 2014

Was NOT expecting that.

joined Mar 24, 2014

^ All this zealotry is why I chose to follow the perfectly secular spiritual philosophy of Nanohaism. >__>

Yeah but you gotta be in good shape to practice Nanohaism, since you have to be able to beat friendship into people.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Part A is still one of my all time favorites and IDK why.

Their Story discussion 14 May 17:22
joined Mar 24, 2014

I kinda want them to get on with the basketball game but at the same time those interludes were fucking adorable.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Ayu the Emotionally Confused Lesbian joins our heroes, Natsuko Big Breasts and her dead eyed sidekick Haruko Let Me Touch Those.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Dear Takashima Hiromi, please continue this story into when they are old women still being good and precious together, thanks.

I second this.

Image Comments 06 May 06:23
joined Mar 24, 2014

White Rose won? EXCELLENT!

Image Comments 06 May 01:21
joined Mar 24, 2014

The RWBY subreddit is having a vote on most popular ships and White Rose is currently competing with Renora for top spot with Bumblebee and Arkos competing for third. Bumblebee was last years winner, with Arkos in second and White Rose in third.

So no, its pretty popular, especially since I've heard r/rwby is one of the bigger collections of RWBY fanatics.