I am looking for a doujin where two animators were locked in a room. Then, the narrator said they can't get out till they do something lewd. I believe one confessed, they kiss and they were releashed because of the wholesomeness.
Possibly this? https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_yuri_you_cant_get_without_sex#1
Ritsu doesn't know
Am flashing back to RahXephon a bit
I am just amazed that we are 62 chapters in and it just keeps getting better. Very nice simmer.
For some reason I thought the mech would have to the toast in her mouth, I guess this makes more sense.
I kept waiting for something to happen...
A vassal's duty never ends
They have names?
According to Dark_Tzitzimine yes: https://dynasty-scans.com/images/15864
I just had sex!
Your Lie in May?
Kind of like that game with the two weeds you pull on, see whose breaks first
That one double page, I keep going back to it to admire it.
Am surprised this is the ONLY image on DS
Well, don't know how accurate this is but: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Dynasty_Scans
I'd like pie in my face...........
I see what you did there
I like a strong dose of reality in my LL stories every once in awhile. I think this one really gets to the heart of the three.
Vol 13 was the last list of characters and years, I think: https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/virgins_empire_ch158#4
I had no idea this was a thing
Author released bikini gallery: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84098766
There is a black suit version now too: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84247497
"That was amazing Ursula!! Ursula?"
The art style sooo makes me think of Kindred
I just finished re-watching the OVA like right now...I think DS has a tap on my TV...
This is really cute, would love to see more!
Just noticed Yukiho wearing matching (?) hair pins