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Image Comments 16 May 10:03
joined Feb 4, 2015

It's cool, it took me months to learn how to do most anything here.

Enjoy the site.

500, still not banned. I know they're waiting to though. I know.

last edited at May 16, 2015 10:10AM

Image Comments 16 May 09:57
joined Feb 4, 2015

Click on the 'series' link in the tags, at the top.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Grr, need... to... spoil...

Any plot with Nynaeve is a bad plot is what I meant. Seriously, least favourite character by far. And Egewene follows closely. I heard somewhere that RJ's wife approved all his female characters, which is depressing considering their awfulness.

Glad I didn't get too spoilery with my reply, I try not to be, but I'm a bit thick so I don't know if I've said something too much.

last edited at May 16, 2015 9:49AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yeah well, the woman of his dreams confesses and says she will love him, whether he's in a guy or girl body and he/she REJECTS her because he/she fell for jerkface guy who put him in that situation in the first place? It made me want to scream! I guess the author, when the series was axed, put a giant middle-finger to his readers because they voted down his series.

I can imagine, just the description is making me mad. God knows how I'll be once I know the characters.

On the bright side, if I get mad enough I might break my laptop, no one will have to deal with my annoying posts anymore.

Until I get that new PC I was promised for when I go to university, muhahahah!

last edited at May 16, 2015 8:43AM

Magan&Danai discussion 16 May 08:01
joined Feb 4, 2015

I see your problem.

Gustavus Adolphus, Charles XII and the Carolean's.

Battles of Breitenfeld, Lech, Narva, Fraustadt.

Their short lived supremacy in the Baltic and the 'what might have been' scenarios if peace had been made with Peter the Great after his army was trashed.

Sweden was very interesting.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Judging by the comments, this sounds like everything I hate about Japanese media.

Gonna read it anyway, I'm sure fanfiction will save me!

Magan&Danai discussion 16 May 04:25
joined Feb 4, 2015

The Netherlands would be a good option as well. They were the the first country to legalize gay marriage and they are the most accepting country to LGBT people according to census data and have one of the highest standards of living in the world. Canada, Norway and Iceland are other high rollers om the LGBT front and the standard of living front. Norway actually has the highest standard of living out of any nation in the world and its the most democratic country in the world.

Yeah, but Sweden has a more interesting history.

I'm going to pretend that the UK is the best country for LGBT people because jingoism.

joined Feb 4, 2015

What the shit? Are there other girls who lick their fingers after masturbation? What the actual fuck? This is news. This is unsanitary news lol.

The after fap finger licking is the point of masturbation. Good protein.

Image Comments 16 May 03:57
joined Feb 4, 2015

Tuesday's forecast withholds no handsome albatross' flying giga fortress.

Image Comments 16 May 01:54
joined Feb 4, 2015

Is it wrong that I've started pairing all of the side characters in that picture?

Stretch discussion 15 May 20:27
joined Feb 4, 2015

My point was that, no matter how fitting the pieces look, they won't necessarily come together, I can understand that the story looks like it's stopped in it's track but Shou kinda wrote himself into a corner here because there is really next to no way to make the romantic-option look like a logical next step, sure the shippers would be happy but there are plenty of people that don't want to see them together because they don't really see the point in it when they are getting along just fine.

Just have to say I disagree. They have a good thing now, that's no reason not to keep it evolving, as you're kind of implying with 'they are getting along just fine.'. There is drama we know is in store, and if done right, this certainly could be done to make the relationship take a more romantic spin.

Seriously, a good thing now doesn't mean there isn't a better thing possible. This 'transcending sexual desire' thing sounds like a load of tosh. They have a deep connection, but I think you're reading way too much into it.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Alright I finished Eye of the World. I just want to tell you how I felt about it, please keep in my mind i myour reply that I only want to tslk about the first book, I don't even want you to say things like vague "oh but that character gets better, changes you'll see". I know I'm probably going to regret but oh well, I hope our shared forum history will make you behave yourself. Because I'm going to get book 2 pretty soo , either today or tommorow.

Me not behave myself? Absurd!

Yeah, the LOTR-ness hits hard in the first book. Really hard.

I love the world of the books, they're my favourite part. The gender dynamics on this level are interesting, as you said the balance of power in villages, also, the throne of Andor being a women held thing, Tar Valon being kind of lke the Rand-land Pope, but this not excluding men from ruling in other places. Balance between genders is a theme that RJ tried hard for.

Pity many of his prominent female characters are crap! Nynaeve and Egewene I wanted to strangle. I usually don't get worked up over fictional characters, but they're just infuriating. In book 1 though, Moiraine, Siuane, Min and Elayne (princess of Andor, not sure on name) were varying degrees of okay to good.

Most of the males in this book were good though. Rand is one of my favourite takes on the farm boy becomes hero character, Mat is great, Perrin is a bit dull, but still likable. Thom is surprisingly badass whe he takes on the Myrddraal, Lan is badass but for his falling for the probably-too-young Nynaeve on the way to the climax of the book, which is a plot line I think went against both characters. Unfortunately, guys like Fain irk me, especially since he basically became Gollum after the issue with Moridin.

Yeah Lan and Moiraine need a bit of fleshing ou, but they could be worse, and I think the first book left a good basis to develop them.

Anime season 15 May 09:11
joined Feb 4, 2015

You know, I only just realised what this was on about.

did it start getting really gay yet

Not as gay as it could be, but it's pretty gay. Some scenes where I had to remind myself that these characters were 'straight'. Like, properly expecting a kiss or a confession or something.

So many ships I know won't happen though. Fingers crossed for the Maybe dead girl/main character lesbian one.

joined Feb 4, 2015
"..fine with my body"

Yeah, fuck this. Never liked Morishima's take on things anyway.

... The Mannis has spoken.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Woah, woah, woah, CCL is re-railing threads now, what's up with that?

I feel dirty.

I took the porn thing as a joke too at first and then I skimmed through those twitter account... Sorry I can't take it as a joke anymore x)

Well... you were getting the honorary 'bestie' title, but now I just don't know.

last edited at May 15, 2015 7:03AM

Anime season 15 May 06:09
joined Feb 4, 2015

I remember my family watched that a bunch at the beginning. And then everyone turned gay and they completely dropped it, because straight white people.

Edit: Chuuni isn't remotely harem beyond the gender divide...which is part of what makes it so good (or as some prefer to say, "bearable").

You know, I only just realised what this was on about.

In other frustrating news, this crappy show is ages long and I think my dead girl ship isn't as dead as I thought, so I can't get back to anime. Stupid sinful live action.

I should not that last sentence was written with Gollum in mind.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm really surprised that only I (?) got this joke xD

For this I'm bestowing you the title of 'Bestest friend'.

Feel free to style yourself as such on official documents.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I just thought it'd be more evenly spread among the fanbase. But, what can I say? The Korean fans know what they're doing. haha.

I think that's a matter of exposure. There are fewer people inclined to draw for FF out of Korea, because a higher percentage of the readership is Korean.

The porn was a joke people, No need to discuss it.

last edited at May 15, 2015 4:54AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Anon, I was just joking. I'm fairly sure if you trawled through all of my comments you'd be hard pressed to find more than five which aren't sarcastic.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm a little surprised that it's the Korean fans drawing all of the NSFW material. XP

Perversion is universal.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yeah, full porn.

Citrus discussion 15 May 03:11
joined Feb 4, 2015

I just can say that Mei is very vulnerable to Yuzu and that this "weakness" bothers her, so she holds back a great deal.

For now, every time Yuzu takes a step forward, Mei takes a step back. If Yuzu doesn't give up, eventually Mei's resolve will falter because she actually needs Yuzu more than she realizes.

Mei taking back Yuzu's kiss from Matsuri is hint enough that she considers Yuzu hers.

So we think is logical. But there is a part of me that would love to see Saburo Uta go full troll on us.

joined Feb 4, 2015

This thread is fast becoming just porn.

Happy End discussion 14 May 10:54
joined Feb 4, 2015

Hmmm... I don't know if it deserves the "bad end" tag. Maybe "bittersweet end" ? Natsuki marries that boy, but the sisters are still really close and Ume doesn't intend to actually give up her sister. And Natsuki still loves her sister to bits. In the final pic, the boy is the third wheel. So my head-canon tells me that when Natsuki has what she wants (a kid?), the boy is tossed away and the sisters live happily ever after in yuri paradise :3

My head cannon is more yuri than yours.

Even if I am still convinced mine is what's actually canon. The het just doesn't compute.

joined Feb 4, 2015

^moderator please ban this user for necroposting. =p

Juventus played good but I don't think they're gonna beat barca.

No, Nez is just waiting for an excuse!

They're not, but it's nice to believe in the underdog.