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Citrus discussion 19 May 01:37
joined Feb 4, 2015

"Mei is a very realistic person"

"Mei, your a fucking walking oxymoron"

Seriously, consistency doesn't even last a chapter.

Bet the development doesn't last.

Magan&Danai discussion 19 May 00:36
joined Feb 4, 2015

No, France is interesting. China is interesting. Iran is interesting. The U.K. is very interesting. Sweden is the Canada of ancient history. Its like "Yeah Sweden was there but who cares?"

Plenty of people at the time.

Swedish intervention in the Thirty Years War played a vital part in shaping the Europe of today.

The important Baltic trade routes were increasingly dominated by Sweden until Charles XII's death.

If Sweden had made peace after Narva, we wouldn't have Russia as we do today. Access to Baltic ports meant access to the West, which meant it was no longer to be a backwater.

Sweden kicked the ass of every major power around it led by a 15 year old.

Also, the Caroleans were the most bad ass soldiers ever. Most Swedish armies were, but the Caroleans especially so.

Itou Ei discussion 18 May 14:56
joined Feb 4, 2015

I want to punch the mangaka for the first part. Art is nice though.

Rape is the only thing I can think of that I hate more than harems, and yet my brain won't let me read only part of something. Fuck you brain, fuck you.

Citrus discussion 18 May 13:47
joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm really hoping that Harumin's sister isn't yet another ~love obstacle~. Probably will be in part, but I can't see it doing much if Yuzu and Mei have pretty much said it's mutual. If anything I was actually expecting the next conflict to be Yuzu's mom and Mei's dad in some way, so this was unexpected...

They've pretty much said it was mutual before. They were too dense before they can be too dense again.

In other news, I swear the TV in the next room just called the EU Satan's abortion. Thought you should know.

joined Feb 4, 2015


Spent five minutes trying to remember my internet acronyms before In gave up and... oh.

God damnit.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Don't worry, you.
We all secretly get off on Mecha incest

The world is my fap buddy.

Citrus discussion 18 May 11:36
joined Feb 4, 2015

Sarah's been dumped in two chapters... woohoo! Wait... what was the purpose of the two sisters again? Push Mei in the arms of Yuzu? Mmm'kay... Let's hope Harumin's sister got something to show. More than some pointless drama that is.

Oh woooooow, do you think Saburo Uta has a list of names she likes and just HAS to get though as quickly as possible or something?

Anime season 18 May 11:24
joined Feb 4, 2015

So we're not fighting harems then? :(

Oh no, that's still happening. Just need some choice music...



Well, you're free to like Samurai Flamenco. I'm just warning people with actual taste to be cautious. :P


Stretch discussion 18 May 11:23
joined Feb 4, 2015

yes, it did. Used to be Seol-a in glasses, then Seol-a in pink last week. Now switch to finger-scissorred Ran
what's wrong with it? You like me more as Seol-a?

No, I can not deny Ran's adorableness, I'm only messing because it's more convenient for me to recognise who is who by their face as opposed to name. I hounded EvilNemesis for it once, but I'm not really serious.

more or less same here. I'm not sold on denial myself, but I definitely can't exclude this scenario.

Sounds reasonable. Shou is a troll, so I can see him teasing a confession, having Keiko going into full denial and him ending the story there.

Stretch discussion 18 May 11:10
joined Feb 4, 2015

While homophobic may be too strong a word, I had somewhat similar thoughts. The way Keiko reacted looked like she was extremely conscious and worried about the "kiss". She probably noticed her physical desire for Ran but she's still too scared to do the next step on her own, because "it's wrong" and will make her different to others, etc. It really looked like she wanted that kiss, and if it happened to be the real one, and if Ran put some physical pressure on her afterwards, she might've just finally accepted it. But... In other words, I think Keiko's just in denial.

Takachi, did your face* change recently or am I getting you confused with someone? I don't approve, grr...

Denial I can buy more than homophobic but I'm not all that sold on it.

*Face means avatar

Citrus discussion 18 May 11:02
joined Feb 4, 2015

what happened to the art ? its going downhill since ch 15.

Fingers crossed it's a trade for a story.

Anime season 18 May 11:02
joined Feb 4, 2015

Samurai Flamenco is not a harem, by the way.
But I'm totally joining in.

It isn't? Sorry, jumped to conclusions with then, because of Mari and mention of at least one other girlfriend or something.

Anime season 18 May 05:16
joined Feb 4, 2015

Aw shit, this sounds like stuff I'd here in Wrestling plot! Where can I buy the tickets to see this beat down?

Free admittance, be in Tamworth England on October 10th. Aiming to get as much pain as possible inflicted on harems and maybe they'll all disappear.

Stretch discussion 18 May 04:26
joined Feb 4, 2015

I think she's homophobic while her kouhai is a little bit more adventurous but is too apprehensive to act on her yuri tendencies because she knows her sempai is homophobic.

You think Keiko is homophobic?

I take it your whole comment was trolling then? Because if not, I think you're seeing things.

Magan&Danai discussion 18 May 04:02
joined Feb 4, 2015

Oh god you guys XD But yes let's make a thread for this

I can imagine it's just going to be some weird Mexican stand off.

Edited for redundancy.

last edited at May 18, 2015 4:07AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Welp I'm just going to draw these characters now. As normal humans because I can't draw dinosaurs ;w;

I can't wait to see your depiction of a girl eating her crush then.

Citrus discussion 18 May 02:27
joined Feb 4, 2015

It got to 16 before I realised there was a 15, gg me.

Anime season 18 May 00:57
joined Feb 4, 2015

It was more like helping her to get over it. Which is still stupid.

Well I'm still challenging harems to a fight, it's about time they got their face smashed in.

When I'm done, everyone gets free digs.

last edited at May 18, 2015 12:57AM

Anime season 18 May 00:42
joined Feb 4, 2015

I just watched Samurai Flamenco and there was a canon yuri pair in a unhealthy as fuck relationship from start to finish as side characters.

Wait, did I read 'one girl tells another that she has to support her girlfriend's love of another character because sh'e really devoted to him' right?


If not it still makes me angry, because.

Edit: Everyone in this town is gay or a pedophile I swear.

last edited at May 18, 2015 12:48AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

I mean, seriously, so many conflicts in this one! She ate her own crush, that's totally crazy!
I wonder what if Tyra-mi knows that Spino-ko likes her and Spino-ko didn't attack Tyra-mi's crush by accident, OMG! Will they proceed to eat each other?

What you did there.

I wish I didn't see it.

joined Feb 4, 2015

The lack of Velociraptor feathers is a bit disappointing though.

Just all the more kinky as far as I'm concerned.

joined Feb 4, 2015

This is one of the very few Bondage manga on my list, really like it... Wish there was more normal use of bondage... ya know.. without all the rape n shit...

B-b-but that's the best bit!

joined Feb 4, 2015

Having already seen dinosaurs fucking cars, I am not surprised to see this. I want more!

I am totally not ashamed of this boner.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Should... should I admit that I got off to this?

I'd get off to mecha incest too.

joined Feb 4, 2015

The "pain" was clearly just pent-up sexual frustration.

Also, re: "gross" licking: vaginas are actually super clean, so vaginal lubrication is fine to eat. It's a lot healthier than licking your phone, anyway. As for the folks who think licking your own juices is gross, for the love of god, nobody tell them that oral sex is a thing.

WAIT! Oral? like... with your... mouth?