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joined May 24, 2014

... Never thought I'd see this pairing.


There are actual more doujins like this outhere in the wild

joined May 24, 2014

"Wait a minute... T-THIS ISN'T PING PONG!"

That's how they play it in thailand!

joined May 24, 2014

I love it! More yuri goodness absent from the anime. Wish there was more of Momo licking though.

My bet is on Momo or Hanzo being the traitor. If it's Hanzo she's probably doing it because she seems like the type who would "betray" her friends in order to gain the trust of the enemy organization to order to defeat them. Also, sets up an interesting confrontation between her and Momo later on. Kind of an obvious choice, but I'll stick with it.

Momo being the traitor would be the "big twist" as expected from the author of Yuuki Yuuna. The anime is already kinda dark with rampant drug abuse and forced prostitution rings, so Momo pulling a fast one on the viewers isn't out of the question. Would also explain her ridiculous eye-sight and tasting ability that seem unusual for someone who initially had zero spy experience.

Ep 10 is out and it turns out that


just WATCH it already

joined May 24, 2014

I just saw release the spyce ep 10 and


Just watch it already ;_;

joined May 24, 2014

Manana, you TRAITOR!!!

joined May 24, 2014


An innocent world, indeed

joined May 24, 2014


Well that was one bitersweet strawberry tart

joined May 24, 2014

And there's the plot to My Master & Furry-eared Girl Mel in 4 pages.

Itou hachi made a pic with THIS particular theme a while ago

joined May 24, 2014

I bet that right now she us wishing she was in an itou hachi manga

joined May 24, 2014

Is this the end or will it continue?

This chapter sounds like a good stopping point

joined May 24, 2014

the next secret is that kana-chan is also a lot hornier than we originally thought

She's also a woman of culture

joined May 24, 2014

The solution would be ...

Grope her butt?

joined May 24, 2014

Darkness would LOVE to be in goblin slayer's universe

joined May 24, 2014



joined May 24, 2014


I just figured out that this time there won't be a rich classmate (mugi) to save the day.

They are truly on their own!

joined May 24, 2014

With 'friends' like Shouko, you don't need enemies.

You make it sound like she did something awful, when all she did was go to her friend's house to talk to her.

And then instantly snitch. They're not friends, either.

Never heard wiser words

joined May 24, 2014

I'm still shocked at the people somehow blaming Shouko for Satou murdering her. You people are fucking insane. If we ever meet in person, remind me to run the fuck away, or preemptively call the police.

Satou warned her, therefore it was her own fault. We all know what happens to the curious cat ...

joined May 24, 2014


Stan lee is dead


Rest in peace

joined May 24, 2014

Satou is a horrible friend.

She warned her, it's her own godarmend fault for not listening.

joined May 24, 2014

How dare you make me work?


joined May 24, 2014

Het or yuri, these guys are real jerks!

joined May 24, 2014


So when are we getting more?

joined May 24, 2014

Whoa, talk about generic insipid protagonist

joined May 24, 2014

No guys, you don't get it:

The double persona
The contemplative gaze
The quirky way to see the world

Don't you see? She's in the fight club


Of course! You DON'T talk about the fight club!

joined May 24, 2014

Tomoko has such wonderful friends!