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joined Feb 4, 2015

Their happiness and character is irrelevant, fandom wants fandom should get.

how could i forget the cardinal rule. oh well, that's what fanart and OOC fanfiction are for right?

That they are. I go into every single source of media with open office open for good reason.

Anime season 21 May 03:26
joined Feb 4, 2015

And more. There's quite a bit but it's not the focus.==

Dude, you were just talking about Mai Hime a page or two back, the focus is in your heart, not screen time.

joined Feb 4, 2015

now that i've read it again, i'm surprisingly ok with this ending. yes, it was disappointing that we got a bunch of chapters about mayu and mika only for them to not end up together but looking back it might've been out of character for mika to fall for mayu when she insisted that she's not into younger girls. besides, it doesn't seem as though mayu or saki is unhappy with how things are so it's a good end, not the ending i would've liked, but a good end nonetheless.

Their happiness and character is irrelevant, fandom wants fandom should get.

Stretch discussion 21 May 03:11
joined Feb 4, 2015

I do the same damn thing.
Do you use an open palm to the forehead or a closed fist straight to the face?

Closed fist of course!

Takachi, I like my eyes so no v sign. Nice and blue.

This thread got me all nostalgic for my first ever thread derailment.

You mean when we talked about lolis in another thread?

No, I derailed this thread about Shou's loli hentai once.

Stretch discussion 21 May 03:08
joined Feb 4, 2015

I do the same damn thing.
Do you use an open palm to the forehead or a closed fist straight to the face?

Closed fist of course!

Takachi, I like my eyes so no v sign. Nice and blue.

This thread got me all nostalgic for my first ever thread derailment.

Edit: Nya chan did not argue that writers, and people we admire in general, should be perfect, only that it is natural for most to assume they are, to some extent. And of course, she is right in that, most people do or have done this.

last edited at May 21, 2015 3:10AM

Stretch discussion 20 May 16:29
joined Feb 4, 2015

I looked up Shou's loli hentai and I found it very disturbing. Really, really not my cup of tea (it's basically rape of seemingly very young girls and het to boot). I stopped after a few pages, but what has been seen cannot be unseen... yuck.

What's disturbing is that the art is similar to Prism and Stretch and I just can't connect the two type of stories. It's like something done by two different persons, yet with the same art. Creepy.

When i need to forget something I punch my head repeatedly.

If you're thinking there is a link between this and my intelligence, there is.

Anime season 20 May 13:42
joined Feb 4, 2015

Dekomori is an anime-only character. Just another sign that someone at KyoAni really likes yuri.

IIRC, the anime adaption isn't anything like the original novel, as the novel is closer to typical harem fare than straight-up romance.

And they say the books are always better.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Aw, we won't get more stories of the writer and her wife.

awesome news tho

Did I mis read the doujinshi bit?

Presumably she's going to be a bit busy on this project, and not likely to have the time for a side project.

But if she's promising to return to them, we can still hold hope tht she'll release another one at some point?

joined Feb 4, 2015

Aw, we won't get more stories of the writer and her wife.

awesome news tho

Did I mis read the doujinshi bit?

Stretch discussion 20 May 11:48
joined Feb 4, 2015

Only my therapist understands me.

And I don't have a therapist.

good you didn't add an extra space after the...

btw next stretch's in a week, right?

Good her rapist doesn't understand her or good she doesn't have a rapist?

Stretch discussion 20 May 11:27
joined Feb 4, 2015

and you told me if i knew the concept of a rhetorical question, you crack me up

poor nez so misunderstood

Nez scares me so I always assumed she's serious.

And to be fair, not actually a question.

But seriously, your method may be joking (which I could tell, just for the record) but the message I thought was serious.

last edited at May 20, 2015 11:28AM

Stretch discussion 20 May 10:43
joined Feb 4, 2015

Calling it now, het ending on Yuri Kuma.

Sure Morishima's done all sorts of gay stuff, and she's never done a bait-and-switch het ending or really any sort of twist ending. But she's never done a story like this one before, so how can we trust that she won't? After all, the more that she teases us with yuri bears, the more likely it is that it'll just turn into one big harem story with Life Sexy.

I'm confused, who are you even arguing against? i don't think anyone has expressed anything more than mild concern for anything like your suggesting, and all of it put forth as clearly speculation.

And is are you seriously arguing that it's not going to happen because he hasn't done it in anything before, using one author who has done pretty much all the same thing as your evidence when this, the work you are discussing, is unlike anything it's own author has done in the past? Do you see no issue with this?

Seriously, if an author could only do stuff that they had done in previous works, it would be a contradiction of nature that anyone is an author.

Citrus discussion 20 May 10:33
joined Feb 4, 2015

So Harumin's big sis will be the source of drama for the next chapter(s), and is it just me or does the big sis look like Mei with short hair and bigger boobs?

C'mon Saburo, you know there is a perfect mixture and it's not the shorter hair.

Anime season 20 May 05:17
joined Feb 4, 2015

I'd want to give this series a try, but I fear there's more there than I can chew, with 6 seasons out, and it's going to eat at my already sparse freetime.

PLL? I think it's okay, though Yuri always buffs my opinions of things. Episodes are a few minutes shy of 45, but there are only five seasons (two more planned). I don't watch with my full attention, I have a tab watching it whilst I occupy myself with other stuff. Multitasking!

Anime season 20 May 04:24
joined Feb 4, 2015


Anime season 20 May 04:15
joined Feb 4, 2015

They killed a girl called Maya. Paige is tried to drown main lesbian girl.

Anime season 20 May 02:25
joined Feb 4, 2015

I don't know what you are talking about, but reading this without context is interesting, confusing, and ridiculously hilarious.

Yay! I said something that amused someone!

-Life Complete

Magan&Danai discussion 19 May 16:31
joined Feb 4, 2015

And yet no one who isn't Swedish knows anything about any of that cause they were too busy looking into the histories of more interesting, more important nations.

You do have a point about the Caroleans, though I wouldn't call them the most badass soldiers ever (Swiss mercenaries, Roman Legionaries, Spartans, SAS commandos, Nepalese Ghurkas, the Dahomey Amazons, the Canadian Expeditionary Force in WWI, the Finnish army in WWII and a whole crap load of other military's could be argued as the "most badass soldiers ever")

Do note that my mockery of Sweden and Canada comes from the fact I am a Canadian of predominantly Swedish ancestry. Well, sort of. I have ancestry from all over Europe but Swedish and French are the largest parts of my heritage.

I'm English and know about those things. I fanboy over a lot of Swedish things now though...

Much as I love most of the soldiers you've listed, there's always been something special about the Caroleans for me. I think it's mostly the huge discipline. Marching strait at the enemy until your close enough where missing is impossible, I always found it... I dunno, but it's mostly favouritism.

Fair enough if it's self deprecation. I do that near-constantly.

Anime season 19 May 16:13
joined Feb 4, 2015

There's no "head canon", it's parallel universe canon.

My mind is the only universe I need.

good thing that damn mangaka died


Yup I said it, no compassion for those who make fake lesbians, or turn lesbians into het.


On another note, on my crappy teenage drama, Main Lesbian/Actual Girlfriend is now out of the way of my Main Lesbian/Maybe Dead Girl ship as Actual Girlfriend is now Actual Dead Girl. Trouble is on the horizon though as it looks like a new Main Lesbian/Tried to Drown Main Lesbian Girl ship is happening. I have faith though thanks to a near death experience which confirmed my OTP is not just in my head.

last edited at May 19, 2015 4:13PM

Anime season 19 May 16:06
joined Feb 4, 2015

And according to Mangaupdates, 7 Volumes (Discontinued).

Which means head cannon is required to finish the series?

This is a wonderful precedent, more should follow.

Anime season 19 May 15:55
joined Feb 4, 2015

But your missing out on the wonderful world of 'fuck what the author said, my fanfic is what really happened'!

Well, I read any yuri doujin (cuz those deliver yuri). Thats the same, basically...

Similar, but nothing beats taking someone else's creativity and butchering their vision so that it aligns perfectly to your sensibilities. That's kind of a hobby of mine though, so I suppose I get it if others don't get the same kick out of it that I do.

^ Without sedatives, are you mad? more people need to get the yuri eye transplant like I did.

last edited at May 19, 2015 3:56PM

Anime season 19 May 15:51
joined Feb 4, 2015

I remember reading that she was pretty much gay, she didn't liked mans and didn't show interest in any of the male characters, her family wanted her to marry but she didn't want to, then came the ending and one of the male characters that was her friend said he would marry her if she wanted, so her family would stop annoyng her, but the way she reacted and blushed made pretty obvious it was a het ending for her, it was like, no she never was truly gay, she only acted totally gay because she didn't want to feel forced to marry a man so she choose womans instead! from what I remember she didn't show interest in him before, it was almost like a surprise het ending, good thing that damn mangaka died.

Although I didn't really read it so maybe it's not so forced as I think... -3-

Probably a bit extreme being glad for someones death. Yes, het one of the cardinal sins, but we true yurians love and forgive all. Even of they've created something we hate.

I've never had yuri goggles. Subtext is essentially yuri without being yuri, therefore nothing to me.

I never saw anything in stuff like K-ON, Chuunibyou, Hidamari Sketch, Lucky Star, the on-going Re-Kan!, nor the yuri-fan-infamous Love Lab.

Unless it's like Nanoha, if I actually go off and watch it I will be heavily biased due to how much doujins I've read and how much I've heard. of them from ppl.

But your missing out on the wonderful world of 'fuck what the author said, my fanfic is what really happened'!

Citrus discussion 19 May 15:47
joined Feb 4, 2015

pff its ridiculous that someone actually bitching on saburo arts LOL you better draw better than her before open your mouth ungreatful brat be happy that she finished her work on time.

You are an amusing person.

Anime season 19 May 15:22
joined Feb 4, 2015

How I hate Love Lab... Didn't Inu x Boku had a supposedly lesbian who in the end choose a man?

Well what's a lesbian gonna do, choose a woman? Don't be gross dude.

joined Feb 4, 2015

So Miyacchi's older bro is a metalhead, right? I like him already.

He will be my bestestiest friend.