Forum › Posts by AkiraH

Citrus discussion 09 Apr 03:42
joined Mar 23, 2014

I've been checking YP's website every day, 3 times per day just to see Citrus update XD Early Morning, Noon, and Night before sleep.

Stretch discussion 01 Apr 22:35
joined Mar 23, 2014

"Senpai, I love You"
Yes! I waited 19 chapters for this moment!
-clicks next page-

joined Mar 23, 2014

Makes me wanna wish Sacchan didn't exist at all, sorry but this girl is not a yuri....I fear for Ruki get exchange for a guy.Might have been better if she was a Yuzu a clueless lesbian, with no sense of knowing she is one.

So just because she's been with a guy meaning she won't be able to love a woman? I may don't know the ending of this series yet but anyone can be able to fall in love with anyone. Meaning even if Sacchan doesn't love Rukright now that doesn't mean Ruki can't make her fall in love with her. Because Come on! Ruki is so awesome (or maybe only I think so becuz I went through the same experience as Ruki's)