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joined Aug 16, 2014

These illegal Clam rings are a danger to society! The Government needs to do something about them!

Yuru Yuri discussion 10 May 16:34
joined Aug 16, 2014

Chapter 119 is already up on Bakkin since yesterday, why isn't it here yet? Strange, because the yuri was strong in that one.

I think there's a delay for some sites before the mods are allowed to upload chapters to here? I think for some it can be up to a week, but I'm not sure if that's the case for Bakkin at all.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I have this bad feeling that Kousaka is being manipulative, based on her facial expressions, the hug and things like that, I hope she's not but I can't help worrying.

Yuyushiki discussion 08 May 16:59
joined Aug 16, 2014

I ship all of them with each other

Toki discussion 08 May 14:00
joined Aug 16, 2014

Should prophetic dreams be classed as cheating? I feel like they'd give someone an unfair advantage...

joined Aug 16, 2014

Pleco pls

joined Aug 16, 2014

And so the Odyssey of Takashi the Toilet has finally reached its conclusion

New Game discussion 06 May 16:49
joined Aug 16, 2014

Everyone sleeping with their designated wives at the end there

Yuru Yuri discussion 03 May 21:30
joined Aug 16, 2014

So, Kyouko infected Ayano with the gay a long time ago, huh

joined Aug 16, 2014

Pyoro posted:

Got to have sex or else they might leave you? Mmm thats some good relationship advice right there.

Japanese social norms. If the husband cheats it's because the wife didn't put out enough. Clearly this translates into yuri relationships as well.

Partially this. Male satisfaction is key in most cultures around the world with more cultures more adamant patriarchal tradition this is magnified. Women are to:

  • Be An Outlet For Male Sexual Pleasure (His Satisfaction)
  • Assure Him Of His Masculinity (His Validation)
  • Endure His Family Line Continues And Have Children He Wants (His Continuation)
  • Take Care Of Him, Children, and Household Necessities (His Relaxation)

I mean there's little more than sex, submission, and servitude in the traditional role of women in society. If a relationship fails, it's generally assumed to be the failure of the woman:

  • He left you for a younger and/or prettier woman? She must've not cared about her appearance.
  • He cheated on you with another woman? She must've not been sexually available or satisfying.
  • He abused and beat you? She must've overstepped "her place", antagonized him in some way.
  • He left you because you couldn't conceive? She must've been infertile, never him, just her.

It's always her fault, never his. Because patriarchy works like that. Men are infallible compared to women.

Now I don't want to turn this into into some great flame war or anything, but generally aren't men who cheat, abuse or leave for stupid reasons considered scum? Whenever I see things about that, the woman is never the one blamed, because everyone recognises that the man was in the wrong.

It's why I think, at least when it comes to the Western World, that the patriarchy is largely a myth. I see a lot of things claiming something but don't see the evidence to back it up. It's also when I see things like male suicide rates compared to female suicide rates (80% of suicides are men) courts clearly favouring female parents in custody cases, men having to serve longer prison sentences for the same crime. So the idea of the patriarchy seems a little flimsy (Especially when I live in a country with a Queen and female Prime Minister!)

But again, I don't want to start a flame war, and this isn't really the place to be having this sort of discussion, so I'll leave it here.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I hate it when you're talking to your crush and that happens

joined Aug 16, 2014

"Looks like the girl you have a crush on is under your command, and you have no idea what to do!"

A Wild Waifu appeared

joined Aug 16, 2014

Ah yes, such intimate Friends

Image Comments 24 Apr 12:29
joined Aug 16, 2014

How long was Nico lying there waiting for Maki to get back?

joined Aug 16, 2014

I wonder how they have their tea... With Milk or with Sugar? Or just Black?

joined Aug 16, 2014

From the looks of things, Shouko's heart was still beating on the final page that we saw her. Perhaps Satou found herself unable to actually kill her, so bandaged her wound and tied her up instead? I just want her to survive!

In fact, we could have some fun with this, come up with some Shouko-survival theories, play around with it!

joined Aug 16, 2014

I'm hoping Shouko isn't dead, the wound at least didn't seem too deep, so I'm hoping perhaps Satou just did enough to knock her out. Or maybe destroy her voicebox, so she couldn't talk. I feel like I'm hoping too much, but I just want her to not be dead.

Sorry mate, I was hoping on that as well, but with that much blood loss and Satou’s more concerned about ridding off the evidences (taking off her clothes and such), Shouko is as dead as I could be.

Satou need to have some real medical skills and blood supply to even stabilise Shouko would, and then immediately get her an ambulance to the hospital. Even an ass-pulling will involve Satou and Shio on the move while an ambulance arrive on scene

Perhaps Asashi will rush to the apartment and rescue her? C'mon man, let me dream!

joined Aug 16, 2014

I'm hoping Shouko isn't dead, the wound at least didn't seem too deep, so I'm hoping perhaps Satou just did enough to knock her out. Or maybe destroy her voicebox, so she couldn't talk. I feel like I'm hoping too much, but I just want her to not be dead.

joined Aug 16, 2014

So what they're saying here is that Tamamusi is a rampant Handholder And the two other women never hold hands, only have hardcore lesbian sex for hours on end?

joined Aug 16, 2014

I deem this... Cute!

Touma-kun discussion 19 Apr 22:55
joined Aug 16, 2014

Nooo! The Nurse deserves a happy ending!

joined Aug 16, 2014

Not Lizard tag best tag

joined Aug 16, 2014

I'm not really a fan of that whole 'My love started dating someone else so now I must become comically villainous person because if I can't be their lover they may as well hate me' scenario. Not sure why it seems so popular in manga.

joined Aug 16, 2014

This is my favourite SAW film

joined Aug 16, 2014

Man, that Tortoise is such a bro, keeping on the lookout, helping the girls get closer. We should all be blessed with such a great wingman.