Marvelous, love the art style and how Shou looked tomboyish here.
Although I could ignore that error at Shou's skirt pattern, otherwise it's a great ShouMura art.
If she's being honest from the beginning, we won't get to see how cute TsundeReimu is.
Big W for Aya :)
^Nah, Hisami is leaning there so it does looks like Zanmu is taller in this.
They barely ever met, but they're so beautifully drawn in here.
I give it a pass for that reason.
That's one captivating stare I've ever seen, and I love the art style on this.
Little did Marisa know, what she need is already in front of her directly.
The "good" kind of maid play.
^^Komachi is on the top, while Eiki is on the bottom. There's a subtle hint of who's who if you look closely.
I guess Tewi has lived long enough that she forget what chocolate can do to their kind.
It's fun and all when the alcohol gets the best of Reimu.
Gorgeous art style, I love it.
Love the fish-eye perspective on this artwork, and looks like Marisa need a push for the bravery there.
Eat her, Reimu. She asked for it.
A classic pairing and a classic red line bond trope makes a great combination, and I love it for that.
Both, both are good.
^Tewi herself is already dominant towards Reisen all along, change my mind.
A quite intense morning activity they're doing there.
"Let's dance, shall we?"
Sweet bnuuys doing bnuuy things.
Knowing it's Yukari's, she would've use them for something special with Reimu.
And I can't stop imagining every possibility of it.
Cute, and gorgeous.
Surprise kiss!
The Vampire's quality time
She just wanted to enjoy the tea, along with the sweets and spicy view in her friend's house at the seemingly normal day.
Also I wonder how it feels of having an affairs with someone like Yoshika, especially with those stiff joints everywhere.
Aya continued to be everyone's favorite as usual.