Forum › Posts by BlurredExistence

joined Jan 31, 2013

^Exactly! Well done, you put that far far better than i was struggling too. ;)

joined Jan 31, 2013

Something about the writing seems... rushed or forced?... I don't know about this one, it could be promising but if the writing remains at this level then it may start to grate after awhile.

Lemonade discussion 15 Jun 23:15
joined Jan 31, 2013

With a throw away ending like that i feel like this was written by someone who doesn't take homosexual love seriously. Where has the focus been this whole manga? On the boyxgirl infatuations, to call this a yuri frankly insults us fans. Altho having said all that i won't say that this Manga was bad, it was average, completely middle of the road, it has nothing that makes itself stand out in any fashion and i will never read it again in all likelihood because of that.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I'd say it was a perfect ending... if i wasn't so against it ending.