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joined Mar 13, 2020

The raw lists this chapter as chapter 10. The 9th chapter is part 3 with the prez (my second favorite). Hope you guys add it soon. Thanks so much for this chapter anyway

last edited at Oct 9, 2021 12:13AM by OrangePekoe

Image Comments 02 Oct 23:41
joined Mar 13, 2020

other ships in Inazuma are overshadowed by EiMiko for taking all the spot light in the mixed receptions 2.1 update. Always glad to see more fan art of Yoimiya and Kokomi - the "worse revenue banner" gang ;-;

joined Mar 13, 2020



joined Mar 13, 2020

Anyone knows where I can find the raw? ;-; I hope the story will be about her granddaughter with her friend. This is too sad

Oh shit. No. I just looked at the cover photo ;-;

last edited at Jul 27, 2021 11:32PM

joined Mar 13, 2020

Hang on. Kaito...Phantom that a reference to Kaito Kid? From Detective Conan??

Based on some SIF cards, set in an alternate universe where Eli’s a thief, Kotori’s a police officer
You can read some similar stories here:

joined Mar 13, 2020

WOW!!! I didn't feel anything...

Honestly, the last 2 chapters're lame, clichéd and cringe

Image Comments 30 Jun 09:31
joined Mar 13, 2020

@Swag Wagon you need to see this

joined Mar 13, 2020

Megumi x Nadeshiko or bust

In chapter 60, Namori-Sensei will give you her answer.

bust XD

What, in ch.60 Megumi and Nadeshiko break up? Or what?

She and her girlfriend had a fight, they made up later in chapter 66

So we finally find who she is?

Hah! You wish.

Nadeshiko and her gf talk on the phone and fight because of Yui, who is the 4th woman in Nadeshiko's life. Her gf gets really mad, tells Nadeshiko they are done and refuses to speak to her again.

Next day, Nadeshiko goes to school and we the readers are all giddy because we all think it's time to find the truth! Nadeshiko's three friends are always cheery and friendly around her, but this time one of them will be cold, angry, depressed, and won't talk to her! And in this way we'll know the mysterious girlfriend's identity! Yay!

Then Nadeshiko gets to school and surprise! All three of her friends are cold, angry, depressed, and won't talk to her! They all give some half-assed excuse to explain their behavior, but in the end we don't find squat about the girlfriend's identity. All we find is that Namori is a big dummy and a troll... but that we knew already. Boo!

Kyouko and Ayano's movie date in Yuru Yuri chapter 158 is my painkiller after reading chapter 66

joined Mar 13, 2020

Megumi x Nadeshiko or bust

In chapter 60, Namori-Sensei will give you her answer.

bust XD

What, in ch.60 Megumi and Nadeshiko break up? Or what?

She and her girlfriend had a fight, they made up later in chapter 66

last edited at Jun 23, 2021 12:05PM

joined Mar 13, 2020

So anyway, after rereading all chapters, here’s my opinion about the “friends” of Nadeshiko the harem protag:
Megumi: she and Nadeshiko make the “mean girl and poor girl” couple (not bullying type, I hate it) . Her expressions when interacting with her friends is great, and she is the funniest one in the group
Miho: is the aggressive, annoying but cute girl. Her character (sorry anyone who rooting for her) mostly never win in harem manga. For short, if this was Nisekoi, she would be Marika
Ai: she gives you “this is the one” vibe. Personally I feel she’s the boring type character that the protag will likely end up with in the end

Here is my reasons why it would be Ai and why it wouldn’t:
1)Namori favorite couple type: long haired x short haired
2)This is Namori the mad woman we’re talking about. Who tf knows what kind of prank she will give later?

I think we never get an answer anyway. And I’m fine with it. More yuru yuri chapters are enough for me. I mean, I stopped seeing it as a yuri manga long time ago, just a series with pure comedy

joined Mar 13, 2020

You know what’s funny? Few days ago I did a reread marathon, I realized Megumi was the only one didn’t have her central chapter with Nadeshiko. And now here we are. I’m all in for my best girl

Image Comments 15 Jun 14:50
joined Mar 13, 2020

Really like Lisa (still do) and JeanLisa ship but when Eula appears, I think EulaJean’s much better
I wish Genshin only had waifu like Honkai. I like Genshin’s story and characters design better

Image Comments 15 Jun 13:58
joined Mar 13, 2020

X alter: denied that she's yuri with X
Artist: draw it anyway

really, this is an underrated ship. Even X's adult self XX was crying when she saw X alter again

Also, their names suck (X, X alter, XX, Idol X, Z,... like wtf). I can't even think of their ship name

joined Mar 13, 2020

"Older onee-chan"?

Doesn't onee-chan mean older sister?

joined Mar 13, 2020

Keqing is human right? Doesn't that mean she'll die someday and leave Ganyu behind? I'm probably crazy for wanting an angst doujin of them two, but here I am

Yeah man. That AliceMarisa pain again

joined Mar 13, 2020

Chapter 1 has been removed. Why?

joined Mar 13, 2020

Seem like her old artstyle

joined Mar 13, 2020

Sunrise milked Love Live franchise too much (created 2 more groups even though Aquours's still active), but Muse will live in my heart forever

joined Mar 13, 2020

My second otp after EliUmi

Image Comments 09 Mar 21:25
joined Mar 13, 2020

Hope Dawn and May can comeback in the anime (the current generation is so bad). I still believe in sapphirepearlshipping

joined Mar 13, 2020

Thought it already ended

Anyway, hope we can back with EliUmi doujin like before. I miss her old works

joined Mar 13, 2020

Địt mẹ tác giả luôn ạ

Bủh bủh :))))))

Translates to: Fuck the author's mother too

actually it's just "fuck you author"

Yuru Oyako discussion 13 Dec 12:59
joined Mar 13, 2020

No more free, I guess

joined Mar 13, 2020

Over 2 years. Thank you

joined Mar 13, 2020

Maki used honorific with other members besides Nico is strange, I don't mind at all tho

I guess LL's only placed after Fate for the "most complicated parallel universes franchise" award