Just found and finished https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_young_maiden_in_love_is_a_carnivore and I have to know now: is there any more prehistoric creature yuri out there? Bonus points for paleoaccurate character designs!
Tyra and Cera is pretty cute: https://mangadex.org/title/994dfcd9-0449-47a7-ac1e-0efff9b0fe54/tyra-cera
^ There's a bunch more
The panic is real
Flip flap flip flap
Reminds me a bit of Fullmetal for some reason
Just like a chainsaw...gotta give it a good pull to get it started
Gah! So sweet!
Did you think of Kasesan in that last panel? You are now
^ I went looking for that one a few months ago, and finally found it only in print now: https://mangadex.org/title/ba03b390-01e2-40a0-859f-1057ac33dc8d/syrup-secret-forbidden-x-yuri-anthology
Syrup Vol2: Swallowtail Takes Flight by Yoshidamaru Yuu
Drove me crazy for months
last edited at Apr 2, 2024 11:15AM
Aah, family
The bath scene is gonna stay with us for quite awhile
More visual definition in Ucchi than I was expecting
Finding the right religion is important
^ Probably this: https://dynasty-scans.com/series/dark_widow
Spammy spam: https://dynasty-scans.com/forum/posts?user_id=98261
Just curious, but it seem like there hasn't been any updates on any of the authors works (here)?
I see on MD that Tadokoro finished at chapter 110 for the the french translations...
^ That would be this one: https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/virgins_empire_ch134
Well, there's always the dying and resuscitation route. Convince whatever it is that she's dead and let it move on, and then bring her back.
Reminds me of oh so many works I have read here...oh the uselessness
Best side ship!
^ Probably this on MD: Friendly Adventuring Women Get Really Naughty At the Inn At Night by Yukataro
Where's that Kiss Chart again?
Over here: https://dynasty-scans.com/forum/topics/894-virgins-empire-discussion?page=199#forum_post_802150
That's why I had it in quotes, depends which universe you are talking about: https://youtu.be/iehNQy9riZE?t=275
Small typos: Page 15 panel 2: have you decided want to -> have you decided what to
Page 13 panel 4: Because I had not idea -> Because I had no idea
The way the aquarium date was supposed to go