I'm ready anytime for smash...just sayin'
I think I'm more ready since I've been ingame waiting for a while already xD
Edit1: We can turn them of any time if you want xD I was just trying out the ones I never use before
Edit2: From now on I'll hate Mr. Saturn...
Edit3: Nyahaha! It appears the time was on my side
edit6: whoa that stage/match up was imposible...i tried
Edit4:You did indeed
Edit5: I really didn't expect it to actually hit. thx
Edit6: Doomed by the bell
edit8: I hate the 3ds stages...also ore club still OP
Edit7: Just as op as the back shield
Edit8: I really hoped that Missfire would hit..
Edit9: That moment when you push down b in the right moment but game sends you through the ground.....
EditX: Don't worry we're still going strong^^
Edit11: Keldeo stays quite a time
Edit12: I really shouldn't bath while playing...
Edit13: Out of bath. Hopefully increases performance (and decreases lag)
EditforTeens: Shouryuken!
Edit15: How about everyone shares all his replays of today later? Also perfect ditto xD seriously I died half of the time because I didn't know who I was!
Edit16: aaah! I forget so often to save replays because I press start ><
Edit17: The wind of change~
Edit18: You need to read the flow~ Anticipate any action taken by the opposition~
Edit19: Well.. running like that works aswell
Edit20: I love custom Ganondorf for...Sword reasons
Editmustbe21: That pixelated horror lag
Edit22: Another object on my hate list: Checkpoint
Edit23: Probably worst possible stage for Luc...
Editmyage: The stiches were angry because you stole my kill Kyonne...
Edit25: It's day of Ditto apparently
Edit26: Killed myself with a bob-omb and Ike who flies out on the other end of the screen gets a kill...huh?
Edit27: If lag was caused from me running to get the charger I apologize. Also PERFECT
Edit28: One shot away from victory ;;
Edit29: The moment I saw the stage I knew I would lose
Edit may cry: Kyonne you messed up Donte's hair is black! :/
Don't even joke about that
EditTrue30: Why is it everytime I pick Wendy someone increases launch power
Edit31: I also am out of storage space
Edit32:To think that Kyonne would have the important role to preserve our memories of this fight
Edit33: Soo many hammers o.o
Edit 34: kill steals everywhere
Edit35: How did Falco even get that many kills
Edit Type-0: Didn't even know that thing could bite!
Now you know
Edit 37: Too many Suicides this round
Edit 38: That was...anticlimatic
Edit 39: Sorry I think that's enough for me^^ Let's make the next one the last
Edit Foryt: Guess I'l upload stuff till I fall asleep
Edit Final: Reaching the post limit everyday now I guess
last edited at May 31, 2015 7:16PM