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joined Jan 12, 2014

Smash 3ds version "100%" parties are great XD wii u around I haven't 100% a game since melee...I think.

congrats~ I also finally finished classic mode 9.0 with every character~

joined Jan 12, 2014

You poor poor soul / Du arme armes Bürchchen / What? I don't fucking speak japanese

"Bürchchen" = Bürschchen? If yes then sadly that word is still wrong in my case xD

joined Jan 12, 2014

Well at least we can still select spanish and french voices in Smash =[ Amphinobi makes it worth it

Too bad I can only speak English, German and Japanese -_-

joined Jan 12, 2014

I'm afraid it is, they also made avaialable the voice clips and they seem to match

We'll most likely get Single audio again over here right? Sigh I wonder how many years I have to wait until nintendo understands that we also like to be able to choose our characters voices....

Awakening had japanese voices though

I don't trust Nintendo on that front. I'm still suffering from the fact that I can't use the japanese Smash voices...

joined Jan 12, 2014

I'm afraid it is, they also made avaialable the voice clips and they seem to match

We'll most likely get Single audio again over here right? Sigh I wonder how many years I have to wait until nintendo understands that we also like to be able to choose our characters voices....

joined Jan 12, 2014

I'll just leave this here

Hmm I think I'd side with Hoshino. I wouldn't be able to take the game serious with guys like Arthur and Lutz around...
Edit: I also dislike Belka and others ;)

last edited at Jun 25, 2015 10:12PM

joined Jan 12, 2014

Guess last post since I got to put the phone back. <_<

Well whatever happens with the Wii U, Nintendo will probably turn it around one way or another again. Even if it would die they'd find a way to recycle it. I mean the Virtual Boy was supposed to be one of the biggest flops of Nintendo and what did they do with it? They took out it's dual screen technology and put it into leftover Game&Watch casings and sold it as "never before seen technology" AKA the 3DS.

joined Jan 12, 2014

Nintendo themselves admitted WII U was/is a huge disaster and they're coming up with NX. By their own admission it's a dead console, a few big titles won't save the console. Even nintendo says so, it's been a huge financial lost for them, luckily 3DS is doing awesomely well. Financially it was a massive failure, I think I remember graphs showing it was an even bigger moneysink than PS3 era Sony. I'm not entirely sure, it was some time ago. Memory is a funny thing.

The huge disaster with the Wii U was mainly the development cost. The cost of the game pad was simply too high and in the end forced the console to have only 1 of 'em (plus they really aren't that great). And in the end it forced the console to be waay more expensive than it shoould have been. Nintendo's idea has always been to produce cheap console anyone can effort and fun for the whole family. So the console itself kinda went against Nintendo's philosophy to begin with... and knowing Nintendo their next might aswell simply be a Wii U that doesn't involve a game pad making it waay cheaper. Who knows? It's not the first time they did something like that (look at the 2DS)

Opinions here, best consoles =/= most fun games is correct but I don't think many people would say Nintendo has the monopoly on fun right now.

Monopoly on fun? I don't think that even exists since everyone has a different opinion to begin with.. What I meant is Nintendo tries to keep the focus on party games that the majority of people can enjoy (pretty much for all ages) instead of focusing on realism or art which is a major selling point for other consoles.

Remember what Reggie said during the conference, this year for nintendo was about "transformation". You heard that multiple times right? Well nothing in theshow Was remotely transformation or change at all. It's the same thing they've been doing that has landed them in some difficulty.

Well the talk about "transformation" from Reggie was about being more global and taking people all over the globe into consideration when making games. And yeah I have to agree. Other than Splatoon pretty much everything failed on that front.

seriously this stuff is horror to type on an Iphone...I want my keyboard back

joined Jan 12, 2014

WII-U is a dead console.

Looks at all the people playing Splatoon
Looks at all the people playing Smash 4
Yup...definetely a dead console.....

Seriously Nintendo was never about having the best consoles but the most fun games to play. As long as they push out million hits like those two every once in a while Wii U sales will only go up

joined Jan 12, 2014

Star Fox makes me wanna get a Wii U... Somewhat gimmicky tho.

seems to be content from that one old canceled Starfox game. They probably just didn't want it go to waste

last edited at Jun 16, 2015 6:02PM

joined Jan 12, 2014

The loss of ones laptop makes one realise how life has no meaning.

But new one yay.

All of the crap I have to download again... Oh God no...

But the new SWTOR expansion looks nice.

Still better than losing both your laptop and internet at the same time and you are forced to "borrow" your brother's cell phone.

On side of E3 it seems like everyone is just pushing those games that allow usage of iphones ingame....urgh though I'm using one right now

joined Jan 12, 2014

This thing has no right to be THIS amusing

Rights exist to be broken

joined Jan 12, 2014

also last comments starting monday I'll be gone ;_;

Asa-senpai... I can't do it without you, please don't graduate... stay with me

I'll be back August....if I find a job.....and a new apartment....

joined Jan 12, 2014

XSEED's gonna have a busy year

Trails in the Sky Second Chapter AND Trails of Cold Steel?
Urgh guess I need a job after all.....
also last comments starting monday I'll be gone ;_;

last edited at Jun 5, 2015 3:22PM

joined Jan 12, 2014

Small world huh?

Well what do you expect? If you are trying to make something innovative you are looking for stuff that nobody has done before. It's not that rare that people who analyze "what players want" come to the same conclusion after looking at most likely the same statistics. (Then there is also the thing with idea theft but that's another story)

June Brider discussion 04 Jun 09:48
joined Jan 12, 2014

I think that's the first time I've seen a Hidamari doujin with matsuri around.
The content itself is so ..Fuwa Fuwa.. I can't help but to grin the entire time~

joined Jan 12, 2014

I'm ready anytime for smash...just sayin'

I think I'm more ready since I've been ingame waiting for a while already xD
Edit1: We can turn them of any time if you want xD I was just trying out the ones I never use before
Edit2: From now on I'll hate Mr. Saturn...
Edit3: Nyahaha! It appears the time was on my side

edit6: whoa that stage/match up was imposible...i tried

Edit4:You did indeed
Edit5: I really didn't expect it to actually hit. thx
Edit6: Doomed by the bell

edit8: I hate the 3ds stages...also ore club still OP

Edit7: Just as op as the back shield
Edit8: I really hoped that Missfire would hit..
Edit9: That moment when you push down b in the right moment but game sends you through the ground.....
EditX: Don't worry we're still going strong^^
Edit11: Keldeo stays quite a time
Edit12: I really shouldn't bath while playing...
Edit13: Out of bath. Hopefully increases performance (and decreases lag)
EditforTeens: Shouryuken!
Edit15: How about everyone shares all his replays of today later? Also perfect ditto xD seriously I died half of the time because I didn't know who I was!
Edit16: aaah! I forget so often to save replays because I press start ><
Edit17: The wind of change~
Edit18: You need to read the flow~ Anticipate any action taken by the opposition~
Edit19: Well.. running like that works aswell
Edit20: I love custom Ganondorf for...Sword reasons
Editmustbe21: That pixelated horror lag
Edit22: Another object on my hate list: Checkpoint
Edit23: Probably worst possible stage for Luc...
Editmyage: The stiches were angry because you stole my kill Kyonne...
Edit25: It's day of Ditto apparently
Edit26: Killed myself with a bob-omb and Ike who flies out on the other end of the screen gets a kill...huh?
Edit27: If lag was caused from me running to get the charger I apologize. Also PERFECT
Edit28: One shot away from victory ;
Edit29: The moment I saw the stage I knew I would lose

Edit may cry: Kyonne you messed up Donte's hair is black! :/

Don't even joke about that
EditTrue30: Why is it everytime I pick Wendy someone increases launch power
Edit31: I also am out of storage space
Edit32:To think that Kyonne would have the important role to preserve our memories of this fight
Edit33: Soo many hammers o.o
Edit 34: kill steals everywhere
Edit35: How did Falco even get that many kills

Edit Type-0: Didn't even know that thing could bite!

Now you know
Edit 37: Too many Suicides this round
Edit 38: That was...anticlimatic
Edit 39: Sorry I think that's enough for me^^ Let's make the next one the last
Edit Foryt: Guess I'l upload stuff till I fall asleep
Edit Final: Reaching the post limit everyday now I guess

last edited at May 31, 2015 7:16PM

joined Jan 12, 2014

If you want to know more about them Rye or anyone else, we can talk here on Dynasty using irc, Neptunia is my obssession, so I know a lot about it...

OK, I would use the irc if I remembered it's even worse for me since I always keep switching tabs.

I'm there almost everyday, just call me if you want to know something about Neptunia, and it's better to watch a LP before playing the Rebirth version.

I never knew that there even was irc for dynasty scans :o Well Maybe simply because I never used irc before.
Also little question: If you're really such a big Neptune fan does that mean you also levelled your characters in the first to max level!?! Is there even ONE dungeon out there where such a level is required???

Image Comments 28 May 02:45
joined Jan 12, 2014

^Hey if ya love the song that much sing! Love is an open door!

joined Jan 12, 2014

I'm pretty sure I'll dedicate all my "blackfridaymoney" to vita games but I'm not sure if I should buy all the neptunia games at the same sounds odd to me.

Why not? You got not that much to lose. Though many people tend to hate on the first Choujigen Neptune game for it's horrible combat system. Oh and watch out not spending too much money on dlcs. I spend waay too much and obviously never reached lvl 999 If you are a fan of Monster Hunter and Ragnarok Online I'd recommend Ragnarok Odyssey. Though it's already a little old now
EDIT: AND OF COURSE DANGANRONPA and SUPER DANGANRONPA 2!! Though that's just a personal favorite

last edited at May 28, 2015 2:04AM

joined Jan 12, 2014

No use crying over spilled milk. There are always ways to get the money back (For example I am currently eating only once every 5 days to save up for DMC4:SE) but you will always regret missing out on a great game.

I actually do have a good ammount saved up, but i always live with the thought that it's entirely possible that an meteor may hit my house the next day and this money i have saved up would be the only way i could continue on living
Until the day comes where i get completely high and decides to waste it on a PS4 When that day comes i hope my brother will cash in for half the price

We should do a sm4sh party then...if you want of course

Seconding that

Third that.....this spoiler is useless I'm free this weekend so just tell me a time (Because frankly our time zones seem like 10hours apart)

joined Jan 12, 2014

I really have to keep an eye on myself before my wallet starts crying

No use crying over spilled milk. There are always ways to get the money back (For example I am currently eating only once every 5 days to save up for DMC4:SE) but you will always regret missing out on a great game.

Completely unrelated but I'm moving back to my parents house (thus saving even more money) but they don't have internet D: I wonder if I can still access my entire steam library in offline mode

joined Jan 12, 2014

Well technically speaking Yukari's eye ability IS a supernatural effect.

But what breaks the line between science fiction and plain supernatural?
For example see the last two panels:
Sure the explanations for her eye are pretty deviant and unpractical in a realistic sense but they are still based in scientiific theories, just not very realistically, but that's why sci-fi is about, right?
As for manabu's hand:
Hence why I mentioned in my post why breaking the cellphone should have not effect since this chapter stated that she no longer needs the cellphone after it turned out just placebo.
As for the plastic models: they are as on-plot as her ability of fixing Manabu's hand or Tenjou's body. i.e based on the two possible theories her robot-seeing eyes are also based on.

1) The theory about Yukari's eyes? Yup totally scientific theory. Actually having eyes that not only see things in a different way AND manipulate reality? That's supernatural since no normal human being is able to do both at the current time.
2)The problem I have with the plastic models is that an object without any kind of engine or power source defies laws of physics and thus defies science itself. Even if Yukari's eyes can see humans as something else she should clearly see power sources on them (of any kind) and food/fuel consumption. Yukari DOESN'T see the plastic models as humans so they should be 1:1 the same as the ones everyone else sees. So unless she custom equipt them to have a power source they shouldn't be able to move. Also since Manabu is the one who witnesses them with HER (a regular humans) eyes they should immediately lose all power and return to being plastic models since that's what she sees them as (and Yukari isn't looking at them). In other words the same scientific theory would negate the effects Yukari's eyes have as soon as its witnessed by someone else.
Kinda forgot what I was going for but the gist is unless it's a supernatural ability, the gaze of someone else should automatically cancel out Yukari's ability because they would be of same value

joined Jan 12, 2014

After an entire week without internet, forcing me to complete Viridi Challenges and beating Yakuza 4 With a 17% completion rate, 'cause it has that much stuff i can finally say that i'm hyped as all hell for Yakuza 5! Where the hell is that release date!?
Also i'm feeling really dumb for trying to cheat my way through Kid Icarus, there's this one challenge requiring to play Together Mode 200 times, then i kept starting matches against the CPU while playing Ace Combat 5 just to get those numbers going up, only to realize that you actually need to play them for the matches to count, damn you Sakurai!!

I'm still missing 1 challenge in Kid Icarus That chapter as Magnus on 9.0? SOOO IMPOSSIBLE HARD >_< just saying save up those hammers for when you REALLY need them. Also together mode was what made Kid Icarus so much fun back then. The numbers just stacked up like nothing xD On a side note YAY!! Finally completed the last Smash 4 challenge!! makes a great final accomplishment seeing as this might be my last 2 month I can game

Image Comments 20 May 23:01
joined Jan 12, 2014

^I always loved the Ayano/Yui interactions in the manga. I mean, who knows, Ayano just might slip on a banana peel and land on Yui during a sleep over and BAM! it happened.