Definitely have a look around if there's anything else you want to add to your order, it'll all come in one box so ordering in bulk helps even out the Tenso shipping fees. Just watch out for books marked in red with 販売開始予定商品, that's a preorder.
Thank you so much ShimaP for helping me out :D I ordered them just now. Can't wait to see them in front of my house XD
It's so beautiful I'm gonna cry!!! God I love NicoMaki so much!
Oh and btw, I kinda want to buy a physical copy of this doujin series. Anyone knows where I can order them online? :3
I believe both the anthology and the sequel stand-alone book are both still in stock on Tora no Ana. TnA plays nicely with overseas forwarding companies, unlike Melonbooks, so I recommend using them. That's where I got mine from.
Let me know if you need any help with it. I TOTALLY encourage people to buy physical copies of any doujin works they like! Support the artists, yo!
It's so beautiful I'm gonna cry!!! God I love NicoMaki so much!
Oh and btw, I kinda want to buy a physical copy of this doujin series. Anyone knows where I can order them online? :3
Why could it be Miho?
I think if we read chapter 11 we get some clues to whom she might be. But I have a feeling it could be Ai
All of them are possible gf. At first I thought it would be Ai, and then I started rooting for Megumi. Miho is a possibility because she always teases Nadeshiko and the secret girlfriend also does that when they talk on the phone.
Well, while we're speculating like crazy people: Nadeshiko is actually kinda smiling in one of her pictures with Miho. I suppose that's a point in her favour...? Either way, this is beginning to torment me.
But then she was smiling with Ai too. The only time she didnt smile was the Police pictures with Megumi. She had a poker face
I dunno about that. Of the nine or so pictures on page 3, I'd say she looks pretty stiff in eight of them (the exception being the lower-most middle one). It's a bit harder to tell with the ones on page 2, but I don't think I see any smiles there either. Did I miss any?
The one on page 4, with sailor Ai and Nadeshiko and it's labeled Friends <3. I'm using phone so I zoom in super close and it looks like a bit like a smile. Or maybe it's just her eyes that make me think she's smiling.
Well, while we're speculating like crazy people: Nadeshiko is actually kinda smiling in one of her pictures with Miho. I suppose that's a point in her favour...? Either way, this is beginning to torment me.
But then she was smiling with Ai too. The only time she didnt smile was the Police pictures with Megumi. She had a poker face
WTH That dog!!! I swear there was a female dog at the place I tutor, which looks just like that one, humped me as well!!! And I'm a lesbian!!!
Love this series so much, every chapter is hilarious xD
This reminds me of when Najolno (seiyuu of Eri) gave Kussun (seiyuu of Nozomi) a pair of earrings as a not-birthday present >w<
I ship NozoEri so much I started to do it with real life ppl too <3
That was so adorable and weird at the same time
Edit: and btw Nico's smile at the very first page was kinda creepy. Maybe that's why the title sounds like a horrry film lol