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I really don't want Seju to be in any worse situation than she has been so far. If Sumin will ever go back to Seju, it's because of love not sympathy, please.
and hahaha okay.. I'll share them with my dog (aslong as theyre dog friendly) ^ ^
I'm going to make some very dog friendly cookies. XD
If Seju doesn't get a happy ending, I will grab my knife, find Team Gaji and viciously and brutally shave their cat. ... Or dog...or whatever they have. v.v
It's just so hilarious. XXD
Newp, thank you for the translation. I will send you my homemade cookies soon I wish, but please promise me that you won't share the cookies with those two, KitKat101 and Azai. If you have a puppy or kitty, share the cookies with them instead. XD
She is oversleeping again, I guess.
It seems that you know her personally so well to know her daily habit XD
She told us last time. I wish I could give her some cookies to thank her for giving us the translation every week. :D
Just realized that we have discussed this much without even seeing the translations lol, funny. low key wondering where our beloved translator goes to haha
She is oversleeping again, I guess.
. It'll be very interesting to me also to see another pov where Seju is a no no.
Maybe you can go to tumblr and try making a post about how nice Seju is and tag #wdtfs and #wdts. Some Seju-is-no-no anons may show up. However, I won't guarantee that they will be people whom you can discuss wdtfs with. There are many Seju-is-no-no readers there who would give you many good reasons on why they don't support her, but there are some who are just "I hate Seju to death". XD
There's a facebook group/page, but I wouldn't say people get into it the same way we do here. Maybe a little. And for sure mostly Team Blonde.
Yes, on facebook, most of the people there are TeamBlonde fans. But I think they are TeamBlonde fans who empathize Seju a lot.
last edited at May 4, 2016 5:57PM
a whole chapter without Sungji is more acceptable than a whole chapter without Seju.
100% on the other end of this sentiment lol
Cmon Seju is suffering too much? Isn't she the one who slept with someone else just because Sumin was depressed over her parents death? You can say it was 10 years ago yeah sure but it was too much suffering for Sumin back then. Betrayed by the only close person she had left.
I'm not even Team Pink and I think this comment lacks empathy. Seju has pretty much eaten shit for 10 years because of how guilty she feels. Is she weird and creepy and possessive at times? Absolutely. But saying that she hasn't suffered too much at this point is just vindictive. If you've ever hurt someone you love in your life, done something that you truly regret, even if it isn't as terrible as what Seju did, it's not hard to want Sumin to forgive her.
I also found this comment a bit too much, but didn't want to call them out because this was their very first comment.
Layla, yes, I also just realized that a whole chapter without Sungji is more acceptable than a whole chapter without Seju.
If it's the most boring chapter yet then why are we talking about it more than any other in quite awhile? :P
were I? XD
This chapter doesn't even make even a bit sense.
last edited at May 4, 2016 11:14AM
Whatever meaning the rings have, I don't think they should wear it on their ring fingers. Are Sumin and Sungnji not going to be mistaken as married women?
Plot twist: it turns out that Sumin asks Sungji's opinion to give the ring to Seju. Lol.
This plot twist is a bit way too much. XD
Team Gaji must be kidding us. So unexpected.
Because Seju's life is fubar, her thoughts can't be as totally clean as Sungji's, right?
I found another version. XDD
from Hishiro's twitter
Sungji's current approach to stay with Sumin reminds me of the approach Seju has used for this whole 10 years to keep Sumin by her side. That approach turned out to be a totally useless one. Sungji is kind; she respects Sumin a lot, she doesn't mind Sumin keeping secret. But I still think it's better for her if she is be more curious about it as much as she wants to know what Sumin likes. Because Sumin has never opened up to Sungji, I still can't think of Sungji as someone more special to Sumin than her other exes meant to her. She doesn't need to win against Seju in Sumin's heart, but at least beats all those exes.
I wonder how Sungji is gonna react when she hears about the story between Seju and Sumin. She can't be angry with Sumin as she's the one who allowed Sumin to hide the truth from her. Zero reaction? -.-
Is "the twist" the fact that Seju x Sumin's ship has sailed again? Or maybe there are more than just one twist.
There are things that have to be presented next such as what the flashback of Seju's mom sleeping with mole guy for, about Seju's father's document, Sungji's family's reacting to Sungji dating Sumin, Sungji facing Seju (How scary to know that you are dating your president's woman.), etc.
If Sumin couldn't let go of Sungji, I wonder how she could ever let go of Seju? I have no idea who she loves more, but still believe the woman Sumin loves the most is Seju. However, you don't need to end up with the person you love the most, right?
Regarding the healing thing, if Sumin no longer hated Seju and Seju agrees to let go of Sumin and vice versa, is it a healing? Or do they have to date each other again to be a healing? If Sumin breaks up with Sungji and Sungji gladly agrees with the breakup, is it a healing? Or do they have to end up with each other to be a healing? Does it really have to heal everyone's story? I think if wdtfs has some units of healing, it’s justified. It is still a healing story even it has heartbreaking units, no?
I agree, if Sumin leaves Sungji to go back to Seju, then Sungji won't be very relevant unless she turns psycho or something. If Sungji turns psycho, Sumin x Seju will be endgame, I'm sure. However, I don't think she'll ever turn psycho. I think the story will continue with Sumin dating Sungji and Sumin still wants Seju until almost the very end of the story. Then going back to Seju must be too late results in Sungji x Sumin becomes endgame. Sumin ending up alone is a too much open ending, imo, because it's so difficult to believe that Sumin is going to be fine by her own.
Also, I have already handed in my TeamPink resignation letter. It's not because I think TeamBlonde is gonna be endgame, it's because I found myself falling for Sungji's kind soul. Seju called Sumin to come over while knowing Sumin was seeing someone. Sungji waited for Sumin to call her while anxiously wanting to know how Sumin was doing. Seju wanted Sumin's situation to be worse so that Sumin would come to her. Sungji said "It must've been hard for you, but thank you for coming." Sungji said "Whether or not it happens, it's by my choice." Seju's actions implies that it's by her choice, but Sumin has to take a responsibility for it. I don't say Seju is a bad person, I just want to say Sungji is really a good one.
last edited at Apr 30, 2016 1:19PM
How adorable! XD
from 끼룩깨룩 twitter
Faylicia, could you tell me what the "Mary Sue" thing from your point of view? For me, I think it's about wish-fulfillment characters, so I don't find it disappointing if Sungji end up being one.
BUT! I think Sungji will not disappoint me!
Sungji might not dissappoint you, but team Gaji might XD
Sorry, I tend to be a little bit honest sometimes :D. And since I know you're misunderstanding my opinion, but still can not know how to make you understand so I kinda want it to stop XD. If we go on, it's like I'm saying this, but you're saying a completely different thing. My very very bad.
Sorry for the first comment, I'm kinda losing my cool after the chap. Sumin cares for Sungji alot, afraid of hurting her alot, thinks about Sungji's feeling alot but with Seju, it's like she can do whatever, saying whatever, Seju's hurting is not my problem, just a default to her that Seju cheated and she has to endure all this and that's her responsibility, even after 10 years. And the fact she is considering breaking up with Sungji to get back to Seju is terrifying me, when she's clearly not sure who she loves more and . I kinda lost it. IF, and only IF, a very big IF, Seju x Sumin ever got back together, it had to be out of love, not out of guilt or memories or whatever that is still unsure in Sumin's part. I won't accept it. So can it just let thing be like this? Sumin can find whatever healing she needs with Sungji, Seju being tired and having her own healing stuff? If the next chap is about the break up, I'll go berserk :)))))))
Sorry for any misunderstandings XD
Did you really have any coolness to be lost in the first place? :D Anyway, I believe the story will be able to satisfy you, at least you!
If Sungji stays relevant only because she ends up with Sumin and nothing more, then this is a very bad treatment to her character.
This is what I've always been wondering. Even if they end up together on last chapter, would they be able to stay together for much longer too? Their base doesn't seem too strong until now,
I agree. That's why some people still can't cheer on Sumin x Sungji yet. Sumin is totally a garbage-like person, she does need an expert in the field to heal her.
But because it seems that Sungji is gonna agree with Sumin's whatever decisions, I'm just afraid the day Sumin tells her that she loves Seju, Sungji would be wholeheartedly agree to let Sumin go without giving Sumin a big slap right in her face.
I don't think this will happen. It would be too much. Not to mention Sumin ending up with Seju lol.
If Sungji is gonna become more and more cool and collected, who knows? Like I said, in a triangular relationship, the nicer is most highly likely to end up being the loser. :D
Let's just stop here, I find this argument so pointless =)))))),
You are a little way too honest with your thought, you know?
when I commented, I didn't expect myself to get into an argument. Peace out :D
You should have known it though. It's a dynasty's forum after all.
Of course, I'm angry with Sumin =)))). Sumin is being totally unfair at the moment, she can't please both of them for sure but at least even just a little, even teeny tiny bit compare to Sungji, thinking of Seju's feelings for once before saying or doing anything would've been nice. I don't ask for much but the way she talked that night, the look on her face, I don't know, I don't like it, it was somewhat between disgusting and sarcasm.
Uhm, I don't overlook the developments or the flow of the story :D. I know that with Seju's actions, she has to be in that way, suffering and all alone :D. Thing is, I do hope for a way out for Seju's character, not just waiting for Sumin forever like this. Out of all three characters, she lacks of happy moments int the present the most. I don't say I want it to be awesome towards my favourite character and stuff. I am saying that I want a happy moment of her even just for a little while, like when Sumin was with Sungji at amusement park, when they slept together. Is it too much to ask for her own story to be genuinely happy for once? The other two have had it now but not Seju. I don't care about she being a main character or not, she can appear just a few scene for all I care, just let me see a genuine smiling Seju again and how it happened. That's all =)))))). I emphasize this though, there are things that Sumin and Sungji have both got but Seju haven't, that's why I ask for that =)))))
No one could be disagree with your statements if you gave this kind of comment instead of your first one. I personally thought you were a hardcore TeamPink fan. Astonishingly, you turn out to be just like everyone here. Sorry for misunderstanding you.
FYI, I don't ship anyone with anyone, I don't care about ships, whoever ends up with who, I don't really care. The whole time I've never talked about fondly about Seju x Sumin at all. You missed my point. Sungji or Sumin, all has story line, their relationship has developments very logictisly. There are ways for Sumin to heal, this chapter prove that, Sungji is here to stay, the problem is will she srew it up or not. I don't talk about improvements in personality but in their life, Sumin found someone who loves her and Sungji has her first love. Seju's path is dark as hell up till now.
I don't ask for any ships to be at the end, I don't care but Seju needs a proper story line on her own. All I want to say is now Sumin has a chance to make her life better, a second chance for her life but Seju is still in a dark alley and I don't like it, she seeks for a second chance for more than 10 years now. At least, give her a proper hug in the end :)))))
!!!!!!!!! You have been blaming the author this whole time? Your first comment sounded like you were so angry with Sumin since you found Sumin acting towards Seju was so unfair compared to the way she did towards Sungji. Do you mean you don't base on any characters' whatever actions that lead to the developments in the story to judge whether the storyline is logical or not? Only Seju having an ecstatic life is all you prefer?
I also really wholeheartedly wish for her to have a big happy ending. I also have never minded whether she'll end up with someone or not.
I still don't think Sungji is going to support Sumin with her love towards Seju. Can you imagine yourself doing that?
I CAN'T. I'm not beyond the cool like I think the mature Sungji seems to be.
I don't believe that Sumin's gonna end up alone. And since I can't figure out how to make Seju to move on while she is so in love with Sumin, I only can think of having Sungji to sacrifice herself. I don't want this though.
do you understand how it feels a bit random? it makes me think that it has a continuation... that we will at some point see Sungji and I feel like there will be a chapter with her POV and everyone will be like O_O and also what if she comes off as... slightly creepy when that happens? Like, maybe a bit like Seju.
I would find it interesting if the author could give a good reason for Sungji to be twisted that way. Also, I like Seju more, so if Sungji turns creepy, it will turn out well for Seju. :D
But because it seems that Sungji is gonna agree with Sumin's whatever decisions, I'm just afraid the day Sumin tells her that she loves Seju, Sungji would be wholeheartedly agree to let Sumin go without giving Sumin a big slap right in her face.
last edited at Apr 28, 2016 3:12PM
plot twist might be that nothing happen between Seju and that bartender. and it's just her brother who set it all up lol.
I like the twist. :D
Nope, I don't feel offended. But I emphasize this word a lot. UP UNTIL NOW.
Thanks. We seem to be able to make proper arguments with each other.
First, I don't say it's ok to hurt Sungji, I don't want her to get hurt, that's for sure, but I want Sumin to stop hurting Seju. She knows she's hurting her but she still keeps doing that. What sets me off is that she's afraid to hurt Sungji but keeps doing that to Seju. Try to solve the problems at both sides, Seju and Sungji, Seju and Sungji, both deserve to be happy but up until now, Seju is still hurting, more badly to be exact, that's the unfair I'm saying, nothing about make it fair by hurting Sungji.
The two situations are completely different. Sumin kept on hurting Seju because she kept on feeling suffered after the breakup with Seju. She found her life completely doomed after the breakup. Of course, she's the one who couldn't forgive Seju, but she might need to blame Seju for why the hell that Seju had to make such a mistake that she couldn't forgive her. As she said, if Seju was completely drunk, the guards wouldn't have allowed the guy to enter the house. Seju was at fault for not trying to explain thing to Sumin properly! Sumin has been treating Sungji differently because there's no reason to treat her the same way she treated Seju!
Second, up until now, there has always been Sumin x Sungji, creating memories, good ones to be exact, I called that improvements on Sumin's side, she has someone now, at least that what I think, she's happy till the scandal broke out. All between Seju x Sumin are the past, present? It's those hurtfull words. There is no improvements on Seju's situation. Up until now of the story, she's always been in the sideline, watching, seeing some marriage partners and a broke down scene. That's it. I don't call it a proper story line, sorry. At least, Sumin x Sungji's relationship has a story line, from first date, arguments, to first time sleep together. IF the next scene is what I talk before, then Seju has no story line at all, she's been sideline, passive for 2 main characters developed their feelings for each other, doing absolutely nothing then to make it dramatic, she broke down once, make Sumin feel guilty, came back then broke off in the end for 2 main characters go back together. Then she's absolutely just a tool to make 2 main characters love each other more.
If Seju's character has not been improved at all, I really can't think of any single reason for why some readers could possibly keep on cheering Seju x Sumin, or why some Sumin x Sungji shippers started feeling their ship might sink anytime.
Some have been complaining a lot about Sungji's slow development too. It's impossible for the author to give everyone their ideal version storyline. I still believe in their writing skill though. I think they will be able to give readers a good writing.
Lastly, yes, it's her choice to wait, to be silent, to everything, BUT, to be the receiving end of those hurting words that night is not something you wish to hear, even after 10 years of trying and not doing anything wrong, still being unforgiven by the person you love, still talk about that one mistake you did? Is that nice?
It's not something she wished to hear, but has she ever shown any sign about her being hurt by those words, or wanting to confront Sumin about their relationship thing? If after chapter 49, Sumin uses those hurting words towards Seju, or her attitude towards Seju doesn't change at all, I will totally agree that Sumin really deserves to be blamed for the past 10 years!
Yes, Sumin lost her parents 10 years ago, lost her first love and all, hence all of sleeping around thing. I called it a proper reaction for suffering. Seju's side, it's has always been silent, silent, passive, passive, watching, watching, all the time. That's why I want at least give Seju some kinds of reactions, anything at all, not just passive and silent. That's all.
Seju has not really been silent or passive all the time if we think about what she has done.
She told Sungji that Sumin needed someone like Sungji by her side.
She talked to Sumin as if she totally agreed with Sumin dating Sungji.
She successfully ruin Sumin's relationship with redhead by telling on readhead to her fiance.
She agreed to sleep with Nami so that Nami would shut her mouth up and stay away from her and Sumin.
You want to see her being active in a better way, right? Blame the authors then.