You people seem to be getting worked up over the yuri, and het tags. I don't know what's the big deal. personally I think, the story fits it's tags perfectly, but it's not worth arguing about.
Cuz its misleading tag, the tag yuri shouldn't be used when there's barely any yuri in it. It's just feels like massive troll.
It's not a massive troll, and you're just overreacting to a tag used for a story which is hard to define with just tags.
It's not really 100% het, but it's not 100% yuri, outside of the little twist at the end. It's an interesting story that can't really be defined with either due to the unique aspects of the story, but is deserving of the tags for both the sake of helping users find it and narrowing down on the kind of things that go on in it.
Pointlessly saying again and again that you think this is ONE HUNDRED PER CENT HET is annoying, we get it, you wanted it to be gayer. Just drop it already.