Forum › Posts by drpepperfan

joined Oct 12, 2010

btw, i feel like i undetstand the yuri crush tag but at same time i don't, does it involve works that have a girl crushing on another girl but for some reason she never confesses or she's just fine with being friends or something?

Think of it for things like New Game and Non Non Biyori, works that aren't yuri or intended to be, but feature a character who is in love/attracted/wants to get down with another character. Things with a lesbian crush, but the lesbianism isn't a focal point.

joined Oct 12, 2010

You people seem to be getting worked up over the yuri, and het tags. I don't know what's the big deal. personally I think, the story fits it's tags perfectly, but it's not worth arguing about.

Cuz its misleading tag, the tag yuri shouldn't be used when there's barely any yuri in it. It's just feels like massive troll.

It's not a massive troll, and you're just overreacting to a tag used for a story which is hard to define with just tags.

It's not really 100% het, but it's not 100% yuri, outside of the little twist at the end. It's an interesting story that can't really be defined with either due to the unique aspects of the story, but is deserving of the tags for both the sake of helping users find it and narrowing down on the kind of things that go on in it.

Pointlessly saying again and again that you think this is ONE HUNDRED PER CENT HET is annoying, we get it, you wanted it to be gayer. Just drop it already.

joined Oct 12, 2010

Awww, why is it always one-shot when it's good? like that Demons Harem.

Well the thing about one-shots is that, because they are short, the author can explore an idea as thoroughly as they feel like and plan it all out way easier. In serials, you need to worry about how to drag the story out for the entire run-time

This is true. It's the good/bad thing about oneshots. They can give you such a good compact story that won't suffer from the problems series have, repetition, stretching out the plot, lackluster ending, etc. But even so, you can be left wanting more.

joined Oct 12, 2010

Why isn't there a love triangle tag?

It's not a triangle when no one is being excluded.


Interesting. I want a continuation cause I want to know what will happen in their daily life. Will Haruka always resume control of the body when they are going to do something lewd? >< (I know it's wrong and Kouhei isn't a bad guy, but i want a yuri ending...I really do.)

Honestly wouldn't mind it just ending with all three together. I could see it going the route with the guy "passing on" after having secured his girlfriend someone new to be with in the girl, but that would be kind of vanilla and boring.

I'd kinda be okay with that ending. I mean, I love poly stuff, but age gap yuri is also super strong. I would love a continuation of this, but it probably isn't going to happen.

Indeed x2.

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 14 Jul 22:48
joined Oct 12, 2010

Artist commentary via Danbooru:

Yukareimu(Modern Ver.)
"Is there something sticking to my face?"
"Then what are you staring at?"
"So do you?"
"No! By the way, it's you who chose this place. Why don't you eat something?"
"Oh, I can't see REIMU in the menu."
"...Don't be silly."
"Is this your first date?"
"Wh-What're you talking about so suddenly..."
"You seems nervous. Dont worry, I'm not hungry...yet."

And as a bonus here's the designs

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 14 Jul 22:37
joined Oct 12, 2010


drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 14 Jul 22:00
joined Oct 12, 2010

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Big updated version of an old release, will try to get the old thread merged with this one soon, and then remove the old one.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

"A sharp-eyed reader noticed a somewhat embarrassing slip-up on page 14. The 2nd line was not, in fact, about abandoning duty to their country, but on proper usage of handheld explosive devices. The error has been corrected and the offending nut has been sacked. We thank you for your patience."

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 12 Jul 16:54
joined Oct 12, 2010

Yeah, they're certainly up there in the "please shut up we don't care" tier.

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Updated chapters 1 and 14 with cover pages, illustrations, author comments and some bonus comics by Afro.

drpepperfan Admin
Yuru Yuri discussion 11 Jul 22:47
joined Oct 12, 2010

Gym teacher x Yui is getting more material huh

First and last chapters of volume 16 have been updated with covers, art pages and afterwords, etc.

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 10 Jul 22:37
joined Oct 12, 2010

@BladE1337A Yeah, I reject pretty much every request made by users who request "yuri" consisting of two girls next to each other in ways that aren't at all gay, aka "our boobs are smushed together as we look at the camera".

but this one was funny cause big butt smush so i added it, and its plausibly gay

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 10 Jul 22:15
joined Oct 12, 2010

" i love this vine "

drpepperfan Admin
The Bond discussion 10 Jul 15:02
joined Oct 12, 2010

...Part 1? I really hope Part 2 is still out there somewhere, considering the artist's Tumblr is dead.

Oh, it's not. The only Part 2 in existence is a fanmade fanfiction sequel. FeelsBadMan

This manga made my day and you just literally ruined it.

Can I have a link though..?

Haven't read it, so no idea if its terrible or good, but here it is.

drpepperfan Admin
The Bond discussion 10 Jul 02:19
joined Oct 12, 2010

...Part 1? I really hope Part 2 is still out there somewhere, considering the artist's Tumblr is dead.

Oh, it's not. The only Part 2 in existence is a fanmade fanfiction sequel. FeelsBadMan

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 07 Jul 11:35
joined Oct 12, 2010

@Sakura Cartelet What makes you think it's supposed to be cute.

drpepperfan Admin
Image Comments 06 Jul 20:54
joined Oct 12, 2010

"'How to end war and bring peace to the world' vel "How Naruto should have ended""

joined Oct 12, 2010

This is also an NTR
At least you see a clue to the beginning.

I assume this is a joke account, but I'm giving you a temp ban anyway.

Stop this weird "this is NTR" shit. Next ban will be permanent.

drpepperfan Admin
drpepperfan Admin
Sorathecrow discussion 05 Jul 16:35
joined Oct 12, 2010

Dunno if this'll work but let's give it a shit. Gotta ask you some questions/give feedback on some of your recent requests, could you pop into the Discord, or failing that, maybe the IRC?

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Manga Subscription should be fixed now.

drpepperfan Admin
Marionette discussion 03 Jul 15:52
joined Oct 12, 2010

I'm happy Galette exists.

drpepperfan Admin
Marionette discussion 03 Jul 15:47
joined Oct 12, 2010

Yes it's an exaggeration. But the point in this discussion is: Do you as a mod/admin/staff/whatever favour hiding tags because it could potentially be a story spoiler? If so, there is no way for me as a reader to trust any posted story on this side just because before reading it I have no way of knowing if this story has a tag I as a reader want to avoid.

So for me the first conclusion at hand would be to never ever read a story by this author again knowing that there is a possibility their story might include a tag I personally don't like very much to say at the least and knowing there might be the possibility that certain tag is deliberately hidden because of story reasons.

Well, shame to see that, as Takemiya is one of the best authors. But if that's what you choose to do, so be it. It shall remain untagged.

last edited at Jul 3, 2018 3:48PM

drpepperfan Admin
Marionette discussion 03 Jul 15:08
joined Oct 12, 2010

Unless some kind of way to add spoiler tags to the site is added at some point, there will be no plans to tag any works with tag's that would severely ruin the plot for those reading. Certain works on the site have plot twists or endings harmed by tagging everything 100%, and for the sake of keeping the experience of reading these works as the author intended, we will not tag these. End of. This endless argument is not going to help, sorry.

Which essentially means people who don't want to be surprised be preschool girls being raped by big fat old men should avoid dynasty altogether, since there is no way of knowing how to avoid a story because someone decided it's better to piss off some people than to spoil others who wouldn't care about the tags in the first place.

I... don't think there's any such works in this website (at least not any that aren't tagged lolicon and rape). I mean, I can't see either being such a plot twist that it would spoil the story to have it properly tagged. It seems to me that the decision of not including tags affects only a handful of exceptions.

But please correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh, there isn't any, you're quite right. They're just giving the most extreme example possible to try and make this seem ridiculous. :/