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Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 04 Nov 16:08
joined May 28, 2016

They are on a vacation from the game.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 03 Nov 20:43
joined May 28, 2016

I need Sussurro. She's so cute.

joined May 28, 2016

Keqing's personality reminds me of Noire from the Neptunia series. She even has twintails like Noire too. Going by that I guess her romantic partner would be either Klee or Amber since both of them are similar to Neptune (also from the Neptunia series). Speaking of Klee I've seen a few of her being shipped with Qiqi.

joined May 28, 2016

Let's see now from checking 4chan's Genshin thread on /u/ the following ships seem to have some traction: Jean/Lisa, Lumine/Amber, and Lumine/Paimon.

joined May 28, 2016

Are you rolling on Abby's banner on the 5th? I already have her and want to save for future banners.

joined May 28, 2016

I wonder if Genshin will add a feature that lets you increase someone's star ranking in the future through story content cause it really doesn't make much sense for these characters to be 4 stars based on literally everything we know about them.

I mean, Honkai has both awakened valks and upgraded cores, I think it's possible. I really hope they buff Amber 1st if that's the case. She's only good for exploring rn.'

I guess I must be playing the game wrong then. My Amber does a decent amount of damage- especially against lightning elemental enemies or enemies which have had the lightning element applied to them.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 01 Nov 11:38
joined May 28, 2016

I really like all of these self fulfilling spoilers here. No warning such as "spoilers for X". Instead just a block of text you have to click on and read just to see if you want to click on it and read it.

Edit: Texas came home tonight! I'm super happy about this since I like her a lot. I now need Lappland and Exusiai.

last edited at Nov 2, 2020 2:28AM

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 29 Oct 00:04
joined May 28, 2016

Really the story kept droning on forever so I sort of only halfway paid attention to it. Hopefully it'll get better but I'm not hopeful. Also my new game Trails of Cold Steel IV is eating into this game's time.

My pity roll was Liskarm which I really like. Alas no Franka in my Rhodes Island yet so I can't unite her with her girlfriend. :(

Sakura Cartelet
Image Comments 26 Oct 20:13
joined May 28, 2016

Somehow I can't really see Sana taking the lead in the relationship.

Sakura Cartelet
Image Comments 26 Oct 20:12
joined May 28, 2016

They look like sisters here. Are we missing the incest tag?

joined May 28, 2016

Something interesting I did for fun to see whether or not it would be worth FGO using a 64-bit signed integer (max: 9,223,372,036,854,775,807) for storing QP. Assuming you're doing a lottery event and can open one box every second of the day which would be 86,400 boxes per day since there's 3600 seconds in an hour and 24 hours in a day. Assuming each box gave five million QP it be 432 billion QP per day. It would take 21,350,398 days to max it out or 58,494 years. Even if we multiply it by two for ten million per box it would probably only half the time required which still would be longer than anyone would live for. So using a 64-bit integer would be pointless.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 26 Oct 01:24
joined May 28, 2016

It didn't however say whether or not Amiya (Caster) and Amiya (Guard) are treated as the same or different characters for support purposes. This is can you put both of them in the same team via friend support?

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

Hinano already looks like a kid so I'm not sure there would be too much change.

The author also missed the chance for Rika/Ren.

last edited at Oct 27, 2020 1:40AM

joined May 28, 2016

Tomorrows reward is 10 lizard tails(?), another moon, and 100 gacha currency.

Jean x Lumine NSFW

last edited at Oct 26, 2020 9:11AM

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 25 Oct 21:32
joined May 28, 2016

@Nevri Like I said before just because a character believes something to be true doesn't mean it's true. Also even if it were true from what I've read most girls stop growing in height by 14-15 so Amiya's probably as tall as she'll get.

@myrrhmidon Guard Amiya doesn't turn up anything in Google so I have no clue where you're getting that she does unmitigated damage. Having a character that does that all of the time would likely be overpowered unless there's some limiting feature or drawback.

joined May 28, 2016

I think I remember hearing that Fischl was going to be buyable in an upcoming event shop on GameFAQs. Not sure it's true or not though. If that's true then I'll get C1 with mine.

joined May 28, 2016

Sucrose is sure cute. I'm glad I rolled her today. :) No Klee though. :(

joined May 28, 2016

Rye congratulations on getting Sitonai. I didn't get her but I did get NP2 Paraiso and Chiron. Also a bunch of CEs.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 24 Oct 17:38
joined May 28, 2016

Well I'm finally able to beat PR-B1 with the following team: Fang, Kroos, Lava, Hibiscus, Frostleaf, Orchid, Plume, and Adnachiel. With exception of Frostleaf and Adnachiel all of my operators are max level and most are max skilled too. :)

Sakura Cartelet
Image Comments 24 Oct 01:20
joined May 28, 2016

Denial about love is not healthy Kokoro. Especially with someone like Masara.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 24 Oct 01:07
joined May 28, 2016

I only have 8 more tapes for viewing events. Between Operational Intelligence or Stories of Afternoon which one has more shipping material?

Well I think I might have a new ship Jessica x Op Reserve Team A1 (Fang, Beagle, Lava, Kroos, and Hibiscus). Can our cat keep everyone happy or will she die trying? Find out on the next exciting episode of Jessica's Harem Woes.

Jessica harem sounds absolutely hilarious; please tell me someone's actually drawn that.

Not a doujin but a fanfic called Black Steel and Darker Waters. Ships are Franka/Liskarm, Jessica/Op Reserve Team A1, and Vanilla/Deepcolor.

Lappland crying because Texas is ignoring her

Any idea of when Texas and/or Lappland will be in the cert shop again? I really want one of the two. :(

last edited at Oct 24, 2020 1:22AM

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 23 Oct 15:31
joined May 28, 2016

Well I think I might have a new ship Jessica x Op Reserve Team A1 (Fang, Beagle, Lava, Kroos, and Hibiscus). Can our cat keep everyone happy or will she die trying? Find out on the next exciting episode of Jessica's Harem Woes.

Sakura Cartelet
Image Comments 23 Oct 01:27
joined May 28, 2016

Well the hair color does mach Rena's light blue more than Sana's greenish so I too thought it was Rena instead.

joined May 28, 2016

Supposedly it will but given the Covid situation it may get delayed... although I hope it won't.

Edit: It doesn't however mention changing the recharge rate. Now it will take 21 hours to fully recharge instead of 16.

last edited at Oct 23, 2020 2:26AM

Sakura Cartelet
joined May 28, 2016

I really liked this doujin. It ended up being cuter than I though it would be.