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joined Feb 14, 2016

Is there a way to whitelist multiple tags with an "OR" operator? Like, I wanna whitelist Yuri, Yuri crush, and subtext, but have the site display stories with any (not necessarily all) of those tags. Is that possible? I only see a way to show stories that have every whitelisted tag, not just one of the whitelisted tags.

EDIT: This goes for searching as well.

DeMorgan's Laws would imply that this could be implemented (granted, inefficiently) by checking against the opposite of each of these terms. If a result doesn't blacklist all of these tags at once then it necessarily much whitelist at least one of these and oh god I'm using formal logic to help people find yuri manga the 4chan is coming from inside the house

Lily Love discussion 26 Mar 04:12
joined Feb 14, 2016

Dont worry drama will come again on others chapter ^_____________^

Spoken like a true writer. I can't wait. :)

last edited at Mar 26, 2016 4:12AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Drama CDs

What's all this then? Have they been released? Have they been translated?

They've been released, 3 of them are on nyaa. Fourth that was released in January 2015 isn't uploaded as far as I know.

I really should try to learn Japanese, but is there any hope for even a rough pastebin-style translation? I'd love to listen to them!

Good news, Mangagamer's releasing them.

joined Feb 14, 2016

me rn

Lily Love discussion 26 Mar 00:23
joined Feb 14, 2016

I am loving your work, Ratana. Please keep doing what you're doing.

cosigned. b(n_n)

joined Feb 14, 2016

The puns, oh god, the puns.

I know, it's got me all sedimental for my middle school geology classes.

joined Feb 14, 2016


joined Feb 14, 2016

Oh that creepy stalker spam (heh, that was a fast deletion) reminds me - does the site have a "report post" feature? Don't see it on mobile...

last edited at Mar 24, 2016 1:23PM

Yuri Squids discussion 24 Mar 03:13
joined Feb 14, 2016

Splatoon and Mario Maker are alone almost enough to justify buying the thing, but at this point I'd wait just a little bit longer because you'll probably be able to get one cheap secondhand as Nintendo moves on to that NX thing.

EDIT: Plenty of other good games for it (especially if you passed on the Wii), mind. Overall the best stuff Nintendo's put out since the SNES.

last edited at Mar 24, 2016 3:41AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

It might be platonic. Since i don't have the audio drama CDs and even if I did wouldn't be able to understand much, I can't say much other than one is about Ano and Nena.

Looking into it a little deeper, I think what goes on in the drama CD in question is that Ano and Nena are pretending to be in a romantic relationship for...reasons? My Japanese skill amounts to "use google translate and try to parse the machine-translated English into something coherent", so I can't say much more than that on the matter.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Compared to most Itou Hachi manga series, this is practically downright ero, which is a little weird given the relationship in question. Interested to see where it's going from here, though.

Lily Love discussion 23 Mar 01:56
joined Feb 14, 2016

I'm so sorry that i made you disappointing

:( I think it's a very good story!

joined Feb 14, 2016

I think that you can get a digital copy of this specific one through pixiv, but I don't know what sort of support for international payments they have

Huh, looks like only a couple chapters are available digitally but they have links to Amazon here

last edited at Mar 22, 2016 12:45PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Finally, some mountain fluff

Under discussion 21 Mar 13:32
joined Feb 14, 2016

Presumably an offshoot of the sort of ninja training they do in the Senran Kagura games

Lily Love discussion 21 Mar 04:13
joined Feb 14, 2016

Chapter 21 is out. It was nightmare to edit it...

Bless you all! <3

This was a lot funnier than I expected a hostage situation story would be, I will say

joined Feb 14, 2016

BiohunterX posted:

Wow talk about coincidence, I just got passed the hina confession. Do any decisions matter in this Visual novel?

It's a 100% linear story, dialogue options open different Pov's after the main story has completed.

ah, thanks. could be worst, could be like sono hanibira where if u dont choose the right options it cuts off the later part of the story...

edit: just finished. it was great and i wouldnt mind a continuation or more fromt the same person

The official mangas sort of are like that (volume 1 is a year later but has appearances with most of the main characters since they still attend the school -- despite focusing on a new couple not in the games), and some of the staff worked on a series of spinoff mostly-unofficial booklets with the main characters, available on seagull (; they're listed on sites like comiczin as well but they're listed as sold out there (and might not last long on seagull either, from what some tweets were implying).

last edited at Mar 21, 2016 12:00AM

eclipse discussion 20 Mar 23:55
joined Feb 14, 2016

It was a very fast manga, but on the other hand NOTO's erotic stuff is always really intense.

Lily Love discussion 20 Mar 14:14
joined Feb 14, 2016

Argh I'm on a metered connection so I can't read this update for example few hours yet


joined Feb 14, 2016

Yeah 4 drama CDs. I think the last one includes the game OST.

Love this. Cute, awkward, surprisingly effective finger technique on display

joined Feb 14, 2016

I still have no idea why I like this so much, but I do. Seems like what golden boy should have been given how far off the rails that one went...

joined Feb 14, 2016

It might be platonic. Since i don't have the audio drama CDs and even if I did wouldn't be able to understand much, I can't say much other than one is about Ano and Nena.

joined Feb 14, 2016

30 hours of yuri with a handful of porny scenes. It's good.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Please play the game. It is very good.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Aahhh seeing Maki-chan and Hina feels so refreshing ~ (spotting Tsukuyo-chan and Kiri was nice too hehe)
Maki-chan really is adorable and strong, with such energy. Nice to see how students her age see her, and how she interacts with them
I like Mako, Mako looks really cool.

Wow I knew the art of the vn game was familiar!! And yea check the game out its beautiful and awesome.

Artist for vn is Peg :0
For the sequels, Hachi drew Side A, taking place a year after the events of the vn, and someone else drew side B, though I'm not sure what it's about

Side B is by Aya Fumio (Goodbye Castor), takes place like 3 years after the game, and is about girls who join a quiz club. It's cute but harder to follow since I don't know the characters as well.