More or less you have it right, though the Japanese used in this is お星様カンパニー which changes it from the original "The Sun Company" to "The Star Company". The rambling description by Reimu may or may not be an accurate description of the plot of The Sun Company as I've never read it.
Edit: Looking at a quick synopsis of The Sun Company from your link, I'm pretty convinced that Reimu's ramblings have nothing to do with the original's plot.
I Guess it's not that one then... I was interested 'cause the one reimu descripted was Yuri and it has an art-style that I like (I love old mangas)... The one I posted has different art-style and it's totally het so it's definetely not. I hope it's real though, I'm googling "Ohoshisama Company" and searching at myanimelist but nothing. Maybe it wasn't popular and since it's old it's not on the internet?
last edited at Dec 20, 2017 12:13AM