when are we getting a girl friends anime and for the love of god can they finish the sasmeki koto, it was literally the first anime (knowing it was an anime) I have ever watched!
last edited at Feb 1, 2015 9:49AM
a non weird ending?!
Don't no whats going on but I like it.
wait why does Ran have a bad relationship with her father?
im confused did kyouko go into sayaka to bring back sayaka that why she was talking to herself ( kyouko) or...?
last edited at Jan 28, 2015 9:27AM
well that was a fun read XD
Stretch should have dry humping moments like this (・へ・)
along with a yuri tag, now that would make my year!
still waiting for the day i see a yuri tag on this.
I feel like a heretic but i still like it :P
Someone needs to make a mine tag already :P
she did thats how we can see this now :P
Lookie here another candidate for the "Mine" tag.
i think this needs a "Mine" tag too.
kisseus maximus
^go to your room and think about what you did!
the Animated tag grows...
sigh if only i can use gif for profile pics...
lol she just plopped you face in it didn't even open her mouth XD
its the balance of the universe if it didn't the world would go into chaos.
^ there was fan-art befor it was releast here XD
I feel this really happend in the XD
that is some good art
wow its been awhile since the last konakaga! :D but can someone please bit up the garbage can?! I cant fully enjoy the yuri!
too bad shes going to die...