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Murcielago discussion 04 Apr 03:44
joined Feb 14, 2016

From IRC:
The_Pope: the murcielago chapters are currently sorted in the wrong volume
The_Pope: 42-44 should be volume 7.

Yuri Danshi discussion 02 Apr 22:54
joined Feb 14, 2016

I am. Now to scour all of them to see where they make reference to Kindred Spirits, because I have a problem

joined Feb 14, 2016

hehehe those carnivores

joined Feb 14, 2016

That certainly went places

joined Feb 14, 2016

Haha no this collection is several years old.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Haven't read this one in a while, great to come back to it.

joined Feb 14, 2016


joined Feb 14, 2016

Everyone wants to eat Kotori's pie. Heh. Hehehehehe.

joined Feb 14, 2016

How am I only finding out about this now? It's great and there's no such thing as too much Peg art.

Needed more doujin from this author as well to numb my heart for the lack of Yurirei sequel....

If you're willing to import, you might be interested in the four quasi-official side stories: (links to the other 3 in the box on the left)

I also got this a couple weeks ago: It's good, but it's just a collection of drawings; there's no story and it's not really connected to anything else.

last edited at Mar 30, 2016 3:56AM

Lily Love discussion 30 Mar 01:11
joined Feb 14, 2016

I'll set it on fire!

wait, maybe that's going too far. never mind

joined Feb 14, 2016

Always love it when a yuri manga takes a turn for the epistemological.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Note the serious release of this one is just underneath on the page for Tima - it's the one called "*My* Cat-like Girlfriend".

New Game discussion 28 Mar 15:46
joined Feb 14, 2016

It's not a very large studio, from the looks of things, and the design of the last game wound up sounding a lot like a typical MMO. I would imagine a more amibitious studio would want a more credentialed staff but that this one is working in a fairly by-the-numbers genre so it's not as big a deal for them.

Shiromuchi discussion 28 Mar 14:44
joined Feb 14, 2016

The thing about Meru-chan, since someone brought up The Feelings We All Must Deal With, is that she's not a stereotype and she's certainly not played for comic relief; her weight isn't really a joke when it comes up. And I thought the way the series ended for her was cute and a lot healthier than this one here.

This feels fetishizing, but sweet exercise despite being better kinda does too (it definitely falls into that sort of patronizing trap you see where a moderately-sized girl is portrayed as a symbolic progressive heroine for the industry to rally behind because she's somehow "plus-sized"). But yeah, it's certainly better because, again, it doesn't really feel like the joke is her weight -- more her neuroses about it and the story is about how she and her girlfriend work through it, so it's much cuter. (also I like the bit with the jump-rope bondage hehe)

It's a real sticking point for me because my girlfriend is always concerned about her weight and how it makes her look, so when I see something like this it really pisses me off because argh it's not helping. And the relationship dynamic is just, well, like y'all been saying.

Yuri☆Kome discussion 28 Mar 11:02
joined Feb 14, 2016

But she totally says she's straight, guys

joined Feb 14, 2016

Just realized this series reminds me of Kanamemo, which is funny because I couldn't get through Kanamemo at all

joined Feb 14, 2016

I like Merryhachi's art, but the script is beyond silly.

But I do kinda like it because I'm absolute trash

joined Feb 14, 2016

All is well on this very fine day.

joined Feb 14, 2016

that sure is a funny way of spelling MikiMaki

joined Feb 14, 2016

The puns, oh god, the puns.

I know, it's got me all sedimental for my middle school geology classes.

I thought it was already set in stone that we were done with this schist... It's not gneiss to keep going when everyone else stopped.

I'm sorry but when I read them all I couldn't help but marble in wonder over how many there were.

Roommates discussion 26 Mar 07:19
joined Feb 14, 2016

Found a new author to read from :)))

Oh, man, you're in for a treat...

joined Feb 14, 2016

Batman vs. Superman is the nihilistic teenager in all of us that despite trying to signal his own maturity instead falls back on the perennial arguments of his even younger days: "Who would win in a fight" -- while still barely mangaging to answer that question. Beyond that problem, what semblance of a movie existed in its original incarnation has been set aside in order to fit a lengthy infomercial for the fact that, no, really, DC has more than two characters in their comic series and won't you come back in a year to see them all?

I like watching movies in 3D in general, with the note that I tend to only enjoy 3D films that are either shot using specialized 3D cameras (as a number of IMAX documentaries have been, which I've seen and found pleasant and fun to watch in 3D) or were animated (especially by computer, where drawing 3D graphics in a 3D plane costs limited overhead and presents significant depth to a filmgoing audience). It's possible to have a compelling movie that has its 3D effects added in post (as I believe was the case for Mad Max: Fury Road. a technical and narrative marvel despite the fact that the Academy wouldn't dare consider the second part to be true)), but the cinematographer has be extremely careful about how scenes are shot. Foreground detail is going to attract the eye, but it's rarely what a shot of the film winds up focusing on, so you wind up with lots of prominent blurry details in films not designed around it.

joined Feb 14, 2016

You've completely lost me. ^_^

Hahaha, I should be a bit more careful about how much vodka I drink, huh? To clarify, if I'm understanding you correct, you want results that include at least one of the tags in your post, meaning that it matches any of them.

My post was saying in an awkward, rambly way that "X OR Y" is functionally equivalent to "NOT (NOT X AND NOT Y)". Which is to say, if there were a way to blacklist manga that don't contain at least one of the tags, it would return the results of interest to you.

last edited at Mar 26, 2016 6:03AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Minor consideration -- and this is just me being a drunk nitpicker who wouldn't give a shit except I used to write like this when I was younger -- I think a line like this:

"If I recall correctly, our arrangement was for you to come over on the weekend"

is stilted and ought to be replaced by

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't come over until the weekend?" or maybe "I thought you weren't going to come over until the weekend"

Other nitpicks / matters of taste:

Think "so don't expect too much, alright?" is also a tad awkward, might replace with maybe "so don't get too excited, OK?"

Similarly, I might change "...Somehow it's really embarrassing, so turn around, Umi" with "Turn around! It's embarrassing when you stare at me, Umi..." or something more like that.

But, I mean, I'm anal-retentive like that. Feel free to ignore as necessary.

Image Comments 26 Mar 04:19
joined Feb 14, 2016

mokou-tan uses tongue
it's super-effective