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Random Reader
Their Story discussion 23 Jan 07:00
joined Nov 30, 2011

I've actually read a lot more off of this one tumblr blog: (IDK if i'm allowed to post it).

Of this series? That seems rather impossible, but go on.

There have been a lot of strips released as of right now on the scanlator's tumblr compared to what's available here if that's what you're wondering.

Random Reader
Baggata Way discussion 21 Jan 06:43
joined Nov 30, 2011

Awesome! Didn't realize there was a new chapter released.

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 10 Jan 01:39
joined Nov 30, 2011

LMAO. The humor in this series is just great XD

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

For whatever reason, they kind of remind me of Korra and Asami(from the Legend of Korra, they got together by the way!)

I wouldn't go so far as to say that even if you're just talking about personalities. (And we have a thread floating around about those 2 somewhere here fyi. ;) )

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

When I saw the male character, my immediate instinct was "Boyfriend". But then when he said "annoying" and the other guy came up, I flashed on this vision of "He's her boyfriend for image's sake but he's actually gay and that other guy is who he's really into and maybe unofficially together with".
This is probably not actually the case given what people are saying above. It just seemed to fit so well . . .

Great, now you've really got me wanting this dude to be gay and formerly using her as his "beard". It would take the story in really fun directions, I think.

Maybe she's gay too, but undercover, and they both use each other to officially stay in the closet.
Open door to yuri fest.

That would be a good addition to the story, we don't see many of those around here afaik. It's almost similar to my wish for a het harem to have the main guy and is best friend turn out gay and all the girls hooking up at the end. But, one can only dream! -_-

That was quite the long introduction for Baek Seol-A.
There's something suspicious about her.I feel like she's going to do something bad to John.

Who is John??


Random Reader
Stretch discussion 05 Jan 00:03
joined Nov 30, 2011

Not at all Onyx, not at all ;)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Yes!!! A new chapter! I've been waiting to see more from this series.

i might still be on a high from the finale of korra but doesn't she look just like asami?

Not in the slightest.

Uh oh now we have a guy (not like that's bad) but through my yuri experiences and korean dramas he's gonna get in the way somehow. Or im biased

We barely saw his face throughout most of his convo, he is totally going to interfere but I bet it'd be with the main character. (Or at least that's what I'm hoping for lol.)

joined Nov 30, 2011

Sadly, couples like this don't last long in real life.

That is not what i meant. I was talking about couples where one of the partners thinks that the other one is much better than himself. And also about same-gender couples where one of the partners has much more income than another.

Looks like somebody needs to take a Love, Lust and Intimacy course because it's not just 'same-gender couples' that have success jealously. My girlfriend is far more talanted than me at art, she can get perfects in expert mode on Love Live Idol Project game when she plays for the first time on that song. She makes more money than me. Am I extremely jealous? Yes. Am I going to stop dating her because of this? Hell no.

My problem with this manga is it presents issues that are a real problem but they conflict with my personal beliefs XD

If you didn't earn the money or have a share in it (joint bank account), it's none of your busniess what the person spends it own. That is why couples get 3 accounts, one for each of them and a shared one they add funds each pay check.

If you are going to buy something outrageously stupid expensive, at least warn said significant person. It's common curtsey and shows you are involving said person in important decisions.

Communication is key in all relationships and Mira tossed that straight out the window. Sure, Chika tried to tell her gf her spending habits were out of control, but I felt she seemed so pushy and mean about it. Worst way to get your point across is by being loud >.>

Well said!!

Random Reader
Image Comments 03 Jan 12:55
joined Nov 30, 2011

She's crying because it's obviously the best err... munching she's ever experienced??? o0 ahem

Random Reader
Good non-yuri manga 31 Dec 22:48
joined Nov 30, 2011

What I'd like to find is something like Mushishi or XXXHolic, with a mysterious atmosphere and heavily based in folklore, maybe a bit stylish while we're at it. Or maybe with that feel of discovering unseen facets of the world, like the bits of YKK where Alpha is travelling, or the Cait Sith-related parts of Aria. One of the things that attracts me to Touhou, for instance, is the creative take on Japanese folk stories, so other stuff that relies on the same would be appealing.

OMG!!! A fellow YKK and Aria fan!!! So few of us exist!! YKK and Aria are probably two of my favorite stories of all time!!! I love both to bits. Natsume Yuujinchou (Natume's Book of Friends), as far as I know, comes pretty close to what you're asking about. I've been reading it off and on and I find it to be pretty good. Hmmm... I don't know if it fits your criteria but check out Socks Goblin. I believe it's a manwha and I read it on a whim and I have to say I quite like it. Other than that, I'm stuck on suggestions for what you're asking for as both Mushishi and XXXHolic are the only other ones I know of. I'm sure there are more but I wouldn't know where to start looking.

EDIT @ Yuri Girl 1001 - Thanks for the suggestion.

last edited at Dec 31, 2014 10:49PM

Random Reader
Comic - Sunstone 31 Dec 08:09
joined Nov 30, 2011

I got my physical copy on Christmas Eve! Tis glorious!!!

Also, for those who haven't been following lately, chapter 4 has had a series of updates and should be finishing soon. I must say, the last page was....well to describe in a few words, HOLY SHIT! Right in the feels.

Chapter 4:

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 31 Dec 07:57
joined Nov 30, 2011

i "almost" feel selfish for saying this, but i hope Stretch gets licensed and published after it concludes. I really would like to buy a hard copy. and if it is released, it would be wonderful if it could be released as one complete story (ok, i've thrown my wish out into the universe; i hope it happens).


Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

What were the minor fixes?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Just saw this, not a problem and I hope you properly depressed them!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Fans are amazing

Your avatar is exactly how I feel after seeing this and the other kissing one. MOAR!!!!

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 26 Dec 23:25
joined Nov 30, 2011

Say the printed version at Barnes & Nobles today, I have to say it was pretty cool! It also looked great in the physical form.

I also saw Kisses, Sighs, & Cherry Blossom Pink as well as Girl Friends. I must say, it was awesome to see them on the shelves.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Now I'm curious about how they would deal with their realtionship if there were post finale comics like in ATLA.

There had better be lol. I just finished reading the The Airbender comic volumes and would love to see something of the same for Korra.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Why isn't all romance DBZ style.

The same reason DBZ ended prematurely.

A lot of yelling and sweating with nothing to show for it?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Just blitzed through it. Pretty good. I didn't really notice both of them interact a whole lot so aside from Korra blushing when Asami complimented her once, it was kinda out of thin air to me. But overall pretty awesome.

There is a tumblr post out there somewhere where the author basically went all the way to Dynasty-detail levels of analysis before the show ended proving that Korra and Asami had a budding relationship. I'll try and find it and link it here.

One pretty cool thing I have noticed is that a majority of people are very supportive of this outcome including a large majority of the press.

AH!! Found the link!!!!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

You can watch it at any anime website honestly, I watched in

You can only enjoy the majestuosity of Korrasami in glorious 1080p masterace ...!! nah but really, start from 0 just for the Korrasami ending, that's not something I would do, I was totally impressed by the last chapter, it has so many incredible moments. If there's something I could agree with the haters is that now the series might be remembered for just that but it was awesome altogether (especially the last 2 seasons).

Oh I intend to watch the show to watch the show. Asami and Korra getting together is a total plus! I waited until The Last Airbender was over before I marathoned the show and I found Zuko's story to be one of the best stories I have seen in any show. I plan on marathoning Korra now that it's over since I had no time to watch it when it was airing.

Theres ppl who deny NanoFate, so I am not really surprised about anything else.

Don't they come from different shows though?? Also, a LOT of people were not paying attention to the various hints throughout the show and just claim it as something forced. Ironically, many of these people would go wild if Korra developed a similar relationship with a male character.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Reading around the web is quite entertaining. The creators both come out and confirm that Korra and Asami are a couple but people are trying their damnedest to deny it haha. Sad and yet funny at the same time. Either way, I do hope this opens the doors for more kid friendly shows in the future and not relegated to ridiculous hints, stereotype characters, or relegated to adult/anime shows only.

Now, I just need to figure out how to watch the whole series.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I'm going to wait until it's uploaded here... especially if the link is to 4chan.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Never watched the show (no real time tbh) but if this is true... WOW!!!!

The article by Vanity Fair has spoilers for those who haven't watched it but still... if true....

Random Reader
Kase-san discussion 22 Dec 01:36
joined Nov 30, 2011

Page 12, top right panel, totally looks like Kase has a tail... that is wagging...

Random Reader
Image Comments 22 Dec 00:14
joined Nov 30, 2011

The artwork is awesome!