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Lily Love discussion 14 Jun 13:31
joined Feb 3, 2015

Thank you, Alextasha ^ _ ^

Citrus discussion 13 Jun 17:46
joined Feb 3, 2015

Just let people be, it's their own business. At least that's what i believe, as long as they don't harm others in any way, it's fine with me.I don't find the story disgusting, if someone does - i recommend stop reading it; if someone finds anything else not-story-related disgusting - feel free to keep it for themselves,it's not the right place and I couldn't care less.//
My favorite is Harumin's sister, I wonder who she will eventually end up with?

joined Feb 3, 2015

Fluttering Feelings really makes me remember my first love and I hate and love it for that. I think that's one of the strongest points of FF, anyone reading it can relate easily.

2x but no way i will hate it for that :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

These two.. <3 I am just in love with them! Thank you everyone who makes it possible for this story to get through to us!

joined Feb 3, 2015

wow, they resemble porcelain dolls with very deep eyes <3

joined Feb 3, 2015

All the these very talented people creating fanart I think it's high time I signed up for tumbr and follow them :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

Fan art by maestronot / Jaismot:

“Cling onto me.”

So, I think I will start to post here my fan-arts of Fluttering Feelings (a korean webcomic) by Ssamba.


This is by Jaismot, who previously posted these 2 pieces of fan art.

Lol, No-rae being protective ^ ^ , I read some murderous intent in her eyes.

good luck with your school stuff! these people who never know when to stop whining deseve a lesson :)

Lily Love discussion 29 May 17:00
joined Feb 3, 2015

The chapter is very reminicent of Girlfriends, here's hoping we can see it on english soon.

I thought of GF too.jeez, these to look very cute together ^^, even the sleeping hamster is adorable xD

last edited at May 29, 2015 5:01PM

joined Feb 3, 2015


Lol, these are some lovely pieces <3 instead of being sorry, you should be proud!You don't need to know any language, your art is just enough to convey your thoughts :)

last edited at May 27, 2015 3:40AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

Happy Birthday,takachi!

joined Feb 3, 2015

My soul simply rejoices after having read this wonderful chapter. Thank you Halmoni and ddd/kyra, your work is very much appreciated :) I feel really spoiled and i am starting to fear that a day when Ssamba will decide to go on a summer vacation will eventually come...
No-rae is quite lucky, could've been someone else's lap she sat on.

joined Feb 3, 2015

picks my jaw off of the ground

Wow, someone finally went there to draw NSFW art. And I must say they did a fantastic job at that. lol. I've said it before but, dang, No-rae is one lucky woman...

Graet job indeed!No-rae's blushing face and hot Seol-a on top ^^ my day starts so well!

Lily Love discussion 10 May 14:28
joined Feb 3, 2015

While the art is gorgeous, I'd wait a little before wanting to buy it, be it in print or digital.

I can't judge the story with just 4 very short chapters, where almost nothing happens. From them, at the moment, it's a pretty standard college/yuri story. The characters are not fleshed out at all yet.

I want to give it a chance, but it's too early to judge.

True story.
Well, I feel the same after what happend to Citrus..i felt a little like having been misled and questioned myself for my high hopes.. but LL's art is captivating and elegant and as long as it doesn't fail entirely in the story line, I would support it.

Lily Love discussion 10 May 05:15
joined Feb 3, 2015

If they come up with a convinient way of delivery and payment, i would gladly support the author so that i follow this beauty through the end. :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

Random Reader

x2. I've just seconeded your recommend on the improvement thread.

joined Feb 3, 2015

We really need PMs... I think.

Seconded...feeling bad for derailing threads.

joined Feb 3, 2015

Seol-a is portrayed as very exceptional in general so why not her hight as well?

joined Feb 3, 2015

It's funny how I view No-rae as being so short when next to Seol-a, yet she's actually taller than me. facepalm

Seol-a usually wears high probably without them the difference is not so big.. and yeahh, I envy her for wearing them, that's a rare pleasure for me..

joined Feb 3, 2015


In other news, I've spent the last 48 hrs trying to recover from the massacre that was my life hah. Someone who didn't even like me before felt sorry for me and was making sure I was okay in their own way. The embarrassment lol.

Why, if he was genuinely concerned, that's a good thing - you are getting through to the people.But are you talking about a guy? And did he really have a reason to feel sorry for you.. because you sound as energetic as ever..?

joined Feb 3, 2015

A little bit late but back to the topic about the music we listen while reading.. recently I've just noticed that usually I enjoy listening to contemporary piano( some of my favorites are Yuiruma, Ludovico Einaudi, Yann Tiersen) and I just love the dubstep violin of Lidsey Stirling.. It's wonderful to relax reading some good piece. :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

True story.

joined Feb 3, 2015

Currently, Shou Higashiyama.

Can't wait for the next chapter of Stretch, due today (though it's not yuri (yet))

But mostly, I don't tie my favorites to a genre. I've been moved to tears by "Bokura no hentai" and it's not even yuri.

x2 and 'the only yuri' is kind of limiting when it comes to exploring human relations.

joined Feb 3, 2015

No, I crave more, GIVE IT TO ME!

I wonder.. are you some kind of a joined the forum one day after me...xD

Oh God that's true... Maybe I was destined to be?

Hate stalking should be a profession, I'd be great at it.

... and i would be the blessed one on the receiving end of your passion...

last edited at May 5, 2015 11:11AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

No, I crave more, GIVE IT TO ME!

I wonder.. are you some kind of a joined the forum one day after me...xD

joined Feb 3, 2015

This manga is cursed and evil.

..or the world is just as sick as it is..

hi there, my hating buddy, you didn't have enough of me yesterday xD