I love these fanarts <3
Cute <3
This is so cute in a funny way. xD
I'm happy there are at least artworks, but is there seriously no RyuuMako doujin (not translated, anyway)?
For whoever (correctly) guessed there are peepers: https://twitter.com/ne_go_m/status/824628873522339842 There's also more: https://twitter.com/ne_go_m/status/829281066028515330 https://twitter.com/ne_go_m/status/820567758345601024 The artist also reposts his(?) art as pixiv sets: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62943036
This was kinda cute, and funny. xD Chuuni Miko. xD
This is so cute, I wish there was more to it though. I also wish someone would translate more of Chorimokki's doujins, including the NSFW ones.
They had a lot of sex afterwards.
^Valkyrie Drive?