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Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I wish there was more of these two.

Random Reader
Girl Friend discussion 05 Feb 08:03
joined Nov 30, 2011

Dammit. That was a mildly disturbing read.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 05 Feb 07:59
joined Nov 30, 2011

This post speaks for many of us.

I think there needs to be a serious heart-to-heart before that happens lol.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Well... I don't even... that was just painful to read, not only story wise but like others have said, writing wise as well. Remi just makes no sense to me. Just a bit of a sychopath out to fuck with everyone's emotions for her own enjoyment with no repercussions it seems. How does one get away with that crap for so long is beyond me, I've known no one who does (personally).

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


joined Nov 30, 2011

A good oneshot. A solid ending but with potential for a series involving Yuina and Madoka in the past. Just like a oneshot should be.

Another school story?!! We don't need no more stinkin school stories! We want more adult stories!!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Though I'm sure it wouldn't be all that difficult to find us lol.

As for characters that relate... hmmm.. not that I'm aware of. I know that me and some of my friends are more similar to the two in Their Story in that we know a guy who is gay but chat with him about his relationships like we do when we talk about girls (the rest of us are straight afaik lol).

Oh! And @ Paperclips! Feel free to post more! =D

last edited at Feb 2, 2015 5:51PM

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 01 Feb 18:14
joined Nov 30, 2011

the whole tattletale thing was bc someone posted tan jiu's manhua to a site called 'this can only happen in japan' without any crediting to tan jiu and tan jiu was really unhappy about this and was like no don't do this i'm chinese. she drew the flag bc if ppl were going to take her stuff wo crediting back to her they'd at least get her nationality right

Huh, I thought Tan Jiu was a guy. At least, that's how he/she seems to be depicted in the Mosspaca Advertising Department strip.

their alter egos are male, tan jiu and old xian are female, moss is male

Good to know.

Indeed, thank you.

In the new strip, anyone notice the guy friend is missing in the background?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Worth reading? I'm not a huge fan of the art but if the story is worth it I will pick it up.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Own the hard copy, but I still miss the scanlation. There are some subtleties that the official version just doesn't quite nail.

I have noticed this in others as well. For some reason, either we are spoiled by the scanlators or the officials are not up to snuff, it's hard to tell because the scans always seem to add in subtle comments or catch the tone with different words but I tend to favor scans haha. (But I do buy physicals when I have the mulah and space!)

That second to last page gets me choked up every time. Easy to miss, but Mari keeps the print-club photo of her and Akko kissing hidden inside the battery compartment of her phone. I get it, but it still breaks my heart that their relationship is so secret.

I know right. Not to mention Sugi totally knows what's up!!!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Wow I have been following this manga since 2010...only to find out today that it has been abandoned. Sigh

It has? By the author or scanlators?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I think I found my new favorite slice of life series.

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 30 Jan 07:50
joined Nov 30, 2011

So is time for Ran's heart wrenching backstory.


My body is ready >l-(

Sure? you should do some stretches first!

15 years of sports and only 1 injury within my last year due to taking the time to carefully stretch before every event. I think I'm ready ;)

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 30 Jan 03:42
joined Nov 30, 2011

So is time for Ran's heart wrenching backstory.


My body is ready >l-(

last edited at Jan 30, 2015 3:42AM

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 29 Jan 14:24
joined Nov 30, 2011

This is great stuff. Two dorks that would mesh really well together (I hope) and lots of hilarious stuff on the side.

But that one goddam fucking picture the artist drew of Qiu Tong crying in the rain...ugh I hope to god that's a sign of some emotionally uplifting scene but I hope that's not just wishful thinking.

Maybe it's her realizing her love for Sun Jing after she hurt her feelings or something and is left crying in the rain because she finally realized how she feels and what she did. Thus, she's crying because she feels like she ruined their relationship and feels, at that moment, there is no way to return to how it was before. (Assume tons of good stuff happens in between now and that picture.)

TL:DR - Typical romance drama stuff hypothesis.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

But haven't there been chapters with weird alien .... stuff going on?

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 29 Jan 08:28
joined Nov 30, 2011

Interesting chapter.

It's confirmed. Such noodles, much special. Yuri. Ran has 3 letters, triangle has 3 sides, illuminati confirmed.
Yuri = illuminati

And Illuminati = Half-Life 3!

last edited at Jan 29, 2015 8:41AM

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 29 Jan 08:23
joined Nov 30, 2011

I absolutely love all of the supporting characters as much as I do the main ones! They add a lot more to the environment than if they were just part of the background. I also love how they have different friends they talk to, not just the "main group" like many series do.

"..............Teacher I'm sorry" I don't know why, but that line had me cracking up! Lots of actual lol moments this chapter.

I totally agree! It really ads a lot more to it. I found myself staring at all the other classmates that were talking with them in class. It's pretty cool to see that they actually have a face.

And there were so many hilarious moments in this one. Good times!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

It's on page 12 if you're wondering but here it is =)

Huh? There's already Chapter 22?!

Probably for the Korean version. It has only been translated up to chp 18. Here's the link LINK DELETED BY REQUEST

I read it here and then again on Dynasty on my phone when chapters are uploaded.

last edited at Feb 10, 2015 7:39PM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I kinda agree King. It's been a very enjoyable series the whole way through. A nice mix of humor and drama that never got to serious or dark (for once as most tend too in these types of stories).

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 28 Jan 08:09
joined Nov 30, 2011

Watch them never end up together after so many goddam chapters

DON'T EVEN JOKE ABOUT THAT KINDA SHIT!!!! >=( .... Watch them negative waves around here. Why don't you dig how beautiful the manga is right now? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful instead?? Think, positive waves.

Random Reader
Love Me! discussion 28 Jan 08:01
joined Nov 30, 2011

Is that... Yuri Kuma Arashi worth watching?? I watched the first episode and... had no idea what the hell I was watching O_o...

And Takemiya humor is great! I wish we had more of it :( :(

Random Reader
Collectors discussion 28 Jan 01:57
joined Nov 30, 2011

Awesome!!! Love seeing this updated! And the flashbacks are great.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Hey Everyone,

So I just finished reading a really nice lesbian short story on another website known as Literotica (some of you may have heard of that website). It was one of the best stories I have read there and I've been lurking there since errr.. 2004/5. It had an amazing build up to the romance. When I was done, I was wondering what other good yuri/lesbian stories are available out there. Knowing that there are a LOT of like minded people here, I decided to see if anyone else has come across any non-manga/comic book yuri/lesbian stories that they feel and or want to share.

The story I read was called, "The Case of the Sneaky Valentine" by ScattySue. It is a tale of a newly single mother of twin girls in London England who befriends a goth-punk rock girl on the train they both regularly ride to and from work. It's told from the perspective of the mother and it has a lot of good character build up with the romance coming hot and heavy at the end (with some epilogue thank you very much!).

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 24 Jan 09:02
joined Nov 30, 2011

Ah! Glad to be of service!