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WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 18:44
joined Jan 13, 2016

Newp now back to your art, do you have your own gallery for your art?

Noo I dont. I mean, Ive done a few gallery shows downtown with my classmates and all, but aside from that I dont really have much interest as a 'fine artist'. (Its sad cause I actually graduated with a fine arts degree haha). But yeah Im more of a freelance-do-whatever-thehell-I-want. kinda person for now haha.

Cool. Being a freelancer is nice too. You get the freedom to do what you want and when you want. I don't know much about arts but i admire people with arts passion like yourself.

I used to be really into art, like when I was in school I took so many art classes my school had to tell me to stop because I wasn't going to earn anymore credits for those classes XD But then after I graduated I stopped drawing, I've started again recently and I think my drawing has gone waaaayyy down because it's been so long. Hopefully though I can get back to where I was before because I really love art.

KitKat randomly pops in and then pops out like nothing happened XD

Cool we have so many people into arts in here. Although some people like me just admire without actually doing any sort of arts.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 18:35
joined Jan 13, 2016

Newp now back to your art, do you have your own gallery for your art?

Noo I dont. I mean, Ive done a few gallery shows downtown with my classmates and all, but aside from that I dont really have much interest as a 'fine artist'. (Its sad cause I actually graduated with a fine arts degree haha). But yeah Im more of a freelance-do-whatever-thehell-I-want. kinda person for now haha.

Cool. Being a freelancer is nice too. You get the freedom to do what you want and when you want. I don't know much about arts but i admire people with arts passion like yourself.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 18:07
joined Jan 13, 2016

Newp now back to your art, do you have your own gallery for your art?

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 17:50
joined Jan 13, 2016

Newp i hope you have fun with your friend.

Thanks :) Theres never a dull moment when friends, food, and drinks are involved ^ ^

Are you going to get drunk tonight lol?

No no xD Im driving today so prob just a drink or two to compliment my food.
I actually dont get drunk easily.. believe it or not xD. High alcohol tolerance. Dont get the Asian flush either hehe.

I only tried to get myself drunk once in my life time a few months ago. Based on my experiment i didn't think i get drunk. Maybe i'm like you? Lol.
I always curious why people drink those bitter and tasteless stuff.

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 5:50PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 17:32
joined Jan 13, 2016

Newp i hope you have fun with your friend.

Thanks :) Theres never a dull moment when friends, food, and drinks are involved ^ ^

Are you going to get drunk tonight lol?

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 17:08
joined Jan 13, 2016

Newp i hope you have fun with your friend.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 17:07
joined Jan 13, 2016

Newp my job is quiet easy right now. Sitting and staring at monitors all day and read boring news when there is nothing to do. This is just my typical work day. I enjoy the half an hour every day walk through those downtown skyways with my co workers for sure.

Not sure if something got deleted. Maybe the spam got deleted?

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 5:08PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 16:51
joined Jan 13, 2016

Dofu Ohhh! I think I've seen it before its like a super long ass post right?
and hey xD what's everyone up to?

Everyone is bored without you. I know i am. Now just got off from work on my way home. What about you?

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 5:01PM by drpepperfan

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 15:18
joined Jan 13, 2016

Great letter from Su, glad to know she is doing well! I can't wait for her to recover :)

Me too!

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 11:58
joined Jan 13, 2016

Su's answers for you guys

If you can't read something, just ask me. ^_^

Lin I'm glad to see she was able to write this long notes for everyone. I am Praying for her recovery soon and you and her back together to have your naughty chat.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 06:27
joined Jan 13, 2016


Even tough you may seem tough on the outside but your heart is very soft and fragile.

You r already starting to learn it bcoz this

Thinking about is already making me about to cry.

Is in contrast with this


It seems like the more you love the more pain you will experience as well. Pain comes with love. Wish i can scratch pain out.

No way u can.. u just have grow stronger and stop running away..
and i am so .... when i am typing this

You are what? Mad? Hehehe. I like to run away but if i get caught i can be super obedient too.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 06:15
joined Jan 13, 2016


Even tough you may seem tough on the outside but your heart is very soft and fragile.

You r already starting to learn it bcoz this

Thinking about is already making me about to cry.

Is in contrast with this


It seems like the more you love the more pain you will experience as well. Pain comes with love. Wish i can scratch pain out.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 06:05
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lin i think you are one tough lover for Su. I don't know what i would do in your situation. If i were you i would probably end up in the hospital myself. Hang in there!

And the endless circle begins.. When u get sick bcoz of someone u love is sick, he/she will get more ill after worriedsick abt u.. u also hang in there... pat..pat

Yep. It's tough see someone you love get sick. Even though you may seem tough on the outside but your heart is very soft and fragile. You can easily get sick yourself. Thinking about is already making me about to cry. Lol.

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 6:05AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 05:53
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lin i think you are one tough lover for Su. I don't know what i would do in your situation. If i were you i would probably end up in the hospital myself. Hang in there!

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 05:28
joined Jan 13, 2016

Oh yeah, anyone other than Azai want me to say something to her today? If so, speak now. I got my notebook in hand right now. xD

Please tell her that I've never done it in a hospital bed and that I think she should give it a go and report back.

Lol. Dofu!

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 05:16
joined Jan 13, 2016

Morning, Azai & Mvl :-)

She's at the stage where she's being a bit (or rather a whole lot, lol) of a baby about having to stay in hospital for a long time, but she'll get over it. At the very latest, once her dad comes along and gives her the "you are the child of a soldier and soldiers do not whine" speech, she'll drop it. xD Physically, she's feeling a lot better already though. :-)

Oh yeah, anyone other than Azai want me to say something to her today? If so, speak now. I got my notebook in hand right now. xD

Well...tell her to listen to you hehehe. She needs to get well soon and come here to be lovey dovey with you again. Here is also my invisible virtual bouquet of flowers to help brighten her day.

WDTFS fans - off topic 12 Apr 05:01
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lin how's Su doing? Can't wait to see her back. I'm sending my wishes and prayers to her. I hope she's also not super bored.

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 5:02AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 21:18
joined Jan 13, 2016

Let's go xD
I have many places I want to travel to. One list of places is what I call "the graffiti road". I want to see street art around the world xD

Sounds fun and like an adventure !!! Me wants to tag along !! / jumps in excitement /

I wanna go too!! let's go to the beach!!!

I uhhh...I'm more of a 'road trip' kind of girl than going to the beach. But it wouldn't hurt if we go once :>

Me too. I like going on road trips. Add me to your car when you go please. It would be fun.

Maybe we'll need to rent a bus for the roadtrip xD

Hehehe you are right. With a bus we can just sleep on the road as we go. It sounds exciting already.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 21:06
joined Jan 13, 2016

Let's go xD
I have many places I want to travel to. One list of places is what I call "the graffiti road". I want to see street art around the world xD

Sounds fun and like an adventure !!! Me wants to tag along !! / jumps in excitement /

I wanna go too!! let's go to the beach!!!

I uhhh...I'm more of a 'road trip' kind of girl than going to the beach. But it wouldn't hurt if we go once :>

Me too. I like going on road trips. Add me to your car when you go please. It would be fun.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 9:07PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 12:52
joined Jan 13, 2016

Azai was dumped.. And new couple was born. I recall Kitllama thing.. but since Newp cant accept this, there will be a squel..

Hahaha. Maybe time to switch spouse. Oh poor Newp and Azai. The divorce rate is too high. I cannot blame Newp. I still miss my Honey Bee since she left me for that person.

Excuse me.. You are dumped bcoz u hv too many honey bees..

No i didn't. I didn't look careful and mistook a stranger to be my Honey Bee.

No glasses issue, plz.. rolling eyes..

That person was a fraud, a stranger trying to break my Honey Bee and I apart. Honey Bee believed that fraud. I was so sad. I cried for many nights.

And yr honey bee can be anyone among the honey bees.

No. There are millions of bees but there is one special bees among them for me. That is why i'm missing my Honey Bee and have not found someone new. No bee can replace my special bee.

Did you know that the honey bee population is dying away? You gotta hold on tightly to yours!

Newp my bee is really cruel to me. She hates me every day i think. She seduces and chases others in front of me non stop. However, i love her too much to dump her to the hungry wolves.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 12:32
joined Jan 13, 2016


But u forget abt mvl
She could think kittokatto is her honey bee, and do lewd thingy with her while u r busy with us..

Naaah. I doubt mlv has the nerve to do that xD

Uh ohhhh... nc... but u dont know her that good to become certain abt that..

Unlike you, i'm loyal to only one person. I don't go after someone's else wife. I rather become a monk than cheat. You are so mean.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 10:34
joined Jan 13, 2016

Azai was dumped.. And new couple was born. I recall Kitllama thing.. but since Newp cant accept this, there will be a squel..

Hahaha. Maybe time to switch spouse. Oh poor Newp and Azai. The divorce rate is too high. I cannot blame Newp. I still miss my Honey Bee since she left me for that person.

Excuse me.. You are dumped bcoz u hv too many honey bees..

No i didn't. I didn't look careful and mistook a stranger to be my Honey Bee.

No glasses issue, plz.. rolling eyes..

That person was a fraud, a stranger trying to break my Honey Bee and I apart. Honey Bee believed that fraud. I was so sad. I cried for many nights.

And yr honey bee can be anyone among the honey bees.

No. There are millions of bees but there is one special bees among them for me. That is why i'm missing my Honey Bee and have not found someone new. No bee can replace my special bee.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 10:20
joined Jan 13, 2016

Azai was dumped.. And new couple was born. I recall Kitllama thing.. but since Newp cant accept this, there will be a squel..

Hahaha. Maybe time to switch spouse. Oh poor Newp and Azai. The divorce rate is too high. I cannot blame Newp. I still miss my Honey Bee since she left me for that person.

Excuse me.. You are dumped bcoz u hv too many honey bees..

No i didn't. I didn't look careful and mistook a stranger to be my Honey Bee.

No glasses issue, plz.. rolling eyes..

That person was a fraud, a stranger trying to break my Honey Bee and I apart. Honey Bee believed that fraud. I was so sad. I cried for many nights.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 10:12
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lol. At least I didn't get dumped for a supermarket. Poor you xD

Yea, pretty much a meme war for you, Llama, and Newp xD

Azai and Faylicia had a thing before but then their ship sunddenly sunk when Faylicia decided to choose Supermarket over Azai xD

Lol poor Azai. Her heart must be really broken. How could Faylicia choose supermarket over our beautiful Azai?

Well, that's in the past. I had tequila after it, so it's all good.
Besides, what can I do if Faylicia would rather go look at a supermarket for other things to eat ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah only liquor can help you forgot pain and love.

WDTFS fans - off topic 11 Apr 10:10
joined Jan 13, 2016

Azai was dumped.. And new couple was born. I recall Kitllama thing.. but since Newp cant accept this, there will be a squel..

Hahaha. Maybe time to switch spouse. Oh poor Newp and Azai. The divorce rate is too high. I cannot blame Newp. I still miss my Honey Bee since she left me for that person.

Excuse me.. You are dumped bcoz u hv too many honey bees..

No i didn't. I didn't look careful and mistook a stranger to be my Honey Bee.