Forum › Posts by AkiraH

joined Mar 23, 2014

Love it ! Even the credit page is awesome xD

joined Mar 23, 2014

I need a sequel to clarify this! This seems pretty fucked up already but I need to know what Shiho's gonna do. Hopefully Emiko get slapped in the face XD

joined Mar 23, 2014

Misakichi reminds me of Nico somehow....

The twintail + the arrogance? Sounds about right xD

My Beloved discussion 10 May 20:16
joined Mar 23, 2014

You do realize that almost everything you've said is utterly ridiculous, right? This is a parody of some sort, right?

Well I find it hard to believe anyone could post anything like that on Dynasty and be serious. Much better for the brain that this is taken as a joke. Funny in it's ridiculousness too, one of my favourite kinds.

Actually I have seen some bi-bashing on Dynasty before, and they actually think they're right. Not a pretty sight at all =_=

joined Mar 23, 2014

So far so good....didn't see that coming the Senpai confessing to her like that so early if anything I thought Yuu was going to confess to the senpai.

Right? They led us to think that Yuu would be chasing after the sempai, but nope xD
Liking this very much so far.

joined Mar 23, 2014

The freaking second page terrifies me

Stretch discussion 06 May 21:03
joined Mar 23, 2014

The entire time I was thinking that they're on a date.

joined Mar 23, 2014

once again Japan thinks that you have separate all ties when you graduate.

Personally I can see their points. Most of my hs friends went to far away colleges and we never really talk much. Everyone's just busy being an adult now, so we can only meet up on big holidays. I even just had a falling out with a ex-close friend, who goes to the same college as me, because people change. Your life can be so much different once you're out of high school really.
Anyway, love rereading this again :D

joined Mar 23, 2014

Man, now I'm expecting to find a girlfriend when I turn 22.
Joking aside, this story was beautiful. It also hits right close to home. I remember confessing to a girl in 7th grade and bacame a laughing stock to the entire class for 2 years. I really thought I was going to die alone, and sometimes I still do. But stories like this really give me hope, that one day everyone of us including me, will be able to be with the one you love for all of your life. I got teary at the end but it wasn't a sad ending at all. It's amazing how a short story can impact you so much. Thank you so much GiB and NHFH, I'm very grateful for all you guys have done for us.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Pekoe!

joined Mar 23, 2014

My day was already bad as it is and now I feel even worse reading this T_T

joined Mar 23, 2014

。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 NOOOOOO!!!! RHIANNA!!!!
Why did you have to ruin my good Friday???

Image Comments 23 Apr 03:34
joined Mar 23, 2014

Oh my glob yes Bubbline <3

Image Comments 23 Apr 03:33
joined Mar 23, 2014

hehehe~ My guilty pleasure

Image Comments 23 Apr 03:31
joined Mar 23, 2014

isn't this artist the same as
Love their art btw

joined Mar 23, 2014

I love how the quality of the presents just get worse xD Though Nozomi's present sounds pretty nice.

joined Mar 23, 2014

I laughed so hard at the NozoEri part xD This is freaking adorable! Thanks GiB

joined Mar 23, 2014

I'd throw away all the "-chan"'s. And replace Lin's "Nya" w/ "Meow".

But it's so much easier reading this in the real characters' voices thanks to the "-chan" and Rin's "Nya~".

Btw the ending escalates so quickly but it was so cute I died. Happy birthday Maki-chan! And a big thank you to rex, shima, alice and onee-sama for making my day so much better.

joined Mar 23, 2014

SO it's Meet the parents next chapter huh? I really don't want to see this ending, even though the yuri level is getting so high.

joined Mar 23, 2014

But now, Ai is the most likely candidate. Megumi using makeup (see chap 54 of YRYR) is unlikely.

It's true that Megumi wearing makeup is unlikely, considering her personality. However, she is the only one with a job, and it is usually common for girls to wear makeup because of her job, even if she doesn't really use makeup outside of work. I remember someone pointing this out before as well. Therefore the Megumi ship is still going strong.

AfterSchool discussion 15 Apr 04:14
joined Mar 23, 2014

I know you two couldn't wait any longer...but what if other ladies need to use the toilet?! selfish girls!

lol Girls don't go to the restroom to use the toilet, they go to fix their hair!
I'm just speaking from experience really cuz everytime I go to a public restroom the girls just stand in front of the mirror the whole time I was there.

joined Mar 23, 2014

From what others have posted, there seems to be more stories about these two? But isn't this an original story?

EDIT: This is a very nice image of these two.

Yes, there should be 4 currently.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Lots of Nadeshiko x Ai hints in this chapter. I'm crying in pain #TeamMegumi.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Was i the only one who thought the title was "Crotch Fest" at first?

Great. NOW I start reading it as Crotch Fest...

joined Mar 23, 2014

Ok, Maki really made my heart go doki doki when she said all of that stuff.

Godoka, thank you for presenting this masterpiece of yuri on this fine day.
