No offense but isn't Vietnam really homophobic?
Then again, Thailand and Korea are really homophobic as well (to the point were being openly gay prevents you from holding any sort of government position and gets you kicked out of the military in Korea) and we still got Yuri from them so I suppose its a moot point.
Sadly it is, super conservative and to be honest it's stupid. But it does have a big number of fujoshi there so I've seen Vietnamese artists drawing yaoi comics on their blogs and such (my sister is a big yaoi fan that's the only reason why I know this). I myself haven't seen any yuri yet. From what I have noticed it seems like yaoi is a bit more accepted than yuri in Vietnam, since they have made 2 popular boy-on-boy feature films recently, and yet girls still get bullied for being gay, like my best friend right now, and she's in college already T_T I moved to the US 5 years ago so I only had to go through that shit in middle school.
I still have hope though. I wish I could do it but I can't draw. So maybe one day an artist brave enough to draw yuri can do it too. I mean we just got TWO yuri manhua series from CHINA! It CAN be a reality!