Does anyone else think that their perosnalities were switched in this one? The peace sign just seems more Kyouko like to me. Dunno, but good art!
last edited at Nov 6, 2014 9:28AM
loud disgruntled sigh Matsuri really needs to be put on a bus.
More like she needs to be put under a bus
The classic tie pull ^^
last edited at May 4, 2014 9:22PM
Cute!!! Glad to see Nadie and Ellis are finally getting some art :D
Casual clothes <3 And I like the different style of art
Lol a christmas picture in the middle of March XD
cute! <3
She should just give up on Touma
So cute! I wish there were more pictures for this pairing!!
So cute! I love this pairing :)
Finally a love live doujin! This one was super awesome :D please upload more at some point