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joined Aug 10, 2021

Okay, been a while... Will the author finish it or not?

Your Smile discussion 09 Dec 15:32
joined Aug 10, 2021

Get well and get me back....
OOOOOOO, that's something UwU

Only if I had a partner lol

joined Aug 10, 2021

I love how these problems are getting resolved so quickly!
Better to have a no aangsty manga than too much aangsty as there is enough aangst in our aangsty life :P

joined Aug 10, 2021

I really want the author to make a manga about Rika and Kodama :D

One of the most intriguing side couple out there.

joined Aug 10, 2021

Been a while, since I am seeing the manga...
I think I prefer the novel.

joined Aug 10, 2021

This is so depressing. Where is my fluffy ones??

joined Aug 10, 2021

What's a breeding hut?

Sorry I am very late, as an zoologist, I can tell the basic info about this.
When a species is endangered and requires a lot of importance, for eg. take Hawaiian Crow (Corvus hawaiiensis)
or Indian White-Rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis), what we do is take males and females to breed in an enclosure.
Some animals show signs of pheromones when they are ready to mate, so zoo workers move them to a separate chamber to mate.

To Bloom discussion 17 Nov 12:49
joined Aug 10, 2021

Random tentacle story. lol, that was something.

joined Aug 10, 2021

okay, I MUST know. where could one, hypothetically, find this "Yuri Cineplex"?

Yeah can I have a ticket too? Accompanying the Doc if possible >///<

No, doctor deserves her only.

Find your own queen :P

joined Aug 10, 2021

Very interesting. Parents or spouse? probably parents. I like it.

joined Aug 10, 2021

This is pretty cute!

joined Aug 10, 2021

I'm curious as to what their bedroom situation looks like
Imagine getting fingered by a tree, all of the rough bumps and grooves rubbing everywhere
Definitely be really hot

To be fair she probably can use her ability to make herself a di.... oh wait... Hmmmm....

Damn it, I accidentally imagined it and I can't get it out of my mind XDD

joined Aug 10, 2021

I like how this conversation is directly going into the point instead of some unnecessary blah blahs.
Anyways, this looks pretty interesting and hope it delivers and not be a let off!

joined Aug 10, 2021

Nocilla posted:

Chinese comics are not manga, what is the point to bring this here? why comics from China and not from France, Italy or USA? MANGA IS ONLY FROM JAPAN

No idea what the point of this post is, given that we host comics from artists all around the world, including every country you listed. Please don't spread this ignorance further.

Any other broad, generalizing comments that have nothing to do with the content of this manga will most likely be removed. Thank you for your understanding, take care.

The point is I don’t like China as a country, not really respecfull with LGTBI comunity at all, their comics are not good at all in my humble opinion, I don’t like them and they are a plague in mangadex and now is spreading here, sad for me :(
I dont see anywhere any comic from Italy btw, u said u host art, yea so… fan art is considered as same level as series? If it feats your argument to call me ignorant good for you, is your web you can upload bird pics if you want but it wasn’t my point at all. I ve been called dog and theated ugly but my opinion it wasnt disrespectfull at all I just dont like that kind of comics. U are the one who decide what u upload, good for you. I don’t need ofend others to express myself. Real gay XX chromosomes here, respect.

Oh no, your poor racist sinophobe feelings are being hurt. Why don't you go back to t_d then.

Nocilla, Sure... it is your opinion after all. China has the highest population in the whole world, and for a fact, I live in the 2nd most populated country ( and people think some of us are weird because they don't understand how many people live here ). If you are gonna judge a whole country for just 1-2 comic authors, you would be very very wrong! You are judging a country just becuase you sqaw a max. of 5-10 mangas in a country consisting of Billions.

joined Aug 10, 2021

I also really need more adachi's mom and shimamura's mom!! they are too good to be missed out.

joined Aug 10, 2021

New art style is "muuuah"

last edited at Oct 6, 2021 10:23AM

joined Aug 10, 2021

Lets gooo, Adashima is back!

joined Aug 10, 2021

Does this thing has a light novel or something, where can I read this?

joined Aug 10, 2021

4 more chapters had been released since. Need an update :D

Citrus + discussion 19 Sep 11:24
joined Aug 10, 2021

Is this what it's like to have a crush on an extremely autistic person?

More like a wood slab lol

Drift discussion 02 Sep 05:47
joined Aug 10, 2021

Not so bad, as the author made it so concise, the story is sounding meh, it would have been better as a short series with 2-5 chapters IMO. Nice one and fabulous art.

joined Aug 10, 2021

It's toooooooooooooo good. My heart cannnot take this much sugar <3

joined Aug 10, 2021

Torako, Don't Break Everything!
Not yuri, but lots of big girl fanservice. Pretty fun.

The author has a newer manga out called Mysteries, Maidens, And Mysterious Disappearances. Again, not yuri but some nice big girl fanservice and an interesting story.

Looking at them again reminds me that I still reeeally want some more yuri with at least one girl with that body style.

Thanks a lot, appreciate it <3

Citrus + discussion 20 Aug 07:10
joined Aug 10, 2021

Not gonna lie, this Citrus+ is actually better than the whole citrus. Loving it till now :D

joined Aug 10, 2021

This and that Torako delinquent manga make me really crave some big/muscular girl yuri.

Sorry for being this late but can you tell me what "that Toraku delinquent Manga is", I ma intrigued now. XD