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joined Jul 30, 2020

On the subject of tag suggestions, I have several that have been pending for long times, including one for over a year. Should I point these out somewhere, try re-making the suggestion, or just kind of hope they eventually get noticed? I'm not really heated up about this or anything, and not super confident in all of them, but there are some I definitely think belong.

joined Jul 30, 2020

Given Seiko's age, the events of that flashback were 5 or 6 years ago. I wonder if this guy is still writing for the magazine. I wonder if that comment about "4 volumes" was in the original or a slight liberty by the translators, considering this manga was finished last year at 4 volumes.

joined Jul 30, 2020

Looks like this is the same couple from

The artist's Pixiv lists these two shorts as part of the same series, called 焦らし (Jirashi, meaning teasing/tantalizing). As of now they're still the only things in it.

joined Jul 30, 2020

The latest chapter is all about tits and jizz.

joined Jul 30, 2020

I thought that the presence of "Mai Sasaki" would somehow end up helping the younger Nana go out with Aya even if that wasn't her intention. Now it looks like Kaedeko is going to actively be a wingwoman against the older one.

joined Jul 30, 2020

The previous scene that came back to mind for me was Seiko nervously buying the magazine after her first story got published. It wasn't just the embarrassment of being seen doing that, it was also wondering if the fake ID would pass the test.

joined Jul 30, 2020

This WAS uploaded to mangadex over a year and a half ago, which is probably where people here saw it before.

Image Comments 19 Jul 23:04
joined Jul 30, 2020

^ Momo's says "Simple black T-shirt." Shamiko's is kind of hard to read, but I think it says "Cat Festival."

joined Jul 30, 2020

I'm really intrigued by this story, which makes following it rather painful.

joined Jul 30, 2020

Also a lot of earlier Tamamusi stuff.

joined Jul 30, 2020

The second chapter is a sequel to Transient Dreams of Transient Things, coming in shortly after that got pulled from here.

joined Jul 30, 2020

The second volume WAS translated and on Mangadex. IIRC it was done by different people, who haven't uploaded it here.

joined Jul 30, 2020

Found a couple more spam bots.

joined Jul 30, 2020

Incidentally, the final chapter was released about half an hour before I'm writhing this post. The series will have an ebook release in June, which will make things much easier for whoever might change that status in the future. Newer chapters being exclusive to an app and region-locked are the main reason scanlation was stalled for so long.

joined Jul 30, 2020

...wait, what manga is this from? or is it manhwa?

That's from a Chinese webcomic called "She is Still Cute Today" (今天的她也是如此可爱). It was translated on Mangadex, but not kept up with for a while. In addition to the female leads' relationship, that guy gets yaoi-teasing with another male character.

joined Jul 30, 2020

Another spambot in the Image Comments thread, not on an actual image:

joined Jul 30, 2020

That credits page reminded me of the one they made for Escaping to a Seaside Village:

joined Jul 30, 2020

I found another spambot in the image comments thread, though not actually on any image:

joined Jul 30, 2020

I think we should be grateful that Mikan is on the good side, that mentality is not appropiate for Kirara lo/ a shot through the brain... Use the ultimate magic GUN!

I am reminded of the ending to Wizards:

joined Jul 30, 2020

A Yuri Story About a Junior I Couldn't Stand

Thank you

This is kinda related, but does anyone know what happened to the author of this manga, Kisaragi sonami (or Namaniku)? It seems her entire online presence was wiped clean with the exception of hentai sites. Is this another morino situation?

Namaniku's Pixiv is still up, and in fact something with those characters was uploaded to it earlier today, though it seems to be an advertisement:

last edited at Apr 4, 2021 12:20AM

joined Jul 30, 2020

Out of interest, should we maybe have seperate tags to distinguish between gag releases by scanlators and legit releases that are just themed around April Fools'?

I was also wondering whether the latest chapter of "You are totally in love with me, aren't you?" should have this tag since it seemed to be the only chapter that would fit that second category, though it looks like most of the images with the tag also do.

Yuri discussion 31 Mar 23:43
Legs discussion 30 Mar 16:02
joined Jul 30, 2020

I made a couple of tag suggestions to chapters In which one of the characters was into another's legs. One older, one fairly new at the time, which was 8 months ago. Those have been marked "Pending" ever since then. My account was also brand new at the time if that might have anything to do with it.

joined Jul 30, 2020

New works with these characters are still being released, with the retweet gimmick abandoned long ago. Another H doujin was relased last month, and further continuation has just started on the artist's fanbox. The latter even has an official English release, though with bad grammar:

joined Jul 30, 2020

This has a longer second part that was translated on Mangadex yesterday: