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joined Dec 12, 2016

She means not just walling it off and pretending it was inevitable. On reflection, if she continues this policy of unreservedness, Mimika isn't going to last the course.

If that's what she meant then that's what she would have said. Standing depressed in the rain bawling your eyes out is not "walling it off". And where is this idea that Yuzumori is reserved? She has never been reserved. Why are people giving Yuzumori characteristics she has never had in order to explain the plot holes in the story?

last edited at Jan 26, 2018 1:20AM

Citrus discussion 26 Jan 00:41
joined Dec 12, 2016

Lol, no. This is actually pretty common in Japan for the upper class families today. It was common even for the aristocracy back in the old days. If a family has only female heir(s), it is basically customary that the groom will take his wife's name, and be counted under her family tree. And there actually is a pretty strong indication this would happen here, if you know how these things are done, because the current prospective fiance is the second son of another family. First one inherits his family's name and business, the second one becomes an Aihara. You would be surprised how often this is done, it is actually far more common than in the west. Japanese are not fans of bloodlines going extinct.
If your family is prestigious enough, there would be plenty of families more than willing to trade in one of their sons to form a blood bond.

Lol, no, I'm calling bullshit. This isn't nearly as common as you are making it out to be at all. Any family that is so desperate for a male heir isn't going to be the one with the advantage in marriage negotiations.

And there is absolutely no indication that would happen here seeing the previous teacher plotting to steal everything away from Mei and run off with his mistress. Clearly showing that the husband isn't in it for the long run.

Citrus discussion 25 Jan 23:59
joined Dec 12, 2016

Is not that I believe that Grandpa (and by extension Mei) feel they need to continue the family line so the school is still owned by an Aihara.but rather, that they need a male figure so they can keep control of the school and keep things as they are now. That the responsibility isn't with the Aihara name but with the staff and the students, that the school has grown to be more than just a family business.

And yet gramps' first choice was a teacher that how no qualms with preying on female students on school grounds.

joined Dec 12, 2016

"And if even that was no good, I should have simply let myself get hurt."

facepalm That's literally what you did... god damn it...

joined Dec 12, 2016


Citrus discussion 25 Jan 20:40
joined Dec 12, 2016

If Mei gets married it will no longer be an Aihara business anymore anyways.

In Japan (and in China, dunno where else), it's possible for the groom to take on the bride's name upon marrying if the wife has a more influential family.

That can happen in the West too but you rarely see it, you will most likely only see a hyphen. Fact is that there is no indication that that would happen here. If grandpa is so desperate for a deal that he is willing to whore out his only grandchild then he isn't going to have the advantage in the negotiations.

Citrus discussion 25 Jan 13:18
joined Dec 12, 2016

And if Mei is forced to choose by either/or principle, and she chooses Yuzu, that will effectively mean the academy will no longer be an Aihara business after the grandfather dies (unless Mei's father miraculously decides to take the role), which means new owners, new leadership. They could just continue with what the Aiharas have been doing, or they could choose to lead the school in completely new directions, which would impact both the teachers, and the students. People tend to forget, Mei's obligations are not something that impacts just her grandfather, there is the entire teaching staff and the student body of the school as well.

If Mei gets married it will no longer be an Aihara business anymore anyways. She would get a new name and her husband's family will essentially gain ownership. And seeing as how grandpa tried whoring Mei out to the previous shitty teacher, who was in it purely for the cash, it seems grandpa isn't putting any significant forethought into who he is giving new ownership. I wish Yuzu never saved the old meat bag.

I'm just going to chalk this whole thing up to shitty melodrama writing and wait for it to get explained because trying to apply logic is futile from what we have seen in the last few dozen chapters.

Citrus discussion 25 Jan 09:48
joined Dec 12, 2016

Reading the chapter again, I get the feeling that this isn't something Mei's grandfather is happy with either. But that is something they're forced to do if the family business will continue.

I would love to see how that could possibly be explained. What? If she doesn't have a husband before 25 she forfeits all assets to the highest bidder?

last edited at Jan 25, 2018 9:49AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Read the raws. The teacher should have killed herself, just another cheating bitch who got her own happy ending by ruining someone else's.

last edited at Jan 24, 2018 11:37AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

People, not all yuri is fluffy or has to be. Everyone loves to get upset over the slightest of drama. Y'all need to grow up or something. It's the same with stories like Netsuzou Trap.

There is a difference between "not fluffy" and just "bad". Octave is a very unfluffy Yuri that gets praised from everyone who reads it. NTR and this are just bad. Good drama needs interesting characters making understandeable decisions and a comprehinsible plot, which, so far, this lacks. Maybe you need to realize that sometimes Yuri is just badly written.

Part 2 only makes everything more complicated and solves nothing. Waste of time. I recommend blanking this from your memory and avoid anything by Gotou Yuuki in the future.

last edited at Jan 24, 2018 11:49AM

Anime season 24 Jan 08:44
joined Dec 12, 2016

Oh god no......What the fuck.....This sounds awful....

It's a bad scene for Papika since its one of the few scenes where she is actually pissed off and therefore has a different tone than what she would usually have.

joined Dec 12, 2016

can someone link me to the raws i cant seem to find the right link thanks

If you want the raws to spoil yourself then hate to tell you that the scanlation is completely caught up.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Kuroe and Reiichi are some real pieces of shit.

last edited at Jan 23, 2018 2:40PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Will this be the first manga on this site ever to upgrade from the subtext tag to the yuri tag?

Only if it ever updates.

joined Dec 12, 2016

I managed to avoid whatever this is untill now thanks internet.

Pretentious battle harem starring a nihilistic pedophile who wants to bang his little sisters, complete with self claimed lesbian who wants MCs dick just as bad as everyone else. Otaku bait that won't be ending anytime soon and giving shaft an excuse not to make the next Madoka project.

last edited at Jan 19, 2018 3:38AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Well, not refilling my coins anytime soon unless this gets cleared up. 30% to the author is criminal to begin with.

joined Dec 12, 2016

You might be right, perhaps I don't remember the earlier chapters so well. I recall getting the impression of a greater distance, but maybe it just wasn't really shown.

Yeah, 10 chapters of filler will do that sometimes.

Not quite. Mimika didn't forget anything, she asked Yuzumori if something's changed with her classmates, to which she received no answer because Yuzumori's defense (the pillow suggests that) was already up to protect her wobbly heart against any suffering. Mimika accepted as true Ririha's words which were "I'm trying to befriend her again, but she says she has something else to do after school." What Mimika deduces by Ririha's words and Yuzumori's behavior is that Yuzumori doesn't want to spend time with them now because she has her in her life, not because she finds them boring (I'm not excluding the possibility that she's forgotten that, but right now she seems more concerned with her role in Yuzumori's lack-of-friends life).

Yes, Mimika completely forgot when Yuzumori told her early into their friendship that Yuzumori doesn't like hanging out with kids her own age. From here Mimika should know that Yuzumori chose not to truly befriend anyone in her class, and that she did it before she started hanging out with Mimika. So why would Mimika have any other reason to believe that her friendship is stopping Yuzumori from making friends when she knew that from the very beginning?

Besides, something changed in Yuzumori at the end of this arch

Actually nothing has changed. Yuzumori has been completely honest with Mimika this entire time, she was the one who first confessed. She hasn't hidden anything from Mimika. If anything it has always been Mimika who wasn't the honest one, they broke up because Mimika couldn't have an honest conversation and decided to lie instead, she is the one that needed to change. But we didn't get that.

^ You two, please. Don't argue with him, or else we will have another 2-3 pages of meaningless arguing that will not stop until Nez-chan say so

Yeah, meaningless discussion citing parts of the story and giving each other's opinions without a hint of anger or malice. No, better stick to the dank loli yandere memes since that's all this manga has become. /s

last edited at Jan 17, 2018 12:21PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

The other reason is that Ririka's bullshit reason for Mimika to stay away was actually true—Yuzumori got closer to her classmates and started to make friends. I actually really liked that bit, since it plays up the inherent contradiction in this series. On the one hand, it's a story about a romance between a 10 year-old girl and a high school student, but it also has to acknowledge that, pure-hearted though it might be, such a relationship is generally unhealthy and detrimental.

no, it wasn't. Chapter 7 has Yuzumori explain that she plays with kids in class sometimes but doesn't think it's any fun. That happened before they were together, and Mimika conveniently forgot that the whole conversation even happened. Absolutely nothing has changed.

Anime season 15 Jan 20:20
joined Dec 12, 2016

dont you fucking hate it when your watching a yuri anime and the guys are talking about how hard they got in the comments section... .fuck this shit.

What yuri anime u were watching?

Going to take a stab at it and assume Citrus.

joined Dec 12, 2016

I'm not really sure, but I think most of the times authors are forced to use subtext due to requirements. What was it I read in an interview before... Something like a magic being lost when the relationships are defined from a CGDCT to Yuri. Like Futaribeya where the author seems to imply it should be Yuri but it can't be Yuri.

Still a good ending for me even though I was surprised it's the last chapter. Thanks for the update!

I remember seeing it said Futaribeya has two versions. A full on yuri one that never has been scanned/translated and then the serialized retelling that they got told to only make it subtext by the publisher or someone.

From what I have read from people who have seen the raws it doesn't stay subtext at all. It goes full on yuri with actual couples.

joined Dec 12, 2016

You can skip chapters 18.2 to 28 and miss absolutely nothing.

last edited at Jan 14, 2018 7:34PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Literally a love confession and a kiss. The yuri definitely took a back seat and was forgotten but to say it was just subtext is ridiculous.

last edited at Jan 14, 2018 6:39AM

Anime season 12 Jan 07:29
joined Dec 12, 2016

Except there is absolutely no reason to believe that they are going to do either.

What's your interpretation of the ending? I don't see any other direction things could go from there.

Literally have food, water, and capable of getting heat to live. Might as well say that cavemen during the ice age should have just killed themselves to spare them from the torture of having to learn to survive the climate.

Anime season 12 Jan 07:12
joined Dec 12, 2016

it's over for them either they starve to death or die in their sleep, pick your poison.
died in their sleep the better way to go. there's no good end just better way to go.

Except there is absolutely no reason to believe that they are going to do either.

Anime season 12 Jan 06:57
joined Dec 12, 2016

girls last tour manga ends.
rip chito and yuuri. it's inevitable but still so sad.
went to sleep forever.

What are you talking about? Nothing indicates that they died in their sleep.
no food and fuel/heat source, sleep outside in very cold climate, napoleon army style

You literally see them make and eat soup. They also sleep under a blanket right next to each other, the go to method to surviving freezing cold with no fire.

last edited at Jan 12, 2018 7:01AM