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You should really try it thought! It's like french fries with ice cream or strawberries with balsamic vinegar: sounds disgusting, tastes heavenly! o.o
Lol I'll try anything once.
I actually wanted to do it on that bigass welcome back party my family and friends are throwing for me next week, but seeing how Lin is more of a mess than I thought she'd be, it'd kinda would feel like too much of a gimmick to me to do it then. Like a cheap way of wanting to make her feel better. :T So I dunno when exactly I'm gonna do it, but I know I'll be doing some demon slaying before I ask her the big question.
Well whenever you think's best, but it's obvious you two have wanted to, so I don't think it'd be a cheap way to make her feel better. Lin was helping me stay positive about my engagement by telling me to remind myself that nothing's going to change just because we're engaged/married since we're already long committed to each other. In that respect, I don't think you two are that different. Unless her struggles are directly affecting your relationship then getting engaged is just an affirmation of everything up to this point and going forward.
Lol, I think that's typical mom stuff to do. XD My mom has pretty much already planned half the ceremony for us. -.-
Lol sounds about right. I think I'm going to take a backseat to pretty much everyone when it comes to the wedding. It's not that I don't care, but I feel like there are too many strong personalities in the mix already lol...
We should totally make that a thing, actually. o.o Whenever one of us is about to explain something in great detail or just post a long rant about whatever, we go "I'mma pull a Thia now and say this: ** -insert wall of text- ** "
.. 'Thiaguinho size wall of text'... LOL.
Hi guyss. And good to see that you're back, Dofu
You know it's the truth lol. Thanks :) How ya been, Newp?
Also, dofu It was definitely a grim reminder for the LGBT community. I don't live in a very queer friendly city so I'm pretty private about my orientation for safety reasons. It's...really quite sad and I think your sentiment was lovely.
That's disappointing and I hope you eventually get out and can live your life openly. There's a world of people that are happy to have you as you are. If it's for your security, I generally don't think it's worth coming out, but in your best interest to get out. If it's for someone else's comfort, then I don't think you should have to live your life a certain way for others' sake.
Lol, come to Germany! :D There is literally nothing to see here, but our food is awesome! Never go eat any traditional, local dishes in Hamburg (or the entire North, actually) though. -.- The ideas they have about fish dishes range from tame and fairly uninteresting to downright perverse and that's coming from a person who eats tomatoes with honey and pickles with nutella. So ye be warned. Them northmen be crazy aye. (._.)
Pickles with nutella sounds downright ominous lol. I'd like to go to Germany for the beer one day xD.
Also, that is an impressive Thiaguinho-size wall-o-text you've built there. / claps / Do you know when you're going to propose? We haven't exchanged engagement rings yet (kanojo's won't arrive for a couple weeks), but I feel very very VERY engaged already lol... Our mothers really want us to pick a date and location already. I think so they know how long they get to fuss over every detail... things to look forward to.
Yeah, I drive a cherry red Chevrolet Silverado. ^^ Not to insult German cars, I mean it's proven fact we're big on making some of the highest quality cars in the world, but when it comes to muscle cars, pick ups and trucks...let's face it: Americans just have way more style with those. v.v
Lol interesting reputation we have abroad.
Lin and me actually did a road trip in the first year we were dating, but it wasn't anything too big. We went from Berlin to Hamburg and then from Hamburg to Cologne and from Cologne to Munich and then all the way back home to Berlin again. So basically we did a whole country trip from the east to the north, from the north to the west and from the west to the south. Here, for orientation:
We avoided the autobahn and express ways of any sort as much as possible so we could just have a chill trip and actually see stuff. That's what road trips are all about, after all. ^^ Overall, we were on the road for 6 days and we stayed in each city for one day, so it was a 9-day adventure. 9 days of just us. gets nostalgic Man. We are so doing that again in the future! XD
That's nice :) There are some places around the US I'd like to go to hike and others for historical reasons, but really I just want to go around the country and eat lol. Sorta how I feel about visiting any country though.
Sorry I had to dash mid-conversation yesterday, kanojo called wanting a ride back from work. Also glad to see you're back home, that's great :)
last edited at Jun 18, 2016 3:02PM
Lol it's a big and diverse country, both culturally and geographically, so there's definitely a lot of options. You drive a Chevy? Somehow a funny thought for a German person to drive an American-made car haha. I've driven through to a lot of different parts of the northeast and California, but not a big cross-country trip, even though I really like road trips and I'd like to do a long one at some point. I'd be a bit worried trying to road trip in a different country other than Canada though, especially if it's not English-speaking or drives on the left side of the road...
It was a nice trip. Kanojo lived there for a few years, and I've visited many times, so I guess it's more like visiting an old friend than anything. Nowadays we usually are there because a friend is getting married or having a baby, so it was nice having some time to ourselves to bum around and eat too much, shop, go see a show :) If you're going to visit anywhere in the US, I think NY is a classic choice, especially among the big cities. San Francisco is great, too. If you want an outdoorsy destination or an amusement park trip then it's a different story.
In the case of the shooter, I doubt it's because the people were different, if anything it was about their similarity. There are several reports of him frequenting that nightclub and using gay dating apps and stuff. I have a hard time believing it was just research... We live in a world where many LGBT people are taught to hate themselves, so of course this one individual is to blame for what happened, but there are many other problems that are responsible for what got him to this point.
last edited at Jun 17, 2016 3:03PM
Hey everybody, hope you've all been well. Haven't been around the last week or so since my kanojo and I went to NYC, which was fun at first and Hamilton was absolutely fantastic, but then we got news of the mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, which really put us in a sad place. Didn't help that we have few friends that were at LA Pride, where there was also someone stopped (thankfully) with a car full of weapons and explosives going toward the festivities. For people that live in such a LGBT-friendly area (LA and Orlando are also generally considered queer-friendly cities), it was a harsh reminder to us that there are always still some deranged people that want us dead for who we love. I'm the type to sulk and think about things to myself, but kanojo is a lot more expressive and when she absorbs all this information about the victims' stories, it really makes her sad and cry :( Anyway, it's not like we can't find time to enjoy life, it's just had a pretty grim overtone since the weekend.
That on top of a mountain of things to do for work has cut in my manga/Dynasty time. How have you all been? Any good news?
last edited at Jun 17, 2016 2:26PM
I'm so excited for my art piece to come in! I commissioned a friend to paint me a solid piece of Guts from Berserk. I cannot wait till it is finished and hanging in my bedroom~
Sounds cool :) Nice to have talented friends.
Really? I looked at some of the prices on the secondary markets and some were around 1k-1.2k. Which is still crazy lol...
Yeah in this one news app it stated $6k. There are some really desperate people who are willing to pay any price to see the thing they want to see. If they want to see their favorite singer performing live they are willing to buy the expensive resell price from other people.
Those must be for really premium seats on the weekends or something. I'm not sure what kind of concert or show it would be that could get me to drop 6 grand on tickets...
Dofu that Hamilton show must be super popular because i have seen artcles about it on almost every news sites or apps i visited.
Yeah it's the big new musical this year. Never been to a rap/hip hop musical about one of the founding fathers lol. Very excited :)
Nice. I hope you and your Kanajo enjoy it. One news app mentioned about the price could be as high as $6k.
Really? I looked at some of the prices on the secondary markets and some were around 1k-1.2k. Which is still crazy lol...
last edited at Jun 10, 2016 2:03AM
Dofu that Hamilton show must be super popular because i have seen artcles about it on almost every news sites or apps i visited.
Yeah it's the big new musical this year. Never been to a rap/hip hop musical about one of the founding fathers lol. Very excited :)
She's had two girlfriends but nothing long term. She does a lot of cute things lol nothing that outright freaked me out yet. //knocks on some wood// but we shall see.
At some point check her car and apartment for any red flags :P All peaches and cream until you find out where your missing articles of intimate attire are being stashed...
Lol I will. Kanojo lived in NYC for a few years so I imagine it had to be through one of her friends there. I don't think she miraculously obtains those kinds of tickets only hanging out with people in MA haha. Other possibility is she bought insanely expensive resell tickets and doesn't want to admit it xD
Just make sure she still has all her organs. lol I here there are celebs who've had trouble getting tickets. Kanojo must have some top gunners out there if she nab some tickets.
Lol she hasn't mentioned any celebrity friends to me. I'm betting she dropped a pretty penny on the tickets. The show is the only thing I know that's going to happen on the trip. It's my birthday this weekend so she'll whine if I tell her not to make a fuss about it.
It was eaten there was a sauce that I didn't notice once it was on it was tasty. I have to properly thank her later ;)
Go get 'er :P has she had a girlfriend (or other sort of friend) before? Lol she does some cute stuff. My college girlfriend did some cute awkward stuff when we were first going out, and I was her first girlfriend. Then she got pretty full of herself and it was a lot less cute lol...
Kanojo got the tickets, not me lol. I asked her how the hell she got them and all she said was "I know people." Terrifying. Maybe I'm secretly marrying into the mob. The hype about Hamilton is so crazy that I really hope it's as amazing as everyone says it is xD
Hey if the benefits of "marrying into the mob." Come with Broadway tickets get at Em! XD
Some of my friends that live in NYC went and wouldn't shut up for weeks about it.
Lol I will. Kanojo lived in NYC for a few years so I imagine it had to be through one of her friends there. I don't think she miraculously obtains those kinds of tickets only hanging out with people in MA haha. Other possibility is she bought insanely expensive resell tickets and doesn't want to admit it xD
so intern brought me lunch today cause I've been so busy all week I haven't really left the office. But guys it's not very good I don't have the heart to tell her since it's cute that she even tried -_-
Just eat it :P
Hold up u got tickets to Hamilton @ tofu That show is fucking awesome
Kanojo got the tickets, not me lol. I asked her how the hell she got them and all she said was "I know people." Terrifying. Maybe I'm secretly marrying into the mob. The hype about Hamilton is so crazy that I really hope it's as amazing as everyone says it is xD
So it looks like the 3rd arc will begin July 21st. They did post a small bit abut the 3rd arc so Ill translate that sometime today.
Oh I forget how long the last hiatus was, but that doesn't seem that long. Thanks, Newp :)
Yoooooo (looooo?)
I don't think "you only only only only only only live once once once once once " is a thing. o.o
YOLO so why not :P
looks like we've hit the long-expected end of volume 2 hiatus.
Thankfully. -.- I still feel slightly homicidal towards Sumin. Y'know. Just un poco...
Lol I've sort of lost my will to have a strong opinion about WDTFS at this point.
Yoooooo (looooo?) looks like we've hit the long-expected end of volume 2 hiatus.
Hey everybody, hope you're all doing well. Things here have been busy during the week with work and this past weekend my best buddy came for a visit (not my ex, my other closest friend), so I haven't had much energy or time for Dynasty. Kanojo and I have seen a lot of our family and friends lately which is nice since we love them, but some times it's nice to just have some time to ourselves ^^;... Kanojo got tickets to see Hamilton this weekend so we're going to do a little 2 day 1 night trip to New York, which I'm looking forward to :) I'm sure she had to commit some sort of crime to get those tickets... they're supposed to be impossible to get.
omg why did u bring that up -_______- UGH hopefully this isn't one of those Karmic events everyone warns about when u have a daughter. X__X
Lol you're comparing her to having a daughter? Digging yourself a hole pretty quickly there.
-________- #rethinkingmylifegivemeafewdays
/ kisses / live in the moment ;)
I consider that a super lesbian power.
Kanojo and you butt naked and Rich Mama sounds like an epic short film
I don't know how I missed this when I answered before lol. And as long as it's not an erotic short film, I guess we're in the clear haha.
How old are you? Mid-20s then? The idea of dating someone that's in college (at a traditional college kid age) sounds absolutely dreadful to me. I know what I was like in college. I was absolutely terrible lol.
It's true. College age kids are dreadful. They are of utmost cringe.
lol i thought you were in college?
I am and can confirm. They are dreadful little
It's not all bad honestly. But it's definitely one of those times when you're exploring and figuring things out, and that leads to all sorts of dumb things. When it came to studies and all that I was actually really on top of things, and that was a good constant for me. Socially I made a lot of wonderful life-long friends. So studying and friendship kept me in a good place. Unfortunately I was also exceptionally horny, too. And ya know. That was a mess.
last edited at Jun 2, 2016 12:48AM
LMAO. You know she's about to be twenty so its not like Im 30 and pushing the 2 digit age gap, Which i dont think i can handle. -____-
How old are you? Mid-20s then? The idea of dating someone that's in college (at a traditional college kid age) sounds absolutely dreadful to me. I know what I was like in college. I was absolutely terrible lol.
lol, I got you! No more of this change talk. XD
Hehe :P / high five /
yea honestly she is more mature emotionally then i first expected. I mean she's still very much 19 in a lot of ways.
That's good. I've never been with anybody considerably younger than myself. In some ways it's surprising to me, since I'm like an old pervy grandpa on the inside, and old pervy grandpas like young pretty women.
Well you guys have been dating for a while and are about to reach a major landmark, nostalgia is just part of that inevitable change. Short hair is just a game changer Xd
Maybe so. She's more sentimental than I am. I don't want things to change. Stop talking about change lol.
LOL she's def. not team #shameless but i do find it adorable that she tries to be. I think in this case she was really not expecting me to say that around seven or so of our coworkers. I am after all one of the "bosses" ( Im the youngest and the one always cracking jokes)
Lol she probably doesn't know how to get you back yet. That's cute though.
AHHHH so we've had some conversations about how we want to define our relationship but long story short she's my primary partner right now, but she isn't quite comfortable with the possibility of me seeing anyone else, and for the most part I havent had any one other then a few booty calls that happen before our Primary partner talk. But i too just got a hair cut and im getting more play then I did when i had long hair. XD
I see, well that's understandable; she shouldn't get into anything she's potentially very uncomfortable with or that would emotionally not sit well with her. Short hair really does change the mood for some reason. I was enjoying the long hair for almost two years now, but now that it's short again I remember why I enjoyed it so much before lol. Kanojo was really pushing for the cut as well. I don't think she aesthetically likes it more or less, but has just been nostalgic lately or something and this is the way my hair was when we started dating.
Great~~, well, even when you're in good terms with them i guess family is always awkward and/or stressful sometimes, it's probably normal, and it's probably better if you two don't get between them, if you ended up choosing a side would only make things worse. : x
Yeah it'll be fine. It's nothing those two will burn bridges over.
Well, jokes sometimes have a little of truth, maybe it's good for you to keep an eye on her just in case xD, well, I guess as long as Kanojo sister is happy that's okay, but it's always a problem if the partner can't get along well with their lover family... That "she loves the dick", is just your way of saying that she's really straight or that she get around a lot? Cause when you say like that it sounds suspicious xD,
Depending on when in her life we're talking about, a little bit of both lol. Kanojo's sister has been a good friend since our college days. We both know the extent of the other's sexual history; we both don't divulge unnecessary information to the other's family xD.
as for the mom, eeh, I don't know, the way she's too comfortable with toying with you, either she's really just joking and is straight, or it's your super lesbians power bringing out the raging lesbian inside her, you never know xD, she's married right? NTR is okay when it's yuri! >8D, just joking of course xp,
I don't have super lesbian powers lol. Yes, she's married, and I'm 99% sure she's just a bored old rich lady that has nothing better to do :P
but really, she seens pretty cool, it's already rare to find parents like that, guess you got lucky not only because you got a good waifu, but because her family is good too, I assume your family don't have any problems with your relationship either? If you don't to answer just say, I know it can be a touchy subject. : x
She's a very good person, and both of kanojo's parents have been very supportive. I guess things were rockier when she first came out and first brought someone home, but that was like more than a decade ago, and they've really turned around to be incredibly supportive. I came out to my parents a month or so before leaving for college. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be a terrible situation, because my parents are politically and socially very progressive. Even so there's always a little doubt in the back of your head coming out to someone that close. They've really been great though.
Well, if they're already unsure if you're gay or not that just shows how strong your game is, girl you're a pussy magnet, Kanojo sure is lucky that she is enough for you xD
Lol pretty sure I'm the lucky one ;) I think it's just that the people who end up finding me attractive tend to be the types to actively pursue someone. I've struck out plenty of times when I'm the one trying to get my way lol... My closest friend after my ex/best friend is a total chick magnet. I have witnessed and been humbled by true greatness. Total pantydropper.
I love bananas. How come nobody offered me a banana? :(((((
They didn't offer any to me either! (>_<)
So rude :(((((
I love bananas. How come nobody offered me a banana? :(((((
Talking about things, how are things between you and Kanojo? I also remember reading that even her mother wants you? And that you two are used as example of good relationship? I also remember you mention Kanojo sister and her boyfriend, I don't know, but from what I remember he seemed like be an idiot, she can probably find a better boyfriend, or girlfriend... Why you don't go out with all the girls from Kanojo family? It already looks like they're all gay for you, might as well use this opportunity. xD
Things with us have been really good; things with the rest of the family are occasionally awkward and/or stressful, but nothing too bad. Her sister and mom have just been bickering a lot lately, and kanojo, as much as she individually bickers with the two of them on her own, doesn't want to get involved with their shit in this case, and neither do I. I was joking about her mom wanting me... sort of... she does say some pretty outrageous things to me, but I don't think she would ever actually do something inappropriate lol. Kanojo's sister's boyfriend isn't my favorite, but they do get along well in a weird way. Kanojo's sister is very very straight lol. She loves the dick. I imagine their mom is the same way, but has found herself someone new to entertain her in the form of her eldest daughter's girlfriend. Sunday morning she found me and kanojo very naked and very hungover in one of their guest rooms and didn't even dash out or blush or anything. Just a big smirk on her face and then rehashed every embarrassing story about me she could conjure over brunch.
You just need to say that you're more gay than normal and Rainy365 already want to see how you're looking, damn girl your game is too strong.
Lol not going to happen here, but I don't get approached by women out of the blue when I've got the really long hair going, since usually they're unsure if I'm gay or not. If they know I'm gay for whatever reason, then they probably know I'm in a relationship so that's another stopper.
last edited at Jun 1, 2016 9:14PM