@ Anon
How come you're always so kind, when you should call me names and look down on me instead? (╯•ω•╰)
oh.. am I? what.. why? and how comes that you are so negative towards yourself when I can sense something so positive in you... it rests a mystery to me. but thechnically, being a giant irl, I will always look at you from above xD
I slept quite good, thanks. I wasn't really hurt so it didn't affect my sleep at all. 3 small bruises are the only reminders, so all's good! ^^
What was the issue? The subject itself or the language barrier?
a little or more of the two.. kinda makes me feel so stupid all the time but it serves me right.. ^^
That's the one good thing that age brings, right? Not just regarding exams but life in general. Your perspective changes and things usually seem less dramatic.
yeah, which is great because I usually try to avoid drama..
Divine intervention? … or that he was a stalker...? ^^
yeah.. a stalker.. too bad his last victim had attended some self-defence classes and got his wrist broken... but the devine intervention presented to him a single slighly clumsy lady who happened to need a ride home.. at least now the poor guy has something to do while healing... xD...
sadly my imagination is more humble, what I meant was that in a split second, on seeing what happend to you, he made the decision to do something instead of just passing by... so it can't be a coincidence.. as boring as that xD
Yeah, you're right! I'm a total oddball! That classifies as special, right...? (;ↀ⌓ↀ)
I wonder if I meant it that way.. xD
… (ó.ò) … wanna talk about it...?
If you don't wanna do it here, just write me a mail and I'll definitely reply this time! I promise!
it's so much easier to listen to others, really... when I have to talk about myself - a different story. but I guess I could tell you, but do you want to listen about my anxieties... and I prefer spamming you with kittens xD
And I wasn't even around to wish you good luck...
Damn me! Here: 凸(⊙▂⊙✖ ) I totally deserve this!
hey, stop that! :)
How about some Sheena Ringo then?
Or her band called Tokyo Jihen:
A good friend recommended her to me a few years back. And he has great taste, so the love should be spread ;)
I didn't know her.. I'm not familiar with Asian pop.. I come from another planet sometimes.. but I'm lucky to know you! ^_^ thank you! powerful and sexy, and she has style!
no wonder..knowing you.. birds of a feather flock together ^^