I use the program in German so I don't know the exact name of the option in English but in XnView there is an option to not resize pictures.
That's what I thought. In German I try to use the options Ansicht->Automatische Bildgröße->Nicht Anpassen. But it always resets to "Auf Fenstergröße anpassen, nur große Bilder".
Update: turns out I need to set this in tools->options->view, everything I do in the normal view tab will not carry over.
About comic readers, I've already tried cdisplayex and the controls are bad in a way that can't be customized as I already said. But I went and tried a few more.
-ComicRack can only open archives which means that its uses are pretty limited. I generally prefer to unzip my comics so I can see thumbnails. But it may be possible to display thumbnails in zipped archives somehow, I wanted to look into that anyway. Haven't experimented with the controls further for now.
-MComix has controls that I don't like and they are not customizable.
-MangaMeeya: Ok, mangameeya has, by default, the worst controls of the whole bunch. But they can be customized pretty well; it has the most options yet. It doesn't have the option to change the window size according to the displayed image automatically, though. I tried to be clever and bind the shortcut for resizing the window on every key I use for navigating but I can only bind it to one key, so that's out. Fullscreen-mode-only it is. I also don't like that there is visible tearing when I scroll a page, but I might be able to fix that if I peruse the settings a bit more.
So at this point I have four apps that are "okay" (irfan view, honeview, mangameeya and xnview).
I think it's less them screwing up so much as you have specific needs that aren't necessarily requested by the majority of users. As was already suggested, comic reading utilities might have what you're looking for, rather than image viewers.
I'm gonna be so arrogant and say that many of my unmet needs aren't really that specific. My hor. scrolling wheel isn't supported? Sure, that's a specific need. I wouldn't go on a rant over that, I would send the developers a feature request and make do without it. But controls like "the image will start scrolling to the right when you hold down but hit the lower edge"? I'm not gonna put up with blunders like those. I will furthermore be as arrogant as to say that the majorities of users, as well as the majority of programmers are uneducated in interface design and don't see the problems that're right in front of their eyes.
But thank you for suggesting a program I hadn't tried before. I forgot to thank you earlier.
last edited at Aug 10, 2016 3:08PM