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Stretch discussion 12 Dec 10:27
joined Jun 4, 2013

Boo to that lame couple. There's no harm in a snow ball fight, no matter what age. If I saw something like that in real life, I'd think it cute.

I get jelly whenever I see those scenes, it's never gonna snow where I live and the only time I witnessed it was during a vacation trip... snowed for only 30mins...

Snow isn't as glamorous as you may think. (Canadian)

It's pretty when it's light, but it can be pretty hardcore when it wants to be.

Stretch discussion 10 Dec 23:03
joined Jun 4, 2013

Personally I think they are dating already. I don't really see many Japanese girls walking home with their hands like that (Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm such a shut-in). Also, I realise that Keiko didn't reject Ran's request to go home -visiting Keiko's mom-, whereas Keiko rejected and reasoned her close friend request to do so.

Yeah, it's POSSIBLE that what we want to happen has already happened, but because of the lack of explicitness, we can't know for sure. It's horribly beautiful that way.

Stretch discussion 10 Dec 21:55
joined Jun 4, 2013

You know what would be hilarious? If the manga goes on like this for another year (in their time), just showing us this level of subtext, but not enough for us to consider the Yuri tag, but then Ran drops this sucker of a line: "So we've been dating for a year now..."


last edited at Dec 10, 2014 9:55PM

Stretch discussion 10 Dec 19:16
joined Jun 4, 2013

BTW, the second Stretch printing is released. The kindle version is 540 yen.

And you can't buy it if your location is outside Japan T__T I'm curious how many chapters are in each volume though.

Oh for real? That's a shame. (Admittedly hadn't tried yet)

last edited at Dec 10, 2014 7:17PM

Stretch discussion 10 Dec 19:09
joined Jun 4, 2013

BTW, the second Stretch printing is released. The kindle version is 540 yen.

Stretch discussion 10 Dec 17:17
joined Jun 4, 2013

To play more wrestling in private?


Where they won't be hindered by public perception... as well as perhaps the weight of clothing.

Stretch discussion 10 Dec 17:13
joined Jun 4, 2013

Pantie's flash all over the place, but they're still not kissing?

For all we know, they could be kissing in more private and intimate conditions. They just met each other after work and Keiko's not too thrilled with Ran's outfit.

Stretch discussion 10 Dec 16:43
joined Jun 4, 2013

These translations are impressively quick...

Stretch discussion 10 Dec 12:06
joined Jun 4, 2013

Interesting chapter raw.

Stretch discussion 09 Dec 22:29
joined Jun 4, 2013

Well, Ran's sister can always show up and try to get Keiko for herself.

So....I keep seeing reference to Ran having a sibling around here...
Am I the only one who thinks Ran is an only child? She surely acts like one, but that aside...

Initially when I read chapter 10, I thought she had a sister. In rereading, it seemed more like that text was a continuation of her friend's account of why Keiko was a bad egg. After all, why would Ran be so naive of Keiko and her reputation if she had a sister to giver her warnings well in advance?
Added to which, the sister is never mentioned otherwise, she's not in the family photo and didn't show up at the father's grave to pay respects for the 49th day memorial....

Even the layout of the text bubbles that I assume lead people to believe Ran has a sister are different from the norm when it's the characters own narration (like here or here or here etc etc) in that they are double bordered.

Just throwing that out there. If there are any other hints that point to Ran having a sibling, please enlighten.

Chapter 10 was soooo gooooood.

hey-hey, Yuppers, here's a hand, don't get lost! Let's stretch together ^__^

What was Earisu talking about? I feel so out of the loop.

Stretch discussion 09 Dec 19:31
joined Jun 4, 2013

to stay living together or not.

You named yourself Takachi? Soon you'll name your daughter Takachi.

I'm lost.

Stretch discussion 09 Dec 15:22
joined Jun 4, 2013

I'm just waiting the triangle with the foreigner yoga master D:

Hahaha, must be Ran's elder sis or her childhood friend

What chapter(s) are you two referring to? I don't remember a yoga master.

Stretch discussion 08 Dec 20:53
joined Jun 4, 2013

Don't give up! We have cuter avatars! ^__^ which reminds me I wanted to colour another one, hehehe...

I won't!

When Stretch reaches its full yuri potential, we'll be seeing a totally different dynamic on Dynasty, I'm sure of it! Full fandom migration! Haha maybe that's too optimistic.

Stretch discussion 08 Dec 18:19
joined Jun 4, 2013

Citrus viewership is too overpowered. Just when we were close to them in forum posts, they knock us down.


I can't wait for the new chapter.

Stretch discussion 04 Dec 00:27
joined Jun 4, 2013

I think the same, and I can say that the "love" of the characters is like a love of innocent children, after all they are starting life together ... Maybe one day Keiko and Ran enter puberty hahaha

I know you mean this metaphorically, but holy crap Ran's breasts are huge.

Stretch discussion 02 Dec 23:25
joined Jun 4, 2013

Let's stretching, nobody cares about 2 girls citrus-ing each other.

That sounds painful.

Stretch discussion 02 Dec 19:41
joined Jun 4, 2013

When Stretch penetrates the Yuri threshold entirely, it'll be a glorious day.

Stretch discussion 30 Nov 21:55
joined Jun 4, 2013

And looks like we'll beat the Citrus thread with the next chapter or two!

Unless they release their chapter first.

last edited at Nov 30, 2014 9:56PM

Stretch discussion 30 Nov 16:58
joined Jun 4, 2013

She didn't wake up with an alarm, so very likely a weekend.

True, although Keiko's mobile phone next to the futon really annoys me. Yes-yes, I know I have it by my side on weekends too, but it could be easily not drawn if it had no meaning. So I'd rather believe that she woke up earlier than it rang. Ok, I'm overthinking...

Worth noting that Valentine's Day this year fell on a Friday. Undoubtedly a coincidence, but kinda cool.

Akili's totally messed up with the calendar. If we believe in the full moon for jugoya 6 years ago, then it is likely that "today for chapter 18" is in 2014, because the the full moon on the 15th of September really happened in 2008. The September 15th of 2014 however had no full moon, although it does work well for Valentine's 2015 - Saturday.
But up till now I was convinced that the events of the manga are taking place three year earlier, in 2011-2012, assuming this really is a reference to the Tohoku earthquake, which has its "proof" with Ran going to her family for the 49th day during the golden week.
So one thing is clear, translating RL calendar to Stretch calendar doesn't work too well and we have to keep this in mind.

This attention to the details and analysis is something else!

Stretch discussion 28 Nov 13:40
joined Jun 4, 2013

I say they're more than friends but less than lovers. They're stuck somewhere in between.

Friends with benefits? >=D

Stretch discussion 28 Nov 11:06
joined Jun 4, 2013

GAHHHH!!!! Man, Ran confession in Japanese is even more adorable than the English version.

She was saying "Choko.....Honmei da yo..."

It was a clear confession, it was not an explanation or tease. It was 100% a direct confession. The closest to "...I love you, senpai..." as possible. And it's so adorable how she put it...


Best Yuri confession of 2014?

Stretch discussion 27 Nov 09:25
joined Jun 4, 2013

Does anyone know how the Japanese readers feel about recent developments? Google translating some of the comments on the Yawa site seem as though they're taking it positively.

Stretch discussion 26 Nov 23:32
joined Jun 4, 2013



breathes out ok

Do Japanese women ever give out Honmei Choco to really close friends?

Stretch discussion 26 Nov 20:26
joined Jun 4, 2013

Was that not a confession? Serious question.

That was a confession. The translation is a bit roundabout so maybe it's less clear. Ran says her chocolates are "honmei", as in she meant it. I think that's a pretty clear confession. Ran may be a joker but in this context? That's a confession.

Seriously, there are more roundabout ways to propose marriage in Japan (the "I want your miso soup every day" thing). This is about as straightforward as you can get.

So we now officially know that Ran has romantic feelings for Keiko? Sweet!

Stretch discussion 26 Nov 20:09
joined Jun 4, 2013

Was that not a confession? Serious question.