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joined Feb 14, 2016
Image Comments 18 Jul 02:24
joined Feb 14, 2016

It's good.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I dunno why everyone's so surprised that people want a lolicon tag on this, this is the lewdest thing on dynasty right now

joined Feb 14, 2016

I think it's quite fair to call a tiramisu a layer cake. It's a bit atypical since it's made from ladyfingers which have a slightly different texture from most cake (like, a ladyfinger's denser than a lot of what we call cake, but there are definitely kinds of cake that are even denser than that). Like, it's outside the norm of cakes but I have no issue of calling it one.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Cute, though you can definitely tell this is one of Mira's earlier works and done a little quicker than the other parts of this series.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I clicked on this figuring I'd be disappointed it wouldn't be as lewd as something called "soap comic" ought to be.

I wasn't disappointed

joined Feb 14, 2016

I've definitely missed being able to read longer stuff from negom. Plenty of stuff on her pixiv these days, but not much you can read if you don't know the language

joined Feb 14, 2016

Diana was a way better choice of partner than that Blythe fellow

Eromame discussion 10 Jul 16:32
joined Feb 14, 2016

That second part of the name is time and location to be found at a convention booth

joined Feb 14, 2016

Anyone else excited for the new Zelda game?

The fact that you can unequip all of Link's clothes and have him shiver in icy caves is exactly what open world games have been needing.

joined Feb 14, 2016

There's also a handful of doujin works that the game staff have done basically unofficially -- but it's Toi Tentu (director/planner), Mutsuki Tatara (scenario writer), and Peg, so I'd say it's about as official as the tweet series.

They're on Seagull: (first four books listed there). There's a lot of Japanese text in them, as I understand.

There's also a page on Dynasty for Peg
although it doesn't have a link to her newer pixiv page

joined Feb 14, 2016

Hey I checked out the rest of this Yuri Ninshin thing and it's all yuri and science babies.

Yeah there was another thread about it when the first volume was announced. I think you can find it if you search the forums for lesbian pregnancy

joined Feb 14, 2016

She does smaller stuff from time to time. She put a little book for the last Comitia on Comic Zin, and puts stuff like Persona fanart on Pixiv sometimes.

But yeah Peg is like one of my favorite artists and so it's really sad she hasn't done anything this big since.

Here's the Zin page for her stuff

last edited at Jul 6, 2016 12:10PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

I've heard it can be a little uncomfortable if you try to press too hard, but it can be a fun way to add some variety in to what you're doing. But for the people who enjoy it, they'd said that how and why you use it is a little different from the way that PiV works so while it's usually drawn as equivalent, it's really more for establishing physical intimacy than it is for being an express ticket to orgasm town

Love Laika discussion 02 Jul 14:27
joined Feb 14, 2016

Well you know how it is with Dynasty, give them an inch and they'll take a foot.

joined Feb 14, 2016

This is either going to be really cute, really horrifying, or quite possibly both

joined Feb 14, 2016

Last NozoEli I was all "Waaaah get married already geeeeeeez" in the notes and then this one is all "NozoEli is getting hella married" and ok fiiiiiiiiiine Japanese artists that I've never met I'll marry my fiancee already

joined Feb 14, 2016


Damn this was hot. Two horny Makis taking Nico as their plaything. I didn't realize I needed this in my life but now I do

joined Feb 14, 2016

I haven't played the first two games in the series yet! I'm way behind!

joined Feb 14, 2016

Also, I wanted to pick up a new pair of earbuds, and so I got these cheap $6 ones. I figured they'd be just OK or pretty good like my old ones were, but it turns out that they are the best headphones/earbuds I have used in my entire life. So good that I had to double-post to tell you all about them.

The only thing is that they kinda plug up your ears a little; if they don't have a secure seal around your ear they will probably be the tinniest headphones you ever use, which at first I thought they were (hey, $6, after all), but then I stuck them in a little further and suddenly it was like I was inside the music.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Was it Mark Twain who pointed out that German is a language in which potatoes are female and girls are not?

Image Comments 23 Jun 17:58
joined Feb 14, 2016

Oh by the way, these characters are taken from her work Love Limit, which is available on comiczin.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Oh wow, early 2012 was clearly a great time for ghost yuri

joined Feb 14, 2016

Oh man, a new translation of something by Tiima, and it's adorable! How delightful :3

joined Feb 14, 2016

Somebody get the uhauls