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joined Oct 15, 2013

All except the Twins, gotta figure out some way to do it other than simply forcing it, cuz that would be like a 20-30 min video.

done, in NG.

I can now say that I've done a full Greatbow only run. Very satisfied.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Pyro pvp can work... if you are like this

joined Oct 15, 2013

I wanna do NG++ with the character I designated for pvp and make it a greatbow-only run for shits n giggles

So uh... I did it...
Contains spoilery content... ofc ^

All except the Twins, gotta figure out some way to do it other than simply forcing it, cuz that would be like a 20-30 min video.

last edited at May 15, 2016 8:05PM

joined Oct 15, 2013

looks nonsensically amazing.

joined Oct 15, 2013

My only problem with it is the vast amount of bloodborne-y enemies that just flail non-stop at you.

I honestly really like the faster combat. I took a while to get used to it but now I really prefer it over the combat in DS1. DS1 just boiled down to circle strafing after a while, DS3 really emphazises movement a lot more. Also took me a while to get used to fighting more than one enemy at once on a semi regular basis now.

not saying DS1's is better, DS3's is much more polished and responsive, but I don't like having to wait for the enemy to do their lil special dance for me to have my turn to attack. Or Having to have a shield up for the flailing enemy thats tumbling from a mile away (or those guys who follow a specific scripted action, usually the guys hiding around a corner) to hit it for em to bounce off and have my turn (too many enemies are like this). Just saying, it could've been better in that regard.

Still, A game I am really enjoying having almost 200 hours in now. Was intended on doing pvp, but I wanna do NG++ with the character I designated for pvp and make it a greatbow-only run for shits n giggles... which means that I might not be doing pvp for a while...

Anime season 11 May 02:23
joined Oct 15, 2013

I watch moe CGDCT anime just to chill and get some giggles or maybe a smile out of it.
but, Anne Happy ep5... was an assault on my senses, oh god the Hibki x Ren flashback sequences, omg it actually made me feel embarrassed due to how cute it was. aghhslsflnngadflhn!!

Yeah I agree holy shit...
There's a lot more yuri to Anne Happy than I would have expected
Episode 3 was basically revealing Hibiki's feels and massive ship teasing and episode 5 was flashbacks to their childhood and how Hibiki's in love with Ren

Like, you see some yuri crushes in cgdct anime every now and then but Anne Happy has dedicated like, 2 and a half episodes worth of material out of the current 5 to ship tease the two
Watching episode 3 for me was basically enjoying the usual jokes and then astonishment every time something gay would pop up because I keep expecting it to be the last. It happened like 5 times, each time gayer than the last

Hibiki isn't just the character that gets lost all the time, but also presented as the girl deeply in love with her childhood friend, like it's so often brought up/shown, it's not even subtext, it's so majorly text when it comes to Hibiki it's great. It's so blatant and in-your-face, they can't even be called hints for how unsubtle they are, they just keep declaring it over and over again haha

And it's fuckin adorable

And unlike other subtexts, her love is fully-acknowledged since her first appearance, She is flat-out in love and admits it (to herself at least).... as in... this is not subtext, this is actual yuri. Kinda surprised, actually.

The only sublty comes from Ren.

last edited at May 11, 2016 2:24AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

I've been playing DS3 online all the time and didn't have any problems. Except for the fact that I'm playing a Pyromancer for the first time and PvP with that is like, really hard.
Best game in the series in my opinion by the way. Hardest one too. Didn't play very much of DS2 though.
Though it's a crime that the Dancer Swords aren't viable. I hope they fix their damage system.

My only problem with it is the vast amount of bloodborne-y enemies that just flail non-stop at you.

Anime season 10 May 02:11
joined Oct 15, 2013

I watch moe CGDCT anime just to chill and get some giggles or maybe a smile out of it.
but, Anne Happy ep5... was an assault on my senses, oh god the Hibki x Ren flashback sequences, omg it actually made me feel embarrassed due to how cute it was. aghhslsflnngadflhn!!

joined Oct 15, 2013

This is awesome! :O

joined Oct 15, 2013

omg these 2 are huge dorks

last edited at May 6, 2016 2:44AM

Anime season 04 May 17:47
joined Oct 15, 2013
joined Oct 15, 2013


Whoa that's amazing!!

Is this Kyoushinsha's first anime?

Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken
was his first anime ^
short-episodes one, but very good.

He got another, the previous season, was kinda ehh~, but still fine I guess.

Furumapura discussion 04 May 17:44
joined Oct 15, 2013

love this mangaka's sense of humor.
and loving this series much more than I expected.

joined Oct 15, 2013
heh, amazing.

No, not its not, these people are innocent and that streaming asshole potentially ruined their playthrough

was more amazed by the fact that it was being streamed live.

Sadly, FROMSOFT is a japanese company who is completely disconnected from it's audience, akin to Nintendo, whos only contact is by proxy. And since they are a japanese company, admitting that they did something wrong is humiliating, and probably won't even apologize about their shit anti-cheat system. And will also probably no unban anyone.

Dark Souls 2 had the same issues, but not as rampant. Even by this same guy. Legit/innocent players affected by data corruption that got banned were NEVER unbanned.

Theres ways to bypass bans (Steam's Family Sharing feature, which hackers are using, and legit players who got banned by them), but not everyone will know about this, not mentioned in many places... and the ppl who go into the internet about the issue are a tiny fraction of the affected.

Also the cheating script was release publicly for anyone to hack.

Guess I'll be playing in offline mode... Protip: if you play in offline mode, go online once in a while NEVER WHILE EMBERED, everytime you go to your Hub/Firelink Shrine, so that the fucking stupid system does not think you are cheating-in souls to level up while offline, cuz it's THAT stupid.

Also this is only rampant on PC, consoles are mostly fine due to it being harder to mess around in... and the cheating script not being public like in PC.

last edited at May 3, 2016 1:30PM

joined Oct 15, 2013

Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon its not subtext, they are an actual couple.

Nijirou Days, the lesbian will fall for the guy who keeps blocking her from the girl. its been STRONGLY hinted. i.e. she is the man-hating-lesbian who will find out how good men can be with this guy.

joined Oct 15, 2013

they look down on lesbians, don't they?

Well... yea.
Pretty sure it's considered a "phase"/"something you grow out of" over there.

joined Oct 15, 2013

I just... kinda... bypass limitations... sorry :p

Lily Love discussion 02 May 17:26
joined Oct 15, 2013

Kinda sad to see this series turn into the samey stuff every yuri manga goes down into.
Gave it a chance at first, was kinda eehh~, but now really dropping my interest quite fast.

joined Oct 15, 2013

this list

I pushed a lot of anime NOT TAGGED AS YURI WITH yuri side-characters.

Worth checking out, theres stuff there that you might have never known had yuri.

or... i could just post em here when i have time to go through it...

last edited at May 2, 2016 12:52AM

About a webcomic... 28 Apr 18:31
joined Oct 15, 2013

oh, this... I keep forgetting to read this, i think I'll take a jab at it right now... before I forget again.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Big clit, theres a lot of this out there on other sites.
Its basically Futanari without being Futanari, but really.. its just another form of Futanari.

Murcielago discussion 27 Apr 12:21
joined Oct 15, 2013

mmm petty pseudo-intellectual bickering.
the internet strikes again!

Anime season 27 Apr 02:00
joined Oct 15, 2013

Anne Happy (or Unhappy) has a totally gay girl whos in love with her friend. Not subtext, flat-out in love. She even has her fantasizing bits.

Valentine discussion 24 Apr 21:21
joined Oct 15, 2013
