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Random Reader
Citrus discussion 22 Mar 08:09
joined Nov 30, 2011

That would be kinda awesome ciega! I totally agree that Mei just needs to cut loose and act like a teenager/kid and have fun. I also don't get people saying that it's Yuzu that needs to let Mei know her feelings when it's pretty obvious that Mei knows but is always pulling Yuzu's chain this way and that. I think, personally, Mei needs to be the one to chase Yuzu who's been doin all of the work thus far lol. Something like, "Yo Yuzu, I see you been putting your love in your love for me so I baked this cake and planned an all day date for you. Now get over ere an give yo younger sister a big sloppy kiss XOXOXO nomnomnom"

Random Reader
Teppu discussion 22 Mar 07:57
joined Nov 30, 2011

I couldn't agree more! It's one of the things I love about this manga. Muscly girls (not overly beefy), villian-like MC, and messed up supporting characters. Good stuff. Wish it got more love.

Probably going for more cuteness than anything by the looks of it. (Minus, I suppose, the obsession with becoming stronger.)

joined Nov 30, 2011

Got a sad panda.....

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Oh cool! From what I gathered, it only seemed like a handful of folks working on FF. (I seriously thought it was something like... 4 people lol.)
And, TLC?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

.....Where does one even find the time and energy??

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

The dudes an attention seeking faggot who got spoiled by his mom. If you know how to discipline kids like that, good for you. For those who don't, get mad at them or raise your voice to scary limits, and ignore them until they discovered what they did is wrong. Aka, kids a faggot.

Agree with attention seeking and stuff but why use the word "faggot," on a site the features primarily lesbian manga? Kinda not the right place for derogatory slang against homosexuals.

->Implying there's a right place

Klan meetings?? It's about all I got....

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Fucken people...

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I tried debating him, foolishly, because I wanted to see how his mind works. I still don't understand it, he seems set on some weird definition of deduction and reasoning where he's right and nobody else can be. How someone can be so invested in fictional characters being "insulted" is beyond me.

Ooooohhh you would be surprised...

Random Reader
Othello discussion 20 Mar 03:29
joined Nov 30, 2011

Ah!! Good call! Thanks for the help!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

How many are on the team exactly? Or at least, volunteering time to help get this series out to the rest of us?

Random Reader
Othello discussion 20 Mar 03:13
joined Nov 30, 2011

For some reason I feel like there was a continuation to this mini-series where Toono was studying to be a lawyer or something while Miku was thinking their relationship was slipping away. Well, it could be a continuation of this or another series, I'm just so confused over it right now lol. AAAANY help would be great figuring this out.

Random Reader
Teppu discussion 19 Mar 13:27
joined Nov 30, 2011

Ooo the big fight coming up next! Exciting stuff...

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 18 Mar 07:51
joined Nov 30, 2011

I am the shop clerk.

WE, are the shop clerk. Everyone here is lol. No exceptions. ;)

The second two female characters smile, blush, and giggle around each other, the sails are hoisted, and the shipping begins.

last edited at Mar 18, 2015 7:52AM

Random Reader
Unfortunate News 17 Mar 15:11
joined Nov 30, 2011

Wrong. The strongest element is [T]roll and all other elements bow down before it. It has been proven in internet labs across the world.

Random Reader
Unfortunate News 17 Mar 13:31
joined Nov 30, 2011

Has he showed up here at all?? O_o

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 17 Mar 12:48
joined Nov 30, 2011

I read this on another site ( already TL) they are up to chapter 40 so far . It looks like this site just took out all the pics and just condensed it into 7 pages in which are the actual chapters lol . If anyone wants the site feel free to message me through Angelic Yuri page on FB <3

Are you talking about Dynasty condensing the chapters into 7 pages oor...??

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 17 Mar 08:11
joined Nov 30, 2011

awww crap, now i wanna go look on Tumblr too :-(

Stay away, it'll only be far more frustrating in the wait for the scanlation. Though I did find that 2-photo cosplay of Yuzu and Mei which was pretty hot.

did not see any romantic options for Harumin at all in it (at least, according to my recollections) and the series in general.

My only wish is for this to be right.

Santa, I know it's a whole half a year and more early, but this is it. This is my wish.

And I'm inclined to agree that Sabu is plannin' something big for Harumin.

If something does happen with Harumin in regards to a romance, I hope it is more like the friend in Notes from the Garden of Lilies in that she finds another person to be romantically interested in (such as the glasses wearing student council member or someone). I'd be really disappointed if she steps in-between Yuzu and Mei but I get the feeling that she may do that as this story tends to take many of the het romance tropes and kinda spin them around a bit.

Aaaand now I'm reading Notes from the Garden of Lilies... brb.

last edited at Mar 17, 2015 8:12AM

Random Reader
Unfortunate News 17 Mar 07:54
joined Nov 30, 2011

whew I was preparing my body for bad news about an author dying or something. Had me worried there! Glad it was something that could be more easily sorted out!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I also like the forum as is though if something was added, it would be an easier way to search posts and threads created and posted in. Currently, it's a bit of a hassle when trying to look up old posts.

I've seen rep/like systems get abused and sour relationships and the like on many a forum. Currently, I think it's fine and it's better getting to know each other through the content of their posts instead of vying for rep status and the like.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 16 Mar 19:40
joined Nov 30, 2011

As for Harumin coupling? I keep thinking it's going to be with Matsuri. In that short extra (iirc ch. 12.5), Matsuri kept probing Harumin and even to a degree read her like a book. it may sound like an ill conceived pairing, but it's one i think would work out quite well.

I really must have misread this special chapter because I think I'm the only one who did not see any romantic options for Harumin at all in it (at least, according to my recollections) and the series in general.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 16 Mar 17:09
joined Nov 30, 2011

Raws are out and hoooooly shit.

Choo choo here comes the drama train and 10 more pages of weeping and gnashing of teeth! ;p

And tumblr has some hilariously great sh*t on it. And then you find something like this.

Random Reader
Kase-san discussion 16 Mar 08:10
joined Nov 30, 2011

Just realized that they are in their 3rd year of high school after rereading the manga. Is it too much to hope we'll see their relationship evolve past high school?! And am I the only one wondering if others besides Mikawacchi will discover their relationship?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I like the idea of this being the spoiler/read-ahead thread and the new one attached to the Dynasty uploads. Makes sense since most of the convos in this thread are already so far ahead of the Dynasty uploads and hidden by spoilers.

@ nitro Well.... No-Rae's friend is not lying in saying that her inner wall is hard to crack. However, that does not correlate to her own feelings. If anything, No-Rae might retreat even further into herself since she just realized she might be romantically inclined towards Seol-A. And, as someone unaccustomed to South Korea's views on homosexuality, we do not know how she'll react based on her past romantic history and the fact Seol-A is a woman. So, just because she realized her feelings does not mean she'll follow up on them. If anything, I think she might shut them in and make it much harder for Seol-A to approach that inner wall just like how she closed the door on Ji-hwan. But we shall see.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

This yuri manwha is the best thing going right now. Just loved this chapter. Didn't see No-rae acknowledging her feelings fully first coming.

Spoilers mate, spoilers! Put == on both sides

last edited at Mar 15, 2015 3:36PM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Yes, I do the rough translations every Sunday/Monday when the new chapters are released. Look a couple pages back on this discussion to find out where you can find my translations and the raw chapters.

Nice, thanks so much! Looks like I have some pretty good chapters waiting for me.

Indeed you do. I cannot wait to see 'em loaded up here as well.