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WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:55
joined Jan 13, 2016

Lol mvl89 and rainy

I leave you talking about sleeping time and when I come back, there's butt massage and bdsm. Things escalated quickly.

Can't blame me. Rainy365's cute butts are calling for some whipping. They are crying for attention.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:49
joined Jan 13, 2016

Do you want butt massage lol? I have never heard about massaging on your butts only? What about your other body parts?

Jk jk... whole body massage is very relaxing..
I enjoy 2 full hours session. Being fully awake at first 30minutes session, and fall a sleep for the rest..

I won't let anyone touch my body let alone a stranger. How can you just fall asleep and let a stranger massage you?

Well bc its common thing? And i need it?
And also the pleasure is unbearable?

How about i just give you a few whips? Hahaha. You did say you want butt massages. Hehehe.

Ooww.. what an offer.. give it to Kittokatto
Im not into bdsm..

Hahaha. I only want to whip your cute butts so you can get your 10 hours of sleep instead of paying someone.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 10:50AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:40
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning mvl

Did you have a nice sleep?

No. Lol
GraciousLlama & Newp kept me up really late for the past 2 nights and my sleeping cycle got messed up bc of that xD

Hey that is so not true XD last night we went to sleep early, well earlier hahahaha

Morning!! ^.^

Good morning!

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:37
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning mvl

Did you have a nice sleep?

No. Lol
GraciousLlama & Newp kept me up really late for the past 2 nights and my sleeping cycle got messed up bc of that xD

That is understandable. It has happened to me many times too. Getting back to your usual sleeping cycle is hard too.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 10:37AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:32
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning mvl

Did you have a nice sleep?

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:30
joined Jan 13, 2016

Morning everyone. I'm still so tired >.<

Good morning Kitkat.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:26
joined Jan 13, 2016

Do you want butt massage lol? I have never heard about massaging on your butts only? What about your other body parts?

Jk jk... whole body massage is very relaxing..
I enjoy 2 full hours session. Being fully awake at first 30minutes session, and fall a sleep for the rest..

I won't let anyone touch my body let alone a stranger. How can you just fall asleep and let a stranger massage you?

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 10:26AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:20
joined Jan 13, 2016

Loz.. i never wanna get used to it..
Well that happened when i was in college. I sat before my computer all night.. Part of me was absolutely panic i wouldnt be able to submit the report on time...

Hehehe. So how many hours do you really need to sleep?

8-10 if possible.. but i cant..
I think its body mechanism.

Wow. No wonder you are still so young. After 6 hours my brain just won't function anymore.

When you cannot sleep maybe go stare at some hot women in bikinis maybe that will help you fall asleep. Or maybe watch a porn movie lol. Man it's funny imaging you watch porn.

Lolz.. whats this?
Maybe it will help me if i hv butt massage session? >///<

Do you want butt massage lol? I have never heard about massaging on your butts only. What about your other body parts?

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 10:21AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:10
joined Jan 13, 2016

Loz.. i never wanna get used to it..
Well that happened when i was in college. I sat before my computer all night.. Part of me was absolutely panic i wouldnt be able to submit the report on time...

Hehehe. So how many hours do you really need to sleep? When you cannot sleep maybe go stare at some hot women in bikinis maybe that will help you fall asleep. Or maybe watch a porn movie lol. Man it's funny imaging you watch porn.

last edited at Apr 16, 2016 10:11AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 10:00
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning!!
Man, I haven't had a decent amount of sleeping hours for a long time.

Good morning... :D
Any dream?

Nah. I'm so tired lately that I can't really remember my dreams.
How much sleeping time you girls have on a regular basis?

I get an average about 5 or 6 hours rarely 8 or beyond 8 hours of sleep.

Oh, you're like me, mvl89. Usually I get 5-6h, I don't go beyond 8h. There was one whole month in college I had 4-5h and I don't know how I made it alive.

I dont know how u can endure it...
Once i only got time for sleep for less than 3 hours. I did it for a couple of days. The day after i had fever, i couldnt focus and i even couldnt see sth clearly..

Oh you poor thing. I think you had not gotten used to it or your body was still very young lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 09:57
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning!!
Man, I haven't had a decent amount of sleeping hours for a long time.

Good morning... :D
Any dream?

Nah. I'm so tired lately that I can't really remember my dreams.
How much sleeping time you girls have on a regular basis?

I get an average about 5 or 6 hours rarely 8 or beyond 8 hours of sleep.

Oh, you're like me, mvl89. Usually I get 5-6h, I don't go beyond 8h. There was one whole month in college I had 4-5h and I don't know how I made it alive.

I can go on without sleeping at all but i know it will destroy my health. If i don't need to worry about my health i can just be like a vampire that never sleeps.

I missed my youth when i could sleep until noon.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 09:48
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning!!
Man, I haven't had a decent amount of sleeping hours for a long time.

Good morning... :D
Any dream?

Nah. I'm so tired lately that I can't really remember my dreams.
How much sleeping time you girls have on a regular basis?

I get an average about 5 or 6 hours rarely 8 or beyond 8 hours of sleep.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 09:45
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good morning!!
Man, I haven't had a decent amount of sleeping hours for a long time.

Good morning Azai.
Good for you to get all the sleep you need.
I pretty got stuck with Rainy all night and morning. Man, tonight i'm gonna knock myself out to sleep until my stomach is hungry.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 09:39
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy365 a couple of weeks ago it was my co worker new girlfriend's birthday. He didn't know what to give her so he asked me what i would like to get for my birthday from my boyfriend. I just told him you asked the wrong person. I have nothing i really want as long as he remembers abd tries to do something. The poor guy! He wanted some examples but because i was too simple i couldn't help him.

Do you like being lovey dovey with your cute person or just like to stare hot sexy bikini girls on the beach lol?

Most part of me is for that person..
But, I cant change the fact hot girl is a hot girl..

You naughty girl. Haha.
I know someone asked this question before in thus thread but i forgot what everyone said.
Can i assume that you are Sumin #2? Hehehe.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 09:30
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy365 a couple of weeks ago it was my co worker new girlfriend's birthday. He didn't know what to give her so he asked me what i would like to get for my birthday from my boyfriend. I just told him you asked the wrong person. I have nothing i really want as long as he remembers abd tries to do something. The poor guy! He wanted some examples but because i was too simple i couldn't help him.

Do you like being lovey dovey with your cute person or just like to stare hot sexy bikini girls on the beach lol?

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 09:18
joined Jan 13, 2016

Due to Su being plugged on to a very sensitive device, that monitors her heart function 24/7, she isn't allowed to have a mobile phone, since it could disturb the machine's mechanisms. :-( That's why I said chances of her actually showing up here again before June are basically non-existent.

It usually isn't a big deal at all. Lots of Germans catch colds throughout the year and they usually just suck it up and even still go to work while being sick. They're hardcore like that. xD But for Su it's a different story. Every time she gets sick, the process of her body fighting off the illness puts an unnecessary amount of strain on her. She takes really long to recover.

I just hope Su gets better soon. It can be super boring just staring at the ceiling.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 09:15
joined Jan 13, 2016

$13 an hour won't do you much if you have debts to pay.

What kind of debt? Dyou mean for education fee?

Debts are such as student or car loans. Then there is credit card haha.

Single people get taxed the most if you are married with another person making $13 an hour then i think you guys can have an ok life.

Dyou mean it better if you are married as it will lessen the tax?

Two salaries are better than one. To me married couple get less taxed. If you have children you pay even less taxes.

Remember tax tax tax... You get taxed on federal, state, city, county, and more taxed

Hahaha... multiple taxes are scawy..
So, if you manage to earn 3000 per month, how many u can have a clean take home pay?

You might get to see about $1900 to 2000.

Wow. Are you another romantic person?

I dont think im a romantic person, i just ♡ rain...

Hehehe i see. When my brother-in-law and my sister were still dating he always sent her 2 dozen of roses that cost over $200 on Valentine's Day. I thought it was a waste of money.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 08:46
joined Jan 13, 2016

Agreed. I really like it when it's cool, windy and the sky is gray, but no rain. Rain is just....urgh. >_<

But i always its romantic when its raining...
Riding my motor cycle under rain feel so childish n free...

Wow. Are you another romantic person?
And it's cool you can ride a motorcle. I gotta see that.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 08:44
joined Jan 13, 2016

Just got a call from the hospital. Apparently, Su caught a cold and I won't be allowed to visit her for a few days. /sighs/

I like when it is quiet and cool.

Agreed. I really like it when it's cool, windy and the sky is gray, but no rain. Rain is just....urgh. >_<

Sorry to hear that. Can you call or text her? Having a cold really sucks.

I guess we are similar on how we prefer the weather and temperature lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 08:41
joined Jan 13, 2016

$13 an hour won't do you much if you have debts to pay. Single people get taxed the most if you are married with another person making $13 an hour then i think you guys can have an ok life. Remember tax tax tax... You get taxed on federal, state, city, county, and more taxes. 46k hmmm maybe for those with higher education and more experiences.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 08:35
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy365 you have not answered my question. You have a twin? Earlier you said your twin was coming.

No i dont hv any twin.... lolz.. just metaphor..
Its raining here with a lot of thunder n lightning...
Still, i ♡ rain..

Too bad. I was pretty excited that you might have a twin. It would be so cool.

How can you love the rain? I absolutely don't like when it rains. I like when it is quiet and cool. When it rains it's humid and noisy.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 08:21
joined Jan 13, 2016

Argh. And there we go. Stuck in my head again. Goddammit, Rainy. Dx
Rainy, are you planning on relocating to the US or something?

Hahaha... xD u failed to stick the song inside my head..
Nope just curious to know...

I don't eat out a lot or care much about expensive food. I like having a simple life eating simple food. As i mentioned to you earlier i am good with just a bowl of rice with water. Hahaha.

Well is 300 enough for nutritious food? Rice and water is a no no..

Haha. When i am at work i do buy good food; when i'm at home i just eat whatever. Rice with water without meat or other side dish tastes good too.
For me 300 -350 is enough. I don't buy much to put inside my fridge because i won't eat them all and they usually get rotten.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 08:07
joined Jan 13, 2016

What do you mean how much $850 is to me? If you are thinking about spending 850 on a pair of shoes then i think you are crazy. Haha

I mean how long i can live with that amount there?

Let me see me alone i spend about 300 on food a month. Assuming you already have a place to stay for free maybe 850 can last you up to 3 months just on food only. If you eat good food all the time i say could be less. You wanna come here?

Wait, spending 300 is a tight budget? Or its so so?
If i live there i shouldve had a job.
How much u think i can earn, assumming i am a fresh graduation? Lets try on adm work?

I don't eat out a lot or care much about expensive food. I like having a simple life eating simple food. As i mentioned to you earlier i am good with just a bowl of rice with water. Hahaha.

I see a lot of $13 an hour admin job. I also see some paying about 46k annually. I'm talking about Minnesota only.

So are you thinking about coming here?

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 08:02
joined Jan 13, 2016

What do you mean how much $850 is to me? If you are thinking about spending 850 on a pair of shoes then i think you are crazy. Haha

I mean how long i can live with that amount there?

Forgot to say it also depends on which part of the US you are at. Some the cost of living is more expensive than others.

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 Apr 07:56
joined Jan 13, 2016

What do you mean how much $850 is to me? If you are thinking about spending 850 on a pair of shoes then i think you are crazy. Haha

I mean how long i can live with that amount there?

Let me see me alone i spend about 300 on food a month. Assuming you already have a place to stay for free maybe 850 can last you up to 3 months just on food only. If you eat good food all the time i say could be less. You wanna come here?