All the Takeda love baffles me... :/
Hahaha. I'm so done, this made my day! XD
Really? People are still on the 'kill the girls off har har', yaoi trendy even if one of them is a massive asshole who isn't quite fit for proper society bandwagon?
yknow i dont say this alot but i kinda wish she ended up with the guy... he was forceful unlike her? really?! p.s. hope the other guy gets his ass whipped
Wish she ended up in a relationship that was wholly unfulfilling and made her uncomfortable? And he was forceful in a way unlike Hotaru. Yuma at least unconsciously wanted it, and played for some kind of consent. Takeda went straight for the pining her down route.
I wonder if peoples' opinions of Takeda have changed regarding the events of chapter 5. We all know the other guy is a real douche, but I've read a lot of people lumping Takeda in with him before this, mainly saying he was only concerned with getting laid on the trip and didn't care about the protagonist at all. Personally, I can no longer say that's the truth, but I wonder if others have had their opinions swayed.
Chapter 5 proved all he was out for was to get laid. It worsened my opinion of him. Fair enough he backed out when he knew she didn't want it, but then he sulks and doesn't talk to her again, jut because she won't provide the sex he was expecting.
Heh, Hotaru is really a grade A emotional manipulator. And I'm afraid Yuma has no chance against her, if no one helps her. So I guess she will end up in an abusive relationship with Hotaru?
Abusive is a bit of a leap.
Fujiwara might be able to disrupt Hotarus plans a bit if he cared enough because it seems like she can't manipulate him exactly the way she wants, but he's not a nice person, so i doubt he will involve himself more then necessary. And so far he has played into her hands.
... The injured eye was all part of her plan?