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joined Feb 3, 2015

@ adyatma16 rainy season sounds like a bliss to me... it's all heat around, and that makes me miss even more my well-beloved rain(sorry, I was blessed with a straight hair).. but i'm sorry about the laundry.

@ Alvis i hope at least that your doggy friend is not of a breed similar to huskies or malamutes.. :( a friend of mine has a samoyed; she is a beauty, but she doesn't support heat very well.. poor thing :(

@Anon99 xD your cliches are a bit too much.. and that parallel with the happy-munching-sunflower-cow.. speaking of which:

you might have the happy cow, but we have the yogurt xD

it's admirable that you always try to do it the right way :)
but it seems alright to me, if you go somewhere for a few days so that to witness just a grain of what is there to offer, learn a couple of new words, fall in love with the place, and then find opportunities in the future to go back for more grains.

joined Feb 3, 2015

When I actively watched football, like at least 10 years ago xD, the Dutch were very good.. as for our national's team current state - nothing worth knowing about.
oh, really, you want to see the Black Sea that much? I've been there a couple of times, but honestly, I don't think I'm the right person to ask about it. I would prefer the trees and the bird's songs of your hometown xD well, I guess there are beautiful beaches, lots of clubs, people, sun, history all around, and many other things. But, if you ask me, beaches are all around the world, while there are other things worth seeing that are only here, and you could learn a lot, culturally and historically speaking. And my hometown - Plovdiv, has been chosen to be the European capital of culture for 2019 ^^
... but that's my opinion, and personally I enjoy better the tranquility and frechness of the mountain air, and my skin being fair as it is xD

oh, it's never too late to start travelling more :), but then again, I wonder, if a lifetime would be enough to visit all the places I want.. anyway, I haven't been to many places myself, and it's a shame that I didn't go to Memphis when I was to the USA :(
about the dinner ideas - that's why I never bother to ask "what's the time?"

Anime season 26 Jun 12:41
joined Feb 3, 2015

ReLIFE <3 I've been waiting for so long...

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon99 Nothing shareable comes to mind right now, but you could keep the good work - one can never laugh too much (even when your stomach hurts).
So you are joking with the Dutch team - are they in bad shape?xD I'm from Bulgaria and the Dutch team can't possibly be as much pathetic as ours xD the last official matches that I watched were form the last year's women's world cup, the ladies know how to surprise sometimes with their play :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon99 I loved your videos, they made me laugh quite a lot xD

I think it's because I'm getting older, but with the passing of time, my interest towards football just fades away... and the fact that our national team suck so much that they failed to qualify for Euro 2016, makes me even less inclined to follow through the matches. *goes back into lurking mode

joined Feb 3, 2015

Crying and out of words... what's going on with the world.. if we can do something about Ssamba, it would be great.. it's extremely suddening :(((

joined Feb 3, 2015

Actually Takachi, I am thinking of fanfics to realise the noisy thoughts in my head. Buuuut not sure where to get started. You have ideas? I can provide the words hehe. I'm a full-time writer ^^

First date as a couple?

Maybe a picnic under the sakura tree? We know well how much No-rae loves eating.

joined Feb 3, 2015

I was hoping that someone would write FF fan fiction again.. oh, I can't really find a substitute to the series....

Kase-san discussion 27 Apr 01:33
joined Feb 3, 2015

Thank you guys for the efforts, it's a nice feeling to know one of my favorites hasn't fallen into oblivion. ^^

Poolside discussion 07 Apr 12:57
joined Feb 3, 2015

Maybe it's because of the eyes, but they looked like two gold fish kissing in an aquarium...

joined Feb 3, 2015

ohh, I have't been to the thread for a couple of weeks... but it seems I haven't missed much - poor Ssamba, she does need some vitamins. I wonder, should I be happy for having been busy in real life, or because FF is on hiatus again.. or maybe two times miserable xD

joined Feb 3, 2015

Ssamba and her ocean.

yeey, and I thought I was seeing things since I always look for metaphors to enjoy xD
So probably the third scene on the shore will be near the end of the series, at sunset, when on the distant horizon the sun and the ocean, melting in a firy picuresque dance, would merge together in celebration after a whole-day of separation. As in the foreground, Seol-a and No-rae would embrace in the long awaited passionate kiss, a prophetic symbol of the lived happily ever after.

joined Feb 3, 2015

It's confusing without translation, but only hand holding... anyway, I am soo glad Ssamba is back in business ^^

joined Feb 3, 2015

yes, thank you ieeheh , your fanfcs are enjoyable(like to see No-rae acting) and I deffnitely want to read more :) not to mention they (and the fan arts from the other thread) hepled a lot, making the waiting more bearable :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

Seeing people from different continents united here, I can't help imagining Ssamba as a tremendously gifted enchantress;one whose powerful weekly spells keep everyone spellbound in anticipation, while unnoticed, her white magic is reaching out to the fans' hearts, purifying them from the devastating winter and introducing the flutter of the spring.
But paradoxally the sorceress is fragile and ocasionally leaves the earth to heal herself in solitude as the side effects of her spells manifest tehmselves in lovely fan arts. I hope i will see some this week too.

joined Feb 3, 2015

Many people getting colds recenly, hopefully Ssamba gets better soon. On the other side, it does look like an emotional torture for the FF fans.

joined Feb 3, 2015

I don't know about lunch, but I've just finished my tea and no chapter yet...

joined Feb 3, 2015

Holy Cow!!! I didn't see that coming! I deffinitely can't fall asleep now, my pulse rate rocketed insanely! oh mon dieu

Thanks for the translation Halmoni :)

joined Feb 3, 2015

wow, just adorable, I've just fallen cutness-stricken

Teach Me discussion 02 Feb 08:31
joined Feb 3, 2015

It's funny and it does remind me of FF, so I already love it. Hopefully it is still ongoing.

joined Feb 3, 2015

takachi I like the idea of warm and cosy interaction scenes after the turbulence caused by the ex. Keeping my fingers crossed.

joined Feb 3, 2015

I too would like that their relationship grows a bit and no end how many yuri manga at last page with the first kiss and the rest to the imagination.
Ssamba please, no ...

I refuse to believe it would end in such a pitty way! Ssamba still has about 40 chapters to come up with some worthy ending.

joined Feb 3, 2015

make love not quarrel lasses and lads, for here hath sailed forth another typeset

Thanks for the typeset ^^

Where you from?~ 17 Jan 01:59
joined Feb 3, 2015

The Moon, peaceful and quiet; occasionally enjoying tea parties with my green witty neighbours - the martians.

My Yuri Project 14 Jan 04:34
joined Feb 3, 2015

People on Dynasty are very talanted! ^^ Bonne chance!