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Anime season 08 Sep 08:23
joined Jan 7, 2018

my holy god! that new happy sugar life episode.. it hit me so fucking hard! i had to sit for like 20 mins just to stop myself from shivering! props to the animators and directors for this insane episode!(and to ReoNa for her awesome singing voice) it's really hard to make a good horror/dark anime so they did a great job!

last edited at Sep 8, 2018 10:44AM

Image Comments 08 Sep 06:13
joined Jan 7, 2018

Anime/Manga should learn from this, they should learn that ships need to end with a proper yuri ending after all the teasing they make us go through.

Image Comments 08 Sep 05:44
joined Jan 7, 2018

Can someone tell me if the show hints towards this ship(blushes, hugs, glances..etc) or does it hint towards that ice quirk guy(todoroki?) because i've seen quite a lot of images of momoxtodoroki even more than momoxkyouka.

last edited at Sep 8, 2018 5:49AM

joined Jan 7, 2018


whoaa! hold on dude! they clearly haven't been to eachother's houses yet or properly indirectly kissed. not mentioning they still haven't watched the fireworks together. it's still way too early for them to kiss!

last edited at Sep 6, 2018 9:23PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

Wait for me Nami-san maybe one day I can buy a phone and talk with you anytime

That is true but seeing someone irl is kind of different from talking to them on the phone, especially if you're so busy you can only text

@DR2 is right, even though it's true that they can talk to eachother on the phone, but in reality, it would just be awkward, unless you were quite the chatter, or the two were so lovey dovey they'd call everyday just to hear eachother's voice. a lot of people i was so close to them(even best friends) when life forced us to seperate, even though we promised to keep in contact and call every now and then, we didn't actually do it. phone calls are just a really bad way of keeping in touch.

last edited at Sep 6, 2018 8:48PM

Yuri Moyou discussion 06 Sep 18:35
joined Jan 7, 2018

Y-YoU'Ve DoNE HanDsHolDinG?! and you want to smooch on top of that?? what a thirsty slut!!

insert obligatory hand holding joke

0Ne does not simply ignore the filthy act that is HaNdSuh0LdiNgu that yuri manga are trying to shamelessly spread!!

last edited at Sep 6, 2018 6:47PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

I demand a series, preferably 100 chapters long at least with insane amounts of handsholding.
i also think mugi has a fussing fetish.

last edited at Sep 6, 2018 5:59PM

Image Comments 04 Sep 15:29
joined Jan 7, 2018

^just imagine calling your friend like that out loud in public.

joined Jan 7, 2018

God bless Harumachi, he/she can easily compete with mira's stories in terms of "yuri hentai with plot", though i prefer harumachi stories because of their dark atmosphere, corrupted characters and " is it really happy?" endings. the art and the sex scenes are glorious.

btw, i really hate this "yuri that includes men is improper/unpure" idea. not every yuri story that includes men has to be ntr or cheating. men also can be useful characters to support the yuri relationship(e.g prunus girl, joou-sama) not just as plot devices! one of the reasons why i hate this, is because when someone says "they're lusting after eachother because they don't interact with men!" though that might be the case considering how the first yuri works appeared in
history back when girls are forced to be put in catholic schools to learn to become good wifes in the future..etc but now it's different, but unfortunatly, most yuri authors cling to this concept and that's why almost all yuri works are set in girls-only schools/literally contain no men, because if they tried to include only one male it will instantly be turned to love triangle/ntr/supporting the guy/guys are evil! shitty dramas. yuri authors seriously need to let go of this conception and produce yuri works that can coexist with the male gender. even yaoi is able to do that! though that's a different story. maybe then we could get less-cliche stories without all these "it's just a phase/sex between girls is just fooling around/b-but we're both girls!" bull perhaps? i know many people might disagree with me but that's just my opinion.

What is "I won't give up on the people of this world" supposed to mean? From what I can tell, the Demon King's plan to eradicate humanity is shaping up to be a smashing success, and Isuzu apparently has no problem with being his pawn

i think that's what she wanted all along? she reincarnated into a curse that wants the world to become a place where men are corrupted and sex between women is glorified.

last edited at Sep 2, 2018 8:56PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

[...] keeping the het tag is really an unfair thing to do, don't you think?

Tbh if this wasn't tagged Het, all these

i bet most people dropped this manga because of the het tag

people probably would've lost their shit at the first chapters, so I think it might be for the best.

i guess you're probably right(still wasn't a reason for them to prevent uploading it), but now the het tag has no use, though i already lost interest and i don't care anymore if they remove it or not.

and btw, Mankitsu scans, i hope that you're working on the last 3(or4?) chapters, you're my last hope T_T
joined Jan 7, 2018

Just pointed that the article you're using as a trustworthy source isn't really consistent. I chose examples that are all around, that was the point. In one there's a (ignored) confession, another has the girls basically married, but without a word being confirmed, and so on.

About the tagging (in Dynasty), sure, if you want to go technical, you probably may say that many of the works don't qualify as yuri genre (for which it's possible many works that even have confessions wouldn't qualify), but Yuri is used here to indicate the content of a given work, specifically, that there's a female that has romantic and/or sexual feelings for another female. It's also worth mentioning that yuri crush, as a dynasty tag, is not synonymous with "one-sided love", which still falls into yuri.

well, in the end it occurs to me that everyone have their own definition of yuri, and there isn't really a single consistent definition.
i was just being general so i can prove why this manga doesn't deserve the het tag. i don't have a problem with how dynasty yuri tag works here since most of them at some point contain yuri. however, het tag is another story, you have to be careful with that. many people here instantly run away at the sight of a het tag, and i bet most people dropped this manga because of the het tag(see the previous comments) and because it doesn't show the yuri until a couple of chapters later. heck, even the rest of the chapters which yuri gets strong and obvious in were uploaded here just recently, so not a single chance was given to this manga. after all that, keeping the het tag is really an unfair thing to do, don't you think?

last edited at Aug 28, 2018 11:56PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

it seems they just threw in that section any work that had subtext moments or at least 1 lesbian girl, like for real, do you consider maria holic a yuri??! just because the main girl is a lesbian, i'm not sure if she came to love the trap but because the show was obviously hinting towards it i dropped the show. the same goes for mikagura gakuen, ben-to and railgun, like i said, a lesbian character doesn't mean the show is yuri. Yuyushiki, Kiniro Moasic and saki aren't even tagged yuri here on dynasty. Azumanga daioh and non non byori are tagged here as yuri crush, not yuri. Hibike! eupho, attack on titan, a-channel, sabagebu and chuunibyou are all plain subtext. can you even call inuxboku and seikon no qwaser subtext idk. i haven't watched pmmm, ccs, nanoha yet so idk if they are just another subtext, but based on your reply it seems they are just yuri crush with no confessions or canon couples.

last edited at Aug 28, 2018 9:53PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

so as you see, NO, a girl simply having feelings for another girl isn't yuri [...]

Yet, the same article you used as source considers PMMM yuri, so they clearly don't consider a confession to be essential.

this is the wiki page for pmmm and as you see the genres, no they don't consider it yuri.

[...] but if you checked other manga websites, you'd see that even the most obvious yuri works here, they are not tagged as yuri there(Futari Monolouge, Yuzumori-san, Swap Swap..etc), though you might see the shoujo ai tag.

The usage of "shoujo ai" for works that aren't "yuri enough" for whomever is tagging, though, needs to be terminated with extreme prejudice.

i don't like the shoujo ai tag either, they even tagged citrus and netsuzou trap as shoujo ai on mal lol even though any dumb idiot would know they are yuri works, at this point, i don't know what kind of show is yuri enough for them to tag it as yuri.
edit: just checked mal, it seems the yuri and yaoi tags don't exist on this "international" website, it looks like they don't consider yuri as an official tag.

last edited at Aug 28, 2018 9:04PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

The same way loving girl without confession is not yuri? Sorry pal, but it doesn't work like that. It isn't about expressing feelings, but what those feelings are. As long as character is lesbian and/or have feelings for other girl, that is yuri. The same way they don't have to accept their confession, for it to count as yuri. Soooo, you answered yourself 1 month ago.

even though i'm really tired of these types of arguments, i'll have to reply to you since this manga is one of my favs.
firstly, let's go back to Yuri's actual definition(acording to wiki):

Yuri (百合, "lily"), also known by the wasei-eigo construction Girls' Love (ガールズラブ gāruzu rabu),[3] is a Japanese jargon term for content and a genre involving lesbian relationships in manga, anime, and related Japanese media.[4][5] Yuri focuses on the sexual orientation or the romantic orientation aspects of the relationship, or both, the latter of which is sometimes called shōjo-ai by Western fandom.[6]

so as you see, NO, a girl simply having feelings for another girl isn't yuri, you may argue that it is a yuri crush or shoujo ai, but it is totally not yuri, yuri is a RELATIONSHIP not a feeling, and the same is that if a girl simply had feelings for a boy, without any drama or confession, it is not called Romance. if so, then we would've seen most of anime shows tagged with yuri or romance just simply because they have characters that have love interests, but that is not the case.

However, since dynasty reader is a yuri focused website, it is normal to see a manga tagged with yuri even though it doesn't have a proper confession or relationship, just 1 lesbian girl is enough for dynasty to tag as yuri(and that's one of the reason why a lot of arguments occurs in this website on this matter), but if you checked other manga websites, you'd see that even the most obvious yuri works here, they are not tagged as yuri there(Futari Monolouge, Yuzumori-san, Swap Swap..etc), though you might see the shoujo ai tag.

You might tell me "based on you what you've said, it is normal for dynasty to het tag works to warn readers and to distinguish yuri from non-yuri"
well, if this was Kodomo no jikan or happy end discussion, then i would've agreed. but for this manga, you can't het tag it to warn users of het romance or het endings, this one clearly ended with yuri, not even a confession or a kiss or any het fucks were given, and if you look at other works, like "the feelings we must all endure" which i've recently started reading it, even though it clearly has a straight girl that is dating a guy who she also had sex with, it is not tagged as het! which i may agree because she realized she was a lesbian and that she loves that other girl which also possibly ended with yuri but i'm not sure i'm not done with it yet, however, manga like "Toumei na Usui Mizuiro ni" even though it ended with yuri i agree on tagging it as het since it deals with a love triangle relationship that involves a boy, i also don't think the mods would hesitate to remove the yuri tag or replace it with yuri crush tag if this manga ended with het(see for reference kodomo no jikan tags). anyway, this manga is not popular to the point i had my yuri tag suggestion refused two times until they finally decided to tag it as yuri after i complained, and i doubt they'd bother to remove the het tag.

last edited at Aug 28, 2018 8:31PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

DC3 July 22, 2018 6:34PM
the het tag remains a mystery to me to this day.

DC3 June 22, 2018 10:41PM
... a girl having feelings for a boy isn't het for me until they confess to each ...

You already answered yourself, precisely a month before you said that, ahaha

and also, my kind friend, can you remove my current username from your quote as i'm planning to change it since i'm hiding from an evil het organization which has discovered my secret identity through this username.

last edited at Aug 27, 2018 11:58PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

last edited at Aug 27, 2018 11:38PM

Killing Me! discussion 23 Aug 13:52
joined Jan 7, 2018

What a shocking news! damn. i was looking forward to this manga the most. it was so promising. no author would suddenly cancel their series and ruin their reputation unless something really really bad happens to them. i mean, if it is a financial problem they could put it on hiatus! even if the magazine refuses they could move to another one i'm sure there are other magazines willing to publish this manga since it's fairly popular and has it's own fans. i really hope the author is doing fine and hopefully some miracle happens that will allow them to continue their work.

last edited at Aug 23, 2018 1:53PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

Lol we are yuri fans, you think we aren't used to get our hopes up for nothing already?

lol you're right my comrade. we yuri fans have been to many wars of disappointments and let-downs. now we've became invulnerable and nothing shall stop us from shipping girls and getting our hopes crushed again
but even though we are tough, we have to be smart too. it turns out that this author's drawings(beside this manga) are like 99.97% het or aimed towrads males porn. though that doesn't necessarily means they don't like or wouldn't add yuri to their manga, but still, i would've put my yuri goggles if they at least drew or wrote some yuri(just like Nettaigyo author).

we might get one or two scene, or even a kiss if her friend was bold, but that's just it. besides, just like the guy above said what Neeko needs now isn't romance, SHE NEEDS A JOB. and her friend will notice that and help her and then Neeko will find a job because of her friend's help and then she will fall in love and confess to her and yay happy end.

on a side note, this manga is painful to read o_o, reminds me of Watamote.

last edited at Aug 22, 2018 10:20PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

Transfer student trope: checked
Cute innocent looking girls doing violent stuff and killing: checked
overpowered mysterious cute girl who also happens to be the aforementioned transfer student who also happens to be interested in MC fir for some reason: checked
Assassins "school" where cute girls are trained as weapons for some reason: checked

Yeah.. I suspect I'll pass on this one

people really still think that cliche=bad -_-
joined Jan 7, 2018

i never read yaoi but if it's a trap it is always interesting so i'm fine with it lol(enjoyed prunus girl)

Itchy discussion 20 Aug 14:40
joined Jan 7, 2018

so kyuuute!! omg.
last page! "Sneezing Precognition" ♥~(◡﹏◕✿)
joined Jan 7, 2018

Again, no, unless the mods delete all your messages manually and also edit every single instance in which your username shows up

well, i guess it can't be helped then.

What do you want it changed to?


last edited at Aug 15, 2018 8:29PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

It won't, unless the mods decide to edit every single instance in which your username shows up.

welp, that's indead a problem, what about deleting the account? won't that delete them?
i want a sure answer.

last edited at Aug 15, 2018 7:02PM

Image Comments 15 Aug 18:50
joined Jan 7, 2018

just in case you didn't know, love hotels in japan usually looks like castles,UFOs,boats..etc and inside the hotel everything ia digitized, meaning you can enter the hotel, pay and exit without necessarily having to interact with any people. search youtube for more information.

last edited at Aug 15, 2018 6:51PM
joined Jan 7, 2018

so i requested some time ago for my username to be changed but it seems that i was ignored. so i'm here to ask again. and since i'm on the suggesting thread it'd be rude to write a comment without suggesting something so i'll suggest adding a "request a username change" option in the profile settings :p

k sry plz change ma name

edit: however, i'm wondering if changing my username will also change my old one in all the previous quotes("username" posted) it'd problematic for me if those also didn't change to my new username. to clarify more, i want this username to be wiped off this site lol(just a personal matter)

last edited at Aug 15, 2018 6:09PM