Eaven pregnant has smaller chichis (boobs) than Meiling... poor Sakuya XD
So cuteeee!!!!
Great colors and composition :3
Tracer is still the queen of her yuri harem!!!! XD
I like this pairing, in general i love age and size gaps :3 also got to like proactive lolis XD
It's joke!! Wait Dia it's joke! It's jooookeeee!!!! Zawa Zawa... thats the lines i imagined XD
So it isn't selfcest??
Zetsi :3
^Chara rara chara rara (kiss! kiss!)
Saber extra is best saber
This is foookyyngu awesome!!!!! It's like schrodinger's yuri: inside this "yuri flag" is a Mari, is the Mari confident or is she about to cry? XD tmfly= genious
^Wil Wheaton=Shia Labeouf... NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Tons of great ships in thous fire emblem games... too bad nothing canon
^This is my head head canon!!!!!
^ i'm guessing a mouse
Now, that is much better
I like HonokaXeveryone XD
It's like "the real OTP God tier edition" XD
Nah! Totally normal, i mean, if it was between only girls
A match made in heaven!